Ceausescu isnt going to be the one to give it to them. Hostile - TopicsExpress


Ceausescu isnt going to be the one to give it to them. Hostile death by fatwa divorce policy that spawned a rape inflated, battery enabled, slave traded birth bond treasury holocaust. Shes a ho was his response to divorce papers. Shes a ho, too, (of his daughter) was his response to parentals application for support. Which he then fled, no forwarding address. A broke student, when I divorced him, his child was a teenager, when parental applied. theage.au/world/ceausescus-sorry-legacy-of-child-neglect-slowly-improving-20110122-1a0kr.html borat abandoned his joint custody at infancy, established to prevent another kidnapping, like that suffered by summas cousin. Who was also abandoned at the grandparents, and kicked out at 16, as a juvenile delinquent. His mother got him back, then - and set him up in a business. They are all making money now - and this is moral, at least preferable to returning to borats viscous viper pit. Bro asscat bastards out of that dowry, not fathered the ones, he left behind in Rumania, Turkey, Israel... borat never once offered to feed, shelter, clothe or educate his only known of child. Garnished wages provided the scholarship, and Ceausescus exiled intelligentsia, the opportunity to impose its characteristic degradation on worsening schizophrenia, like auntie Lena, and auntie rabid dog dinner in a sewer in Bucharest. She was summa cum laude upon arrival for her garnished wage degree - imposed securitate mental torture in the wests slave trade capital, was devastating for schizophrenia. He still gives her nothing, but velvet mental battery. borat never sent birthday or Christmas cards, he showed up three or four times, out of the blue, a stranger - to take her on an expense account paid trip, an accoutrement. At 16, she didnt want to go, this he calls being denied his daughter. At one point, I was taken along as a babysitter - because she did not want to go alone with him. He called the mother of the infant he kidnapped a child molester, while they molested her infant. Ceausescus exiled Turkish refugee camp kapo, who feigned idiocy in Israel for two years as a victim of his own policies. He is Jewish when conducting his genocide in Harperistan. borats kardiognoste is falsified, his genocide is real. My son has a real father, who has never abandoned him. Has offered to help pay for his post secondary education, and the courts were not necessary to prevent a kidnapping. We simply always put him first. Ahead of our differences. borat has spent thirty years, conducting death by fatwa, to deflect from his skeletal genocidal emotional quotient, falsified kardiognoste. Honor killing is always a fiscal policy, disguised as fundamentalism. press.uchicago.edu/Misc/Chicago/896861.html
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 21:42:29 +0000

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