Cave In the name of God the Merciful Praise be to God, who - TopicsExpress


Cave In the name of God the Merciful Praise be to God, who revealed to Abdo book did not make it crooked (1) valuable portends anything wrong with a severe twist and heralds the believers who do good that they have paid Well (2) Makthen it never (3) and threatens those who said God took a son (4) what they do of science nor to their parents grew up word that comes out of their mouths that say only a lie (5) in case you Bakha yourself on their tracks that did not believe in this modern regret (6) unto us what on earth decorations have to Nblohm Which one is the best work (7) and Anna Jaalon what it Saida Gerza (8) or calculated that the owners of the Cave and the Inscription were of our signs screamed (9) as shelter the young to the cave they said, Lord , give us from Thy mercy and prepare for us from our rational (10) Vdharibna to their ears in the cave years a number (11) then Bosnahm to know any bipartisan counted because they remain even -term (12) we lack you Nbohm right they fangled believed in their Lord and Zdnahm Huda (13) and connecting us to their hearts as they they said, Lord , Lord of heaven and earth will not call on without God we have said if prohibitive (14) of these folks have taken without gods, nor come to them with authority between it darker who invents a lie against Allah (15) Taking Aatzltamohm and worshiped except Allah Vooa to the cave publish your Lord of mercy and prepares you commanded facility (16) and see the sun if Talaat Tzaur from their cave to the right and if alienated loans out of the north they are in the gap than that of the ayatollahs of the guide for God is Mahtd it misleads you will not find him and Leah guide (17) and counted by awake while they were asleep and Nqlbhm with left and right , and their dog extender arms Balusid if seen them Lulit them to escape and filled them with fear (18) as well as Bosnahm to ask themselves , including man who said them how to tarried told Butna day or some days they said your Lord knows best what tarried Fabosoa of you Borkkm this to the city , so let ye purer food Vlaotkm Brozk him and subtle and do not feel welcome anyone (19) , they have to show you Ergmokm or Ieidokm in their religion will not prosper If you never (20) as well as Oosrna them to know that Gods promise right and that time is no doubt as to quarrel among them ordered them they said, Build them edifying Lord knows them said those who won the ordered them to Ntakzn them a mosque (21) will say three fourth, their dog and say five Sadshm their dog stoning unseen They say seven Thamnhm their dog say Lord knows Badthm what to teach them , but a few do not Tamar them only unquestionable visible nor Tsf , including at least one (22) nor Tcoln for something I will do it tomorrow (23) except that it pleases God and remember your Lord if you forget and say it may be that Ahdan RBI to the nearest from this rational (24) and they stayed in their Cave three hundred years, and increasing in -nine (25) Say God knows how long they stayed him unseen of the heavens and the earth, saw him and hear what to them without a guardian does not involve anyone in his (26) and recite what has been revealed to you from the book Lord There is no changing his words will not find without Mmelthadda (27) and be patient with yourself who call on their Lord morning and evening, seeking his face no longer eyes them want to embellish life do not obey of disregarding his heart mentioned and follow a whim and was ordered in bulk (28) and tell right from your Lord is willing Vlaamn and whoever wishes , let him disbelieve , surely we used the wrong-doers fire took their Sradgaha though Istgathoa Agathoa water Kalmhl grilling faces evil drink and worsened Mrtfaqa (29) those who believe and do good deeds do not waste the reward of the best work (30) , for them Gardens of Eden beneath them rivers solve the bracelets of gold and dressed vegetables from Sondos and brocade Reclining where the couches Yes reward and improved Mrtfaqa (31) and smite them , for example, two men made us one of them two committees of grapes and Hvvnahma sift and made their planting (32) both the gardens paid off and did not remedy something from him and blown through which a river ( 33) and had a fruit , he said to his companion , a dialogued Im more of you money and dearest Navarra (34) and entered his committee , which is unfair to himself said , I think that exterminate this never (35 ) and I think time list While echoed to the Lord for Ojdn good ones Menklba (36) said to him owner is dialogued Okvrt Him who created you from dust, then from a sperm and then miswaak man (37) we would have is God, my Lord and do not share with Barbie one (38) but not as it entered the paradise I said what God wills not only in God that ring I am less you wealth and children (39) deeds, my Lord, that Aatin better than paradise and sends them thunderbolt from the sky becomes Saida slippery (40) or become discharged Gora you can not have an application (41) and inform the fruit became overturn his hands on what was spent where an empty, and say I wish I did not share with Barbie anyone ( 42) did not have a class without help from God and what he was victorious (43) there is a state of God right is the best reward and the best Akabba (44) and multiply them like life as water sent down from heaven, he saw him plant the land became Hhima windy and God was on everything mighty (45 ) Money and boys embellish life and survivors good works best when the Lord reward and the best hope (46) and the day we walk the mountains and see the earth prominent and Hhernahm did not leave one of them (47) and offered to Lord description has Jitamona as We created you the first time but Zaaemtem Allen make you a date (48) and the development of the book , she believes criminals Mhfiqin making it and say, oh , and sleeping in the money this book does not leave the small and large only learns them and found what worked present nor darkens Lord one (49) as we said to the angels bow down to Adam worshiped but Satan was one of the jinn Vvsag about something Rabbo Avttakdhunh and his