Central bankers are actually bitcoins greatest supporters. Every - TopicsExpress


Central bankers are actually bitcoins greatest supporters. Every time they print more money, the devalue and diminish trust in gov currencies. Read the stats, US has tripled its money supply in the last 5 years, EU doubled, and the UK increased it X4! Make no mistake, they are collapsing gov currencies. This is why were experiencing very high inflation. They pretend its deflation because they keep finding new ways to exploit workers, but look at the prices of non-electronic crap. Whats the price of milk, bread and gas doing? Gold and Silver are being manipulated by faking how much supply there actually is. Bonds will obviously be useless if the currency isnt worth squat. Property is massively overpriced (wage to house ratio has never been this far out of wack). Lets see. Stocks, any big company is dependant on its limitless line of free credit- which will end. I suppose stock in a small company that actually does something smart and efficient might be safe. Bitcoin is going to keep expanding because there is nothing, NOTHING, out there that acts as a stable measure of value anymore. Which is funny, because thats what economists say is the problem with BTC. BTC has wild fluctuations now, sure, because its new and full of speculators and their extra cash. As people keep investing though, and central bankers keep driving people in, those peaks and valleys just keep getting smaller.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 14:49:59 +0000

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