Centrality of the Holy Spirit THE OPENING OF THE THIRD SEAL IN - TopicsExpress


Centrality of the Holy Spirit THE OPENING OF THE THIRD SEAL IN HEAVEN Vision Of The Black horse PART 3 The wine in Revelation During the release of the BLACK HORSE OF THE APOCALYPSE, it is obvious that the LORD God Almighty sumptuously blessed the wine-abounding church of this last dispensation. When JEHOVAH Speaks about wine, it implies wine in the spiritual sense, which essentially designates the strength and power of the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Hence, when the LORD was decreeing right from His Throne in heaven, that the oil and wine revival church be preserved, He was essentially commanding the safeguard of the Holy Spirit filled saints whose power of the anointing is making exploits for the kingdom. It is such a treasured group of saints that the LORD literally clamours for their protection from the perils that the BLACK HORSE was to unleash to the church and the nations. The promised segregation that heaven gives account of in relation to the events at the white Throne judgment of the LORD, has everything to do with this most important carving-out of the remnant wine-rich church of this hour. At the judgment seat of Christ, the LORD promises to reward people differently based on the exploits of their work; “Behold, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to everyone according to what they have done” (Rev 22:12). Right before Pentecost, the LORD promised that the Holy Spirit would visit the church from on high and hence give them power to be witnesses of Christ in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and unto the ends of the world. Witnessing for Christ Jesus therefore requires the high thoroughput of the power of the Holy Spirit because it basically involves presenting the case on behalf of the Holy Christ. Such a discipling for Christ is what will determine oneʼs reward at the judgment seat of Christ, hence requiring the counsel of the Spirit of the LORD. Daniel the Prophet in his scrolls, elaborated on the two categories that will present before the desk of rewards in heaven, when he said that the wise will shine like the brightness of heaven, while those who do serious exploits for the kingdom by converting people into the righteous image of Christ, will be like the stars eternally. Now vividly clear is the fact that, the said heavenly reward that the LORD brings in his hands, is indeed a bonus attached to the power of the new wine in the church. Just like the talents that were given out, and rewarding was subsequently based on how much each person had developed their talents, so will it be with gift of the Holy Spirit that is freely granted to the saints. Heaven will be interested in knowing who received their gift of the Holy Spirit and also used that gift to do tremendous exploits for the coming of the Messiah. The only acceptable standard measure of exploits in the Kingdom of God is the transformation of the character of the heathen into God-fearing holy christians. If this is the barometer for gauging the strength of the revival in these last days, then it must go without saying that the strength of the wine at hand is the most important attribute of a sanctified christian life. It is as though the wine of revelation chapter 6, is preserved by the LORD because it caused the bearers of it thereof, to boldly and courageously face the corridors of this dark world and literally pluck away the captives and the oppressed back into the safe sanctuary of JEHOVAH. It is such charisma that makes the wine-abounding church a treasured bride in the sight of God the Father. The eloquence of a wine-drenched church is what particularly fascinates at this critical hour. If the events at Pentecost were anything to go by, then a clear exposition of the desired effect that the LORD is nurturing in the wine-church become quite elaborate. Upon the descent of the Holy Spirit with His wine-rich power onto the apostles in the UPPER ROOM in Jerusalem, a frenzy of events ensued. It became such an act that the Godfearing people of Jerusalem quickly noticed and marvelled at. The new wine abound their countenance sparkled so bright, thus reaching afar that all people in Jerusalem began to gather around them. The first question of their tongues became, ʻare these people drunk of wine this early in the day!ʼ. In that spiritually wine-abound moment the people of Jerusalem began to realize that this people had acquired a unique power and ability to speak to many nationalities and languages and peoples about the wonders of God! And when Peter stood up under the influence of this new wine, the first of his statements were this: “Men of Israel, listen to this: Jesus of Nazareth was a man accredited by God to you by miracles, wonders and signs, which God did among you through him, as you yourselves know. This man was handed over to you by Godʼs set purpose and foreknowledge; and you with the help of the wicked men put him to death by nailing him on the cross. But God raised him from the dead, freeing him from the agony of death, because it was impossible for death to keep hold of him (Acts 2:22-24). Now it becomes very easy and simple to understand why God Almighty would be very fond of the wine-abounding church of this hour. The reason being that the wineabounding church of this season, is that church that glorifies God by testifying on the miracles, signs and