Celestite is a very powerful stone. It emits a very high - TopicsExpress


Celestite is a very powerful stone. It emits a very high vibration and can be used to restore the inner balance. It helps to integrate instinct with consciousness. To those on a spiritual path celestite marks the direction, facilitates insight, and helps expand the mind. Celestite has not only the ability to clarify and center the mind, it also purifies the heart. It helps dispel worries, solve conflicts, and restore harmony in difficult circumstances. Relationships that are at the turning point may profit from this properties as the stone seems to create a perfect climate for reflection. It helps to find a creative solution to the conflict and facilitates communication. It helps to think and articulate clearly. Celestite also helps to analyze and comprehend complex concepts. Artists, writers, and musicians may find new inspiration as well as new ways to connect with the outside world. Thanks to its high vibrational force, celestite is an excellent stone for healing. It helps to heal emotions and opens the heart to love and self-love. On physical plane, celestite helps to reduce the pain and initiate detoxification. It has the capacity to heal the eye and ear conditions. It helps relax stiff and aching muscles. Celestite can be used to cure insomnia since it has the ability to calm the mind and relieve anxiety. Blue celestite is associated with the throat chakra and can be used to alleviate problems in the throat and neck area. The stone opens the throat chakra and balances energy flow there. Celestite has also been used traditionally to heal wounds and to heal digestive disorders. The healing takes place on a quantum level and there is nothing magical about it. We are bodies of energy immersed in vibrational universe and celestite is a perfect energy conductor.
Posted on: Sun, 04 Aug 2013 18:09:28 +0000

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