Celebrating the passing away of Hazur Baba Sawan Singh Ji Maharaj - TopicsExpress


Celebrating the passing away of Hazur Baba Sawan Singh Ji Maharaj that happened on the 2nd April in 1948. _______________ . ♦ Sant Kirpal Singh: Hazur Sawan Singh lef us to be with us every time ♦ . Though Hazur has separated from us physically, yet in reality He is still not far away. That Power is immortal and indestructible and is still supervising the actions and guiding those initiated by Him. While ailing Hazur used to say: All the Sangat should devote more and more time to Simran and Bhajan as I get comfort thereby. And even now, in the daily internal message of the Master emphasis is laid on devoting more time to Simran and Bhajan – collectively and individually for all His followers – so that they may traverse within and meet Him inside face to face. It is therefore incumbent on all initiated by Him to take full advantage of these moments of grief and sorrow by devoting at least four hours a day to Simran and Bhajan as ordered by Him and thereby be able to fly to higher realms, talk face to face with Master, and drown their tortures of separation in the great ocean of immortal existence. The remedy for our lacerated hearts lies only with that compassionate and sympathetic Messiah. That boundless ocean of Godly Mercy is, even now, heaving up and down. That Master of Eternal Domain is keeping His doors open all the time and is calling aloud: Bring into actual experience the Great Principle - withdrawal before death. I am impatiently waiting for you to come up to me. I am nearer to you than the nearest. For those of you initiated by me it is a sacrilege and a mark of disgrace on both Love and devotion – if ye look upon anybody else as a Guru or Master-Guide. You may, however, derive benefit from the company of some awakened personality who pays a visit to me everyday. He will not misguide you, but on the contrary, will unite you with me will instil my Love in you and will strengthen the Divine Link that binds and ties you to me. Moreover, in the capacity of Guru Bhai. He shall be helpful to serve you. It is therefore clear that for those about one hundred and fifty thousand souls initiated by Hazur, the guiding Master is Hazur Himself. Consequently, all these should engage themselves in Bhajan and Simran with full faith, confidence, trust and Dhyan of Hazur alone. All these shall be looked after ultimately in the same form of Hazur. That immortal Messenger of our future betterment is continuously watching and superintending us each moment. Many disciples of Hazur Maharaj Sahib are getting Hazur’s darshan within these days and those who are thus blessed are mitigating their sorrowful hearts by talking – far more freely than ever before – face to face with Him. We all too, if we divert our attention from this mortal world and worldly connections and turn to that Master of the Divine Spring of Immortality, then Hazur, with His illimitable kindness, will – and there is no doubt about it – appear to us to bestow His darshan and enveloping us in the circle of His lighted radiance take us along to place us at the feet of the long-loved Lord. Let us raise our hands in prayer that that Fountainhead of all peace and comfort may grant patience to all those of us left behind, and inspire us with courage and strength to enable us to fly to Hazur in higher Spiritual Regions, to talk to Him and to place our heads at His feet. ~ Sant Kirpal Singh ~ Excerpt from: Life Sketch Hazur scribd/doc/202783110/Life-Sketch-Hazur scribd/doc/117733355/Hazur-Baba-Sawan-Singh-His-Life-and-Teaching Sawan Singh, His Life and Teaching, by Kirpal Singh. This document also includes, The Twelve Months of Separation -- The Bara Maha -- Poems by Kirpal Singh Addressed to Huzur Baba Sawan...
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 02:05:28 +0000

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