Celebrating the Faithfulness of our God Reading: Luke - TopicsExpress


Celebrating the Faithfulness of our God Reading: Luke 1:54-55 He has helped his servant Israel, remembering to be merciful 55 to Abraham and his descendants forever, just as he promised our ancestors.” My grandma told me that in the course of a river, it gathers articles - some bad and some good. It seems to me that this illustrates the significance of the Christmas event. With time we have focused on the issues, which history has added to the celebration, like eating, drinking and acquiring new clothes among others. The complaints about bad economy and the funny suggestions that Christmas be suspended have their roots in this limited understanding of the event. However, for the first celebrants of Christmas, it was an opportunity for reflecting on the attributes (goodness) of God. For Mary, the mother of our Lord, the event was about thinking through the promises and justice (Luke 1:52-53) of God. The celebration was a responding in worship to the faithfulness of God,which she identified in Gods mercifulness to Abraham through all those who have maintained the privileged relationship with God. Her own experience as a channel towards the ultimate fulfillment of the promise God made regarding ending the reign of Satan by the Son she was going to bear was, to her, enough evidence that our God has ever been, is still being, and will definitely show Himself faithful when He closes the Chapter on the history in which we live. 1. Those who have put the trust in Him will surely be saved and vindicated (Mt. 1:21). 2. Life is not hopeless at all at every stage and in every situation when God is our trust. 3. That we should serve the part assigned us in the unfolding redemptive history God is writing. This is part of what Christmas communicates. We wish you all a meaningful Christmas, SHALOM!
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 08:14:49 +0000

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