Centrality of the Holy Spirit THE OPENING OF THE THIRD SEAL IN - TopicsExpress


Centrality of the Holy Spirit THE OPENING OF THE THIRD SEAL IN HEAVEN Vision Of The Black horse (Part 4, the end) NEW WINESKIN Furthermore, in His deliberations on the new wine, JEHOVAH asserts that never will He release that refreshing power into the church, unless such a church repented of her sins and availed Him a new wineskin. It is these new vessels (new wineskin), wineskin that are now able to contain the power of the latter anointing in the church. God Almighty commanded the rider of the BLACK HORSE OF THE APOCALYPSE to protect that wine abounding church because the saints therein are the glorious vessels of honor who literally constitute the holy bride of Christ. In the old of days goats skins were built into wine-skins and used to hold the same. As the fresh grape juice from the new harvest fermented, their wine would be effervent and producing a greater new power that would often overcome the stretch strength of the old wine skins. New wine of this nature invariably always required a brand new wineskin whose elasticity had not yet been stretched. The LORD Jesus is using this to admonition todays church on her failure to embrace repentance that her youthfulness may be restored. The present-day church has largely operated in the old form that has been surely even much below the first century Pentecost church. The LORD God Almighty is hence asserting to todays church that the newness which the latter outpour brings to the church, cannot be contained by the old form of conformation and practices of the church. The old form of conformation in the church has been mainly worldly, while her old form has mostly been corrupted by the love of money. The gospel of prosperity has no capacity to hold the new wine of the latter anointing in the church. That is mainly owing to the fact that the new wine as it comes to the church today has nothing to do with wealth and healthy earthly living, but everything to do with holiness for the entry into the wedding feast of the Lamb. The current decayed and corrupt form of the church of Christ world over, and the latter anointing of todays new wine are as a matter of fact antagonistic in properties and interest. In this way, the LORD God Almighty is Saying that there is no way He will pour the new wine into todays church that is actually selling small bottles of the anointing of the Holy Spirit. These are totally two different interests, because one is squarely a business enterprise whose intent is to gather as much worldly wealth through the corruption of falsehood, while the other one is purely a holy undertaking that is meant to separate the sheep from the world. The kind of outpour currently observed in the Repentance Meetings in Kenya, are the true signature of the oil and wine revival that God intends to bless the church with. That these meetings began with a genuine repentance away from sin is an argument no man can gainsay. Repentance will always be the only way to usher in the most powerful revival of the new wine whose value is treasured by God the Father in heaven. If the power of the new wine can stretch and distend a new wineskin, then surely in the spiritual realm it would stretch the capacity of the church to receive more revival saints. The new wine revival therefore designates of people receiving the LORD and returning to righteousness and holiness. This duo strictly hold the key to entry into heaven. For I will pour water on the thirsty land, and streams on the dry ground; I will pour out my Spirit on your offspring and my blessing on your descendants. They will spring out like grass in a meadow, like poplar trees by flowing streams. One will say, I belong to the LORD; another will call himself by the name of Jacob; still another will write on his hand, the Lord, and will take the name of Israel (Isaiah 44:3-5). When talking about Israel the chosen one, JEHOVAH promised to restore them from a most destructive desolation. However, in that pledge the promise to pour water and streams was made in reference to the Messianic age as depicted in Joel 2:28 and Isaiah, 32:15. The LORD was in effect referring to the outpour of the Holy Spirit that would consume the church in these last days. Many times when Israel fell out of the will of God, tragedy befell them and the LORD subjected Israel to horrific suffering. Likewise, with the church today, the drift away from the will of God has led to a sad disgrace even among the dignitaries of the temple (priesthood) and it looks as though the church in her current state has been consigned to destruction and scorn, unless she repents. The situation that accrued in the Holy land during the time of Hosea the Prophet, appears to have faithfully replicated itself in this present house; As marauders lie in ambush for a man, so do bands of priests; they murder on the road to shechem, committing shameless crimes. I have seen a terrible thing in the house of Israel. There Ephraim is given to prostitution and Israel is defiled. By His mercies though, the LORD promised the end revival at which water would be poured on thirsty land and streams on dry ground. The massive growth of grass that follows is indeed a pointer towards a revival of healing and a symbol of luxury growth and revival in the house of the LORD. Even though currently the worldliness has caused men to be afar from God even not wanting to relate with the church, the LORD God pledges that in the advent of the oil and wine, there will be a willingness to identify with Jacob which signifies the Lords people (the