Celestite is a soft blue crystal, with a lovely gentle uplifting - TopicsExpress


Celestite is a soft blue crystal, with a lovely gentle uplifting vibration. While it seems on the surface to be just a sweet and gentle stone... it has a strong stimulating effect on spiritual and psychic gifts. It has strong metaphysical properties that will help you to develop the gift of prophecy... and other psychic abilities. A cluster of this lovely blue stone in your room is excellent for your emotional state as it is calming and uplifting. It aids mental clarity as it clears and sharpens mental faculties. This mineral is also known as Celestine. How can you use this very beneficial stone to use to elevate your spiritual growth, and will it aid you to contact your guardian angels? Where Does It Come From ... Celestite Meaning Celestite has been found In Libya, Egypt, Madagascar, Peru, Mexico, Britain and Poland. Its color range is blue, white, golden, yellow and red.The blue clusters or tumblestones are the most common stone available. Although some of the others may be powerful stones for metaphysical purposes, they may be more difficult to acquire.The meaning of its name comes from the Latin coelestis, meaning heavenly, referring to the lovely blue color of these stones. The Mineral Celestite ... This Crystals Properties Celestite Crystals aid you to contact your guardian angels. These crystals are a soft blue color and have a high vibration, that is excellent to use in meditation. Their energy is both calming and uplifting, and will aid contact with angels, and help to stimulate the birth of psychic gifts. The soft blue color of these stones is delightful... and they are beautiful both physically and spiritually. Their lovely energy is immediately apparent when you pick one up. Most of the pieces on the market are Celestite clusters... with less single pieces being availabl The stone is so beautiful to look at and its energy is sweet and harmonious... yet it packs a spiritual punch... which is something of a surprise. This mineral allows you access to the higher transpersonal chakras... and via the crown chakra you open the soul star chakra. The eighth chakra is the source of Divine wisdom... and utilizing this area can aid you in the journey towards ascension and supreme enlightenment. At the same time it will open the third eye... and this may stimulate psychic clairvoyant visionary abilities... while helping you to discover your spirit guide, contact your guardian angel, and helping to develop the gift of prophecy. This is a stone for spiritual advancement... and very much a part of your personal journey. This is about making contact with the angels... and in particular with the angel who is your guardian throughout life. All of these higher three chakras have a role in promoting the development of any psychic abilities, so by stimulation of all three at once, you are likely to find that these gifts and some others may develop. Can You Use It For Connecting With Angels? To aid you to begin the process of connecting with angels, keep a cluster of this lovely stone close to you, or keep a piece on your body... or do both. Once you have learned easy meditation ideas... keep it close to you, such as in your lap, during meditation. It has a strong and quite beautiful vibration that will help to connect with the angels and other members of the angelic realms... especially your guardian angel. Celestite also elevates you to the area where you may access Divine healing... and its vibration will allow you to more easily make contact with your spirit guides. There are many other side benefits that may come through during use, such as calming anger and creating patience and serenity. It has the potential to also aid with dream recall... and may make your cells open to healing from the angels. Its energy while you sleep imbues you with a positive vibration, that will stay with you in the morning. It is extremely emotionally supportive and an aid in cleansing your etheric field. This is a stone for anyone and everyone to use... but in particular healers may like to have a piece of this stone in their healing room. This lovely mineral exudes a lovely positive healing vibration... and will also help to clear negative energy... and has the healing qualities of assisting the lungs and breathing. Who Should Use It It is easy to buy Celestite... including small natural pieces and tumbled stones. If you do find that you are able to get a piece of the stone it is beneficial to keep a piece on you, and you may also like to have one of the lovely clusters in the room. Using a piece of Celestite would benefit anyone who wants to elevate their spiritual development and/or their psychic abilities. This is a crystal that is powerful to use... yet sweet, soft and serene... so it seems easier to utilize its energy. They are a high crystal energy stone and their vibration is amazing. I have bought many pieces of this mineral, and I like small pieces as well as large, as it is an advantage to be able to hold it in my hand or wear a piece on my body
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 05:54:21 +0000

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