Caution and warning to all terrorist groups plaintiffs that they - TopicsExpress


Caution and warning to all terrorist groups plaintiffs that they Brothers Muslims what Tqtaosh rope reached out and kinship because de last chance for you and then you will Tsttiau live in the center of this nation pure and not beloved Egypt only Loya Brothers bad and evil, Btaloa Takarev and hallucinations, will not allow you to the people of Egypt will notruthless any dog Khan Egypt sought to corruption in its territory or split any salaciousness and order with the countries of NATO colonial unclean dogs and will eliminate any dog you tempted to tamper with the land and soil of Egypt, security and stability and the people of Egypt in the ligament, God willing, will not allow you these fantasies impossible, will succeed disappoint God despicable your hopes and your God lookout, and finally brought the trial and remorse and the curse of God on the conspiracy against Egypt
Posted on: Wed, 28 Aug 2013 11:22:20 +0000

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