Caution: Language NSFW or kids You know things are terrible, - TopicsExpress


Caution: Language NSFW or kids You know things are terrible, when a crowd tries to express gratitude, and is met with this kind of vitriol - FROM THE PERSON THEY ARE THANKING! The whole thing starts, because she cant stand applause during a meeting, which seems to be in direct conflict with Board policy BK (Civility Code), which includes the statement, It is not the intent of the Board to deprive any person of his or her right to freedom of expression. If a teacher had an outburst like this, it could be grounds for dismissal, as educators are required to maintain cordial relationships with the home, parent(s) and community, according to Board policy. Though that policy doesnt apply to Board members, there are several others she should be held to, based on her display of temper & profanity: BK 4. Refrain from behavior that threatens or attempts to disrupt school or school district operations; physically harms someone; intentionally causes damage; employs loud or offensive language,gestures, or profanity; or inappropriately shows a display of temper. BBBA: The duties of an individual Board member shall be as follows: 6. To represent the Board and the school system to the public in such a way as to promote both interest and support; BBD In order to promote school-community interaction relating to the policy and operation of the schools, the Board will: 2. Direct all school employees, including teachers, administrators and support service personnel to participate in good school-community interaction by b. Seeking ways to improve school-community relations. If the parents accounts of their complaints are accurate (I have no reason to believe otherwise), the entire board has violated policy BCBI (Appeals and Appearances Before the Board) and CH (Complaints under the Americans with Disabilities Act) by not appropriately addressing the complaints: Civility Code:
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 04:42:39 +0000

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