Cause you asked Annie Camacho. You and I should know the word, - TopicsExpress


Cause you asked Annie Camacho. You and I should know the word, ~ Ighili = Picked on / Bwosch = Mind set to review a complicated issues...... simply add to Ighilibwosch and that s the meaning of hes name..... In Refaluwasch Ighilibwosch = Aramas kewe reghi rong o ngaaw iwe e angmwaat ebwe shaashal kapas ewewe schagh llol shaalshaal mee Iitang. In English Ighilibwosch = A very proficient person inhered a skillful ability to picked into and translate deep strong (Good and Bad) discussion into simplified term. Note: Ighilibwosch a powerful local Magician (sorcery) who could inflict strong magical spell. A great story of him I acquired while growing up. Ighilibwosch was one of the most fearsome local magician (Rrong) person who travel most of the Pacific Islands as evident by his tattooed legs depicting his frequent travel. On his legs, each twin set of tattooed Dolphins indicate an islands and Mans house (Uutt) he is attached to. Long lose was one of his magic fending Hip Rop called Kkaleegh, he will always wear around his waist when attending a meeting. He rightfully acquired this Kkaleegh which could fend off bad spell (Affeer) from other strong magician from Yap island. Said so strong and powerful wicket (ed) could spell damage and dead... His Sea Horn a Crowley seashell (Saawee) my father kept, and later taken by someone when he (my Dad) past away (died) in 1972. The Saawee was said to reviewed and forecast prediction of the weather. It was said that all his magic (Rrong) knowledge was inhered to him from a very powerful magnificent so strong magics (Rrong) knowledge was from Yap island who dare him to drink his magic knowledge (Peerel Bwai ) hanging container made from bamboo containing a strong spoiled slimy liquid so horrible that was said only those who dare to drink and swallow it empty will possess all his magic power. With this being said. You could only imagine what he did. In his lifetime. He left behind a trailing unique unilateral bravery service as a servant accomplishing mitigation balance among different Refaluasch clans and Uutt to different chiefs who ran and implement affairs in the Marianas as well as throughout the Micronesian district. In one of his greatest story told by people who saw him through his life time. The whole Micronesia once used to come together on Saipan and mixed in competition on many games. In one instant in a matched between Saipan Giants and Palau. Palau was leading in score while Saipan team were ways behind due to striking out and tagged out at the first base leaving them with zero 0 score. Many who saw the playoff knew a spell was inflicted upon the Saipan player. Under the Manager of our late Tata Antonio (Alamwaar) Rogolifoi, team couched by late Tata Enrique M. Itibus. A group led by a true fastest hard ball pitcher late John Itibus Mettao with first base catchers (Home base stopper) the late brothers Oloifit and Antonio S. Limes. A short stopper the late Happy Rogopes Romolor. Tata Antonio (Alamwaar) Regolifoi sanction Ighilibwosch to raffle this playoff and review telltale of what was happening to the game. Ighilibwosch raffled the game and instructed the messenger to informed Tata Antonio Alamwaar to observed closely the two old Palauan gentlemen sitting directly across the first base and chew on the herb hed given the messenger and spitted behind the two gentlemen to reversed the spell of their own. In that instant, the Saipan team advances to win that game. The team remain undefeated and continue defending their unloosing title record til graduation from school with some returning to the Northern Islands ending their ballgame carrier getting married. In concluding this story. Ighilibwosch was a very wise person who remain a very mysterious old man with many untold stories who later died on Saipan I belief sometimes around the early part of 1960. /S/ Inokita .......Story relaid by Ghatilyong.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 21:26:40 +0000

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