Challenge: In honor of Earth Day today how little garbage can - TopicsExpress


Challenge: In honor of Earth Day today how little garbage can you create? Here are some ideas to help minimize your footprint: 1. Carry with you a cloth napkin and avoid paper napkins you have to throw away. 2. Buy all food as locally as possible! The less it had to travel the less stress on the environment. 3. Drive less and walk more, or carpool to work! Its warm enough to ride your bike as well. 4. Shut off your lights as soon as you are leaving the room to save electricity. 5. Read that book youve been putting off instead of watching TV. 6. Use rags instead of paper towels to wash your counters, and use apple cider vinegar or other homemade cleaning products. 7. Pick up a piece of garbage when you see it, dont just walk by. 8. Plant some seeds- wildflower sir food are great choices. 9. Play outside instead of video games. 10. Use as little as possible: electricity, your car, plastic, paper, etc... Jai Momma Earth!
Posted on: Tue, 22 Apr 2014 11:08:22 +0000

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