church). When the LORD proclaimed that at that time many will want to write the name of the LORD on their hands it practically indicates what happens at refugee camps when refugees check in for the first time into refugee camps. Refugees are normally given a ribbon that is tied on the hands, that bears their name and number and the refugee agency, declaring responsibility and ownership over them. In the same way, when the LORD says that the oil and wine revival of the Holy Spirit would cause men to write on their hands, the Lord it implies that they would declare the Lords ownership over them. All people essentially belong to the LORD except when they rebel and drift away from His will. That act of writing on their hands, the Lord, stands for their restoration back to the LORD. The church of Christ was created with an increased propensity to receive the Holy Spirit n these last days. In Ezekiel 47:1-6, the LORD demonstrates this irrefutable capacity of the church to receive the latter glory of this hour. In that depiction though, the authority of the Holy Spirit in directing the activities of the oil and wine church is well demonstrated. This presentation urges the church to surrender herself vulnerable to the will of the Holy Spirit to the point of the river that flows, a river that the church cannot cross except to be swept in the direction of the current. The oil and wine church that the LORD God blessed at the onset of the mission of the rider of the BLACK APOCALYPTIC HORSEMAN is a church that has lost self, and has been swept by the Holy Spirit in the direction of His will. The man brought me back to the entrance of the Temple, and I saw water coming out from the threshold of the temple towards the east (for the temple faced east). The water was coming down from under the south side of the temple, south of the altar. He then brought me out through the north gate and led me around the outside to the outer gate facing east, and the water was flowing from the south side. As the man went eastward with a measuring line in his hands, he measured off a thousand cubits and led me through water that was ankle-deep. He measured off another thousand cubits and led me though water that was knee-deep. He measured off another thousand cubits and led me through water that was up to the waist. He measured off another thousand cubits, but now it was a river that I could not cross, because the water had risen and was deep enough to swim in-a river that no one could cross (Ezekiel 47:1-5). This is the life-giving Spirit of the LORD that flows from the Throne of God into the church of Christ bringing healing and life-nurturing waters. Initially, there was a river that flowed from the garden of Eden into the four ends of the wide known world. Today, that river is the flow of the Holy Spirit that God intends to inundate the church with. Therefore, the oil and wine church that JEHOVAH God blesses at His Throne-room is a church whose spiritual life has been re-nourished and re-nurtured to the extent that she is jellying up with life in contrast to all the perishing of this world. In a perishing dark world like todays, a church jellying up with luxury abundant life would indeed attract very many that are today seeking for direction out of their death situations. This is the purpose of the oil and wine that will qualify the church into the wedding of the Lamb. The sprinkling of clean water mentioned in Ezekiel 36:25 is an act of the Holy Spirit cleansing and purifying Gods people from sin and defilement. Powerfully so, after the sprinkling of clean water to cleanse His people, God Almighty in that scripture refers to the new heart that He puts in them. In the chronology of events in heaven, The LORD then promises to place new Spirit in their new heart. It is a call for the people of the LORD to transform their hearts and minds through the noble the process of repentance and produce forth fruit in keeping with that repentance. Today too, the LORD is calling on the complacent believers to effect change and embrace the Holy Spirit with hearts of flesh that in essence symbolize the weaknesses and faultiness of man. Flesh is always weak before the LORD and hence must succumb to the authority and the jurisdiction of Gods anointing, as carried by His people (oil and wine). But the Egyptians are men and not God; their horses are flesh and not Spirit. When the LORD stretches out His hand, he who helps will stumble, he who is helped will fall; both will perish together (Isaiah 31:3). The oil and wine hence serve to prepare the radiance of the bride of Christ, in her full stature, without wrinkles, without stains, without any spot and in full maturity. Such a church must see the kingdom of God Almighty in heaven. “Behold, I come like a thief! Blessed is he who stays awake and keep his clothes with him, so that he may not go naked and be shamefully exposed” (Rev 15:16). The Olive Tree. ( sorry, I wasnt able to upload the picture of olive tree) Because they bear the capability to infiltrate the deeper strata, the roots of the vines continually exploit the preserved moisture-rich underground soils. This property gives the vines a greater privilege of shedding off their vulnerability to drought and moisture scarcity. Moreover, in their quest to draw in moisture, the roots of the vines also tap in the rare nutrients that have been preserved for those that launch deeper. Prepare the way, repent( run way from sins) the Messiah is coming for a Holy Church. Shalom.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 06:03:37 +0000

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