wonders of His Power. Just as the new wine at Pentecost gave such a beautiful testimony of the works of God through Jesus, so will the latter wine of revelation cause todayʼs remnant bride of Christ, to give the most critically needed holy testimony of God Almighty through Christ Jesus. If at Pentecost the wine caused Peter to stand up and raise his voice, then at this season of the latter outpour, the new wine of this hour will cause those holy preserved servants of the LORD to climb up on the mountain tops and howl ʻprepare the way for He is coming,ʼ to the multitudes. In the way the wine at Pentecost removed the veil of their fear when they were hiding in the UPPER ROOM, so will the new wine of these latter days give courage to the servants of the LORD to not fear to call sin as sin, and rebuke it for a holy return to the LORD. Then in Jerusalem, the new wine caused them to not fear the authorities, principalities, all together with their enacted laws that crucified Jesus. So will todayʼs wine-anointed church rise up without fear of the authorities, principalities and their enacted laws for as long as such systems facilitate sin and evil in society. Today there is a spiritual thirst in the church for both fresh water and new wine. Water figuratively represent spiritual refreshment and hence Christ is today inviting the present-day church to drink milk, wine, and the water of life that flows from the Throne of His Father in order to be refreshed (Jn 4:14; Isaiah 55:1-2). This testifies both to heaven and the earth, a most wonderful invitation by Christ to a spiritually desolate church of today that lives in these last perilous days of great fatigue, to come out and be spiritually refreshed for free. While the church may have faced such scarcity of spiritual nourishment, the wine and milk of this hour that she is being invited to, fundamentally symbolize spiritual abundance, enjoyment and nourishment without money. Today the church of Christ has spent all her money on what is not bread and her labour in vain on what does not satisfy. The Holy Spirit has now unleashed a new wine whose act in the church is both charisma to reject fallacy and wisdom to step out of eating false bread made out of the coverings and bracts of wheat that have been separated out during threshing as chaff. And because that is not genuine bread, hence the invitation by the Holy Spirit, for the church to wake up and realize that the husk-rich gospel of prosperity she feeds on today does not satisfy. Hence the new wine of revelation is also meant to help the church regain her discernment that she may be well nourished. WEDDING WINE When the LORD Jesus on the third day visited the first century wedding on the west shores of the sea of Galilee, that feast in the Holy land, must have been a very significant event that may have gone on for days. However, while there, an embarrassing distress ensued when all of a sudden the host became unable to accord a watertight hospitality. Sound hospitality then was viewed in terms of the hostʼs capability to provide sufficient quality wine from a reknown vineyard. It was then that the LORD Jesus converted water into a wine which turned out to outmatch what people had previously been served with. While the act may have been performed at Cana of Galilee, the spiritual implication though have far reaching ramifications unto the ends of the earth, even into heaven. By this first miracle, the LORD Jesus was greatly hinting on the wedding of the Lamb of God and the latter wine in the church. Noticeably, the latter glory that the Prophet Haggai promised brings with it the new unassailable wine of this hour into the church. The power of the new wine in todayʼs church is totally invincible because, like the wine Jesus converted from water, so is it also made without the fermentation of yeast. Through the Prophet Haggai, the LORD pledged that the latter wine of this last hour would be more glorious than the former at Pentecost. This should act as a point of contention to the despondent christian of this day and age. Unmistakably then, the wine church of revelation that the LORD so greatly endears to Himself and separates out with the divine protection, is indeed the signature fingerprint of a church that has received the latter glory of the Holy Spirit. At Pentecost it was very easy to identify them from among the rest of the populace, and so here too in these days prior to rapture, it should be very evident when the christian is wine-rich. In that Galilee wedding, it became a huge social embarrassment that the host could not afford the most central beverage for entertainment (wine), and so is it a huge embarrassment today that when people come to the church they find that the wine already ran out. The church of Christ today is undergoing a humoungous social embarrassment the reason for which the LORD has now invited her to come drink the living water, milk, and new wine in order that she may save herself the embarrassment of this last hour. While repentance is in itself a humbling and at times humiliating experience, finally being left out at the rapture, and entering into hell is a much more dehumanizing experience than the former. This is then why the LORD is crying out to the church of Christ and the nations of the earth to embrace repentance for the turning away from sin. Shalom
Posted on: Thu, 04 Jul 2013 04:45:43 +0000

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