***Caution!!!*** I repeat myself many times through out this - TopicsExpress


***Caution!!!*** I repeat myself many times through out this explanation...I do so because it is THIS SIMPLE!...AND NEEDS TO BE DRILLED INTO THE HEADS OF YOU BELIEVERS! Mark Dice is a tool just like Jim Carrey, Bill Gates and Bloomberg..ALONG WITH ALL THE OTHER ASSHOLES IN ENTERTAINMENT. They are there to mock the masses and belittle our intelligence. History is wrapped into all of these messages...it has nothing to do with an actual religion when you look at it from the perspective of the elite who rule the world through covert means of MSM and entertainment. We are officially in the Age of Aquarius after all. Just like Judaism was incorporated into Christianity when it was invented to control a marginalized part of the population. We will see the new emergence of yet another religion incorporating all previous religions. This is just the way its done when the earth enters a new age. In another 2000+ years it will happen again and people residing will scratch their heads just as clueless Christians everywhere are doing now. With the bullshit the Pope is spewing its a wonder more people havent caught on yet...that the joke is on us and religion is merely there as an illusion and to keep us from discovering what the elite are doing to us and our planet. WE ARE SIMPLY LIVING ONE SMALL FRACTION OF THE GREAT AGE THAT IS 26K YEARS LONG...WE HAPPEN TO BE IN THE AGE OF AQUARIUS...IN 2K YEARS IT WILL BE THE AGE OF CAPRICORN...THE AGE OF PISCES IS GONE NOW...HENCE THE FISH SYMBOL!!! God really has nothing to do with religion...and religion is merely an invention by greedy assholes to keep the majority of us in line. Jim Carrey is basically turning it into a mockery and straightforwardly making fun of the conspiracy theorists. Baphomet is another invention to make people believe the Illuminati is satanic. Its all bullshit and they are just greedy and all of this crap is yet another illusion to keep peoples lips flapping about things that really dont matter to the globalist elite. Its kind of like a comic book brought to life. People such as Carrey are merely spewing the same crap the pope spews...it keeps everyone confused and not sure which way to go now. It leaves many vulnerable and easily manipulated at this point...but hey, ITS FOOTBALL SEASON AND WE GOT TAIL GATE PARTIES TO THROW! https://youtube/watch?v=G9-XDTWVhX4
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 18:23:25 +0000

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