Cautioning Saints vs. Casting Stones: The Difference. Around - TopicsExpress


Cautioning Saints vs. Casting Stones: The Difference. Around America I (Paul) am known as Abigail Millers husband. If our family is known for anything, its my wifes beautiful Christian music. And because of that music we have over 2,200 Facebook friends. In addition to being a wonderful songwriter and wife, she is a mother to 10 children. That keeps her pretty busy and, for the most part, off Facebook. She peeks in from time to time, but rarely comments. I, on the other hand, have chosen to use our Facebook page, with all those music-loving friends and family, to try and hammer our biblical truth and eradicate the sacred cows of fundamentalism. Have I been successful? Youd have to ask the many who post. Most here, from their comments in public and private, seem to enjoy and appreciate the Just Thinking questions and other news items and issues I post. There are some who dont see things from my viewpoint, and while they are in the minority, they are welcome and their voice is equal with everyone else. Since the beginning I have wanted this to be an open forum for ideas. But since this is my Facebook page, I will assert that at the top, if you will, the prevailing worldview if that of a conservative, Bible-believing Christian. That means that my opinion, if expressed, will come from that position. There are those here who have found such a conservative position too restrictive. They prefer the imagined liberty they have in Christ. The liberty to basically do what they want without restraint. (Im still looking for the scriptural precedent for that, but let me stay on track here. ;-) ) Over the last month weve touched on some polarizing issues. The issue of Christians having tattoos comes to mind. And, of course, the recent debates over Hollywoods least biblical biblical movie, Noah, and whether or not a Christian should watch it based on its content. Some of the comments on these issues have been strong and there have been personal judgments made. While Im all for healthy debate, lets remember something. There is a difference between disagreement and disrespectful. The first is fine, the latter is not. Im sure I fail from time to time, but I generally try not to label people unless I have substantial proof that they are what Im labeling them to be. As for me, I want to make it very clear that many of my posts are intended to be caution flags and not casting stones. There is a difference. An extremely large portion of the New Testament is comprised of cautions by the various writers, and I think its perfectly right to caution fellow believers. (Iron sharpens iron.) The casting of stones, however, is reserved for a small few, if any. Very rarely will you see any such thing here on our wall. I realize that Im not the only opinionated person out here by any stretch. But with your welcomed opinions please be willing to step back and at least consider what the person is saying before putting them in a box that you might imagine exists. If you take a breath you might find that they dont actually fit the mold you made for them, and that they will stretch your own preconceived assumptions in a good way. I am preaching to myself also. I thank all of you who participate in these discussions. The end desire is the acquisition of pure truth and the glory of God.
Posted on: Fri, 04 Apr 2014 04:11:39 +0000

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