Chaiii!!! My brother. Young, briliant and handsome Prof. Idorenyin - TopicsExpress


Chaiii!!! My brother. Young, briliant and handsome Prof. Idorenyin Akpan. We spent just 3 days together when you last visited the USA, but it was as if we had been born together, and lived our whole lives together under one roof. In about less than 30 minutes, we connected, and I immediately understood why my bosom buddy for life since high school, Emilienne, had chosen you as her husband. Weeh... this is not even funny. Emilie kept on telling me: Ju, please... you must meet my husband. You will love him. Hes your kind of man. I met you at the hotel in downtown Washington, DC, exactly one year ago, after I had just come to town for an assignment. I took you to my apartment in Arlington, Virginia, where we talked and talked and talked about everything, especially your future plans. Then I took you to Kitchen Near You in Maryland, because you said you had been eating too much White Man hotel chop since arrival, and wanted some real African food. Oh Papa God... I remember you competing with me as we devoured some Fufu with Okro Soup and Eru. You seemed so happy and joked all the time. Hahahaha... Oh Prof! Those stories about when you first met Dr. Motaze, the much dreaded famous dad of your wife Emilie, Evelyne, Yvette and Dex - and how you guys had to set up a novel interpretation chain because of the language barriers! I laugh inside at your wonderful narrative talents, even as tears drown my eyes. And then... our evening out at Okoyong Past Students Association (OPSA) fundraiser, as the special guests of Docta Fausta Mayong Tabe. It was my very first event since moving to DC recently. You were so excited just by the prospect of spending time in the company of Cameroonians, the fellow countrymen of your wife. You came to the event with your best smile and your best behavior, and charmed all who met you. My OPSAN friends kept on asking: whos that young man with you? And I kept on repeating... Oh! Meet Prof. Idy Akpan. Young lecturer at the School of Communication at the American University in Oyo, Nigeria. But hes married to my best friend, sorry! Chai! Chei! And then we went shopping in Springfield, Virginia, for your beautiful daughters. I remember how you were so careful and very picky about everything we bought because you only wanted toys or gifts that reflected your core Christian values. And we talked some more. About your future plans. How Émilie and you wanted to do more studies and rise to the highest levels possible at American University. And most important to me, how you dreamed of entering politics in Nigeria because you were sad at the absence of bright young politicians in any of the major parties in the country. Im tired oh.. weeeh! We had so many plans together. Chai! Wasnt I supposed to manage your campaign, Prof? Hahaha... You said I will be your David Axelrod when you start running for office, and then you just left and went back to heaven without saying goodbye? OMG! Im sure your sweet soul must have realized by now that well... there are no political campaigns and any need for mass communication strategies in heaven! Or maybe Im wrong? So you better intercede from your pride of place with Papa God to send Nigeria the class of young, bright politicians that you always dreamed of. And I will be their Axelrod in your honor, I promise. I love you so much, brother. So long, farewell. Until we meet again in the Realm Beyond. R.I.P. ♡+♡
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 15:05:58 +0000

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