Center for Global Justice presents: Film: Charles Ferguson’s - TopicsExpress


Center for Global Justice presents: Film: Charles Ferguson’s “Inside Job” on Tuesday Aug. 13 at 11:00am in Teatro Santa Ana. 60 pesos Talk: “The Austerity Hoax and Global Class War” by Betsy Bowman on Wednesday Aug. 14 at 11:00am in Sala Quetzal. 60 pesos Film discussion: Oliver Stone’s “Untold History of the United States” Thursday Aug. 15 at 11:00am in Teatro Santa Ana. 60 pesos **** Tuesday 11:00am **** INSIDE JOB “Inside Job” describes in detail the breath-taking fraud and astonishing risks taken in the stock markets that occurred over a number of years after the crash culminating in the economic crisis of 2007-08. Many of the inside players became excessively wealthy; far many more lost their job, home, and life savings. The U.S. government bailed out the banks, financial institutions, insurance companies and even the auto industry to the tune of $9.2 trillion U.S. dollars. But not one banister went to jail. That many are guilty of fraud is undeniable. The U.S. tax payer is now being asked to forego promised Social Security pensions and Medicare, as well as losing out on many government sponsored programs in order to pay the debt racked up to bail-out the wealthiest people in the U.S. Those who should go to jail get a golden parachute. We who were abused and robbed are robbed again to pay the bill through austerity programs that threaten our very standard of living. Ferguson interviews lobbyists, traders, stock brokers, regulators, government officials, Deans of Business schools, professors of Economics, the New York State Attorney General, and others to lay out his indictment of those responsible for the economic crisis of 2007-08. Whether we call it the Great Recession or simply the greatest economic crisis since 1929, it still isn’t over. We are living with the repercussions and will continue to do so for years go come. Who was responsible? Who should be paying? Why did the banks get a bail out and we got a pink slip? **** Wednesday 11:00am **** THE AUSTERITY HOAX AND GLOBAL CLASS WAR Betsy Bowman, co-founder of the Center for Global Justice will turn her critical eye on the calls for austerity in the context of the financial institutions that have brought the global economy to near collapse and now want us to pay for their recklessness. Financial institutions and bond holders are demanding that governments impose austerity measures directly lowering the quality of life of people around the world so that governments can divert tax revenues from social services such as hospitals to pay interest on loans, bonds, etc. Much of Europe is up in arms. In the US, yet again, we hear the familiar call to curtail or end Social Security and Medicare – this time disguised as calls for austerity. Given the magnitude of the theft of the bankers and financial institutions over the last ten (twenty? fifty?) years, and the forced diversion of tax revenues to pay interest to bankers and financial institutions instead of spending tax revenues on the needs of the people, is the call for austerity legitimate? How should we the people respond to this demand to lower our quality of life? **** Thursday 11:00am **** UNTOLD HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES – REAGAN President Reagan is often credited with winning the Cold War. He is also the president who began the dismantling of Roosevelt’s New Deal. Episode 8 of Oliver Stone’s “The Untold History of the United States” recounts this turning point in our history. This 10 part TV series looks at the birth of the US empire as it has never before been presented in the mass media. Discussion will follow the viewing.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 23:47:12 +0000

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