Centrism Is A Corporate Scam. DONT FALL FOR IT. Today, the - TopicsExpress


Centrism Is A Corporate Scam. DONT FALL FOR IT. Today, the centrists try to define centrism as this notion that we must cut taxes for corporations and the rich while reigning in entitlements for the middle class and poor. Centrists will tell us this is the reasonable approach. These are corporate stooges who put on $2000 suits, go on TV, and try to redefine their version of the center as reasonable and re-brand trickle down economics to distract from the fact that it has failed us for the past 30 years. They try to convince the viewer or listener or reader that they are being completely reasonable and non-ideological and just want whats best for our country. And its all bullshit. Its a corporate scam. There are no centrists. Centrists are politically unaware, socially unaware, and economically unaware. The fact is, at this point in US history, we are two separate countries. Youre either FOR continuous economic inequality, social oppression, and political obstruction, or youre AGAINST it. Where the center is defined today isnt centrism, its conservatism in sheeps clothing. Centrism doesnt exist, its a corporate scam to put a smiley face on the right wing agenda of continuing to crush the middle class, exploit workers, and reap massive profits. -JaneyVee
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 13:41:59 +0000

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