descendants parents of Donny they are your enemy evil wrong-doers instead (50 ) What Ohhdthm created the heavens and the earth, and do not create themselves and what you maker misleader a support (51) and day say they called my partners who Zaaemtem Vdaohm did not respond to them and made them Mobaka (52) saw the criminals shot they think they are Moaqauha did not find her bank (53) and I have spent in this Quran for people of all like the man was nothing more controversy (54 ) and prevent people to believe as it came to them guidance and Istghafroa Lord , however, spilling the first two years , or gives them the torment previously ( 55 ) and send missionaries However, missionaries and warners and argue who disbelieve vanities to refute it right and took my signs and alerted darkness of the night (56 ) and the darkest of those who said the revelations of his Lord turned away from them and forgets what made his hands unto us to their hearts, I hold that Evgahoh in their ears and Kara even let them to guidance, you will not let themselves if ever (57 ) and RBC Ghafoor with compassion if Aaakhzhm what they have earned to hurry them suffering but their appointment will not find without a habitat (58) and those villages Ohlknahm to do wrong and made to destroy them a date (59) as Moses said to a girl will not stop until told Bahrain Mall or spend eras (60) when he reached the complex between them forgotten Hutema took to him in the sea squadron (61) when aged over said to a girl , give us our lunch has been greatly from our travel this monument (62) said, what do you think it Oana to the rock , I forgot the whale and humane , but the devil to remind him and took him into the sea screamed ( 63) said that what we have been seeking Fartda on their impact stories (64) and found a slave of worshipers gave him mercy from us and we learned from the DNA note (65) Moses said to him you follow you to have learned what I learned rational (66) said that you will not be able patience with me ( 67) and how the patient is not derogatory by the news (68) he will find me , God willing, with patience and do not disobey you something (69) said the Atbatna do not ask me for something even newer to you from a male (70) they went, even if Rkba in the ship violated said Okhrguetha to sink her family have come something MRA (71) said less pain you will not be able patience with me (72) said no Twakzni including forgotten nor Atragueni about my hardship (73) they went, even if to measure the boy , killing him , said Oguetlt breath Zakia without the same I have come to nothing commit evil ( 74 ) said less pain you that you will not be able patience with me ( 75 ) said that I asked you about something then do not Tsahbni reached from Denny Sorry (76) they went, even if they brought the people of the village Asttama people Vobwa that Bivohma and found the wall wants to invalidate the establishment said Lu you want to have taken it paid (77) said that the parting between me and thee Sonbik interpret what has been unable him Sabra (78) the ship was to the poor working in the sea I wanted to Oaebha was behind king takes every ship by force (79) and the boy was his parents are believers Fajhina that Arhgahma tyranny and disbelief ( 80 ) we wanted to Abdelhma Rabhma better than it Zakat and closer womb (81) and the wall was to Glamin orphaned in the city and was under it a treasure for them was their father valid wanted Lord be informed of their full potential and Istkhrja Kinshma the mercy of the Lord and what I did for my order that interpretation unless shines by Sabra ( 82 ) and ask you about a centuries Say I will read to you from a male (83) , surely enabled him in the ground and gave him everything a reason (84) follow a cause ( 85 ) even if it reaches the Moroccan sun, he found sets in muddy spring and found then some people said oh The centuries either to freshen up and either take them Well ( 86 ) said the injustice would torture him and then come to the Lord Faazbh punishment commit evil (87) As of safe and good work has its penalty beautiful and we will tell him hurry accessible (88) and then follow the cause ( 89 ) even if it reaches the beginning of the sun and found it rising on a people who did not make them without it Cetera ( 90 ) also have been taken with his story (91) and then follow the cause (92) , even if reached between the two dams found them a people who hardly understand a word (93) They said: O the centuries that Gog and Magog spoilers in the ground does make you went out to make between us and them dam (94) said what McNee the Lord good Voaenoni strongly make between you and them unoccupied (95) Atoni zapper iron even if equated Alsdwin said Anfjua even if make a fire , said Atoni emptied it in diameter (96) what Asitaawa to make him known and what they could have pierce (97) said that the mercy of God If the promise of my Lord, make Dca and was promised the Lord really ( 98 ) and left some of them that day in Limoges some inflatable images Fjmanahm crowd ( 99 ) and our offer of hell that day for the unbelievers a presentation (100) , who had their eyes on the cover for the anniversary , and they can not heard (101) Avhsp who disbelieve that make slaves of Donny parents , surely we used hell for unbelievers lodge (102) Say: Are Nnbikm Balokhosran works ( 103 ) who lost in their life, while they thought they would do well to ( 104 ) of those who disbelieve the revelations of their Lord and meeting Vhabtt their business not evaluate them the Day of Judgment and weight ( 105 ) that the reward is hell as unbelievers and took my signs Worsley sensual (106) those who believe and do good deeds they had Gardens of Paradise lodge ( 107 ) dwell therein are not seeking her hula (108) Say: If the sea was Madada the words of the Lord to run out of the sea before they run out of the words of the Lord , even if we came in kind terms (109) Say: I am only human , like you revealed to me , but God is one God , it was Ergoa to meet his Lord Vlieml good work and do not involve the worship of Lord Sun
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 18:56:01 +0000

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