Cavansite a rare and hard to find crystal Cavansite only came - TopicsExpress


Cavansite a rare and hard to find crystal Cavansite only came into my life in recent years, but my treasured little ball of blue hasn’t left my beside table since. Once you have experienced the energy of Cavansite, you really can’t imagine life on Earth without it ! On a physical level, Cavansite is a hydrous calcium vanadium oxide silicate (what a mouthful), and is quite a soft mineral with a hardness of between 3-4 (Talc is 1 and Diamond is 10). The most amazing specimens for both colour intensity and high energetic resonance come from Poona in India. Cavansite is mostly found in small little ‘powder puff’ formations, which are small rosette type balls around the size of a small pea. There are numerous very small prismatic/tabular formations that extend out from the body of the rosette, creating a jagged exterior to the crystals surface. What attracts me the most to these divine little blue balls, is the intensity of their energetic field, and their ability to open a person up to the higher light octaves of their being. Cavansite’s auric field assists people in awakening and embracing their Higher Self, and from this elevated state of awareness stimulates people in taking ownership and responsibility to ‘BE’ their life’s purpose. What makes Cavansite unique, is not only does it bring people back on track who may have strayed off their path, but it also brings an awareness of authenticity to a persons actions of service, in other words it attunes souls to ‘walking their talk’ in service of self and hence humanity. On a personal level, I have used Cavansite numerous times to access the Akashic Records to gain an understanding of previous incarnations. By reflecting on the lessons or experiences learnt from past lives, a person then gains a deep sense of appreciation for the present, and is empowered to make decisions from a conscious perspective. In addition, when we are awakened through Cavansite to our unconscious beliefs that are no longer working for us, we can acknowledge their role in our soul growth, and thus release the old and welcome in a new set of conscious beliefs which are now in alignment with your souls highest purpose in this lifetime. Cavansite is a favourite crystal for many psychics or mediums, as it opens up the Pineal Gland in the centre of brain, which activates the Alta Major, Third Eye, Crown, Ear and Causal Chakras – collectively referred to as the ‘Golden Crown Diamond’. In this activated chakra synergy, a person is able to part the illusionary veil, and peer into multi-dimensional realities, in all directions of time and space. Thus a persons gifts of clairvoyance, clairaudience and mediumship are greatly enhance. The higher lightcode information that is received on activation of the ‘Golden Crown Diamond’ can then be relayed very clearly via the receiver, and Cavansite potentiates the delivery of the message free of ego, excessive mind chatter/interpretation of truths and most importantly self doubt. Thus Cavansite facilitates the expression of Divine Love. One of the most poignant, yet rarely used roles for the frequency of Cavansite, is to assist people with accessing the holographic field of potential future realities, and bringing the information into the present moment. Thus we all have the potential to literally reach into the future, view our gifts, talents, lessons and bring these wisdoms back into the present moment. This is why Cavansite is often referred to as the stone of transformation, for as we bring these new found wisdoms into the present we alter the field of creation around us, and thus are accelerating the growth/ascension of our soul’s journey. In this higher vibratory state, we are then free to access the potential future field time and time again to bring the accerated future into the present in the name of Divine Love for all. It is minerals on Earth such as Cavansite which have helped to propell the information age, the rate at which the consciousness of our planet is growing. So now that you are awakened to this blue ball of Love, what is the best way to use it ? During meditation it can be placed on the third eye, or to facilitate channelling in groups or individual sessions it is ideal to wear Cavansite over your higher heart centre within a silver crystal holder. My personal favourite however is keeping a specimen on my beside table at night or you could even place it under your pillow. This facilitates inter-dimensional dreams, and the free-flow of light language into your conscious mind. Enjoy this exquisite beauty of the blue ray light.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 11:37:27 +0000

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