Chanced upon a very successful leader in the academe in a - TopicsExpress


Chanced upon a very successful leader in the academe in a restaurant, and as it is our habit to ask successful people what is the secret of his success( you would be suprised successful people would like to share their success secrets), as he was able to steer a whole university to be one of the top in the country, this is what he said: 1. aggressive moves - i took a lot of big risks, entered into new territories and markets, innovated and went beyond our comfort zones; 2. open door policy - i kept an open door policy, i am accessible to my people, i was never rude nor arrogant, if somebody commits a mistake i do not shout nor berate him/her in public , i give him a chance to redeem himself; 3. no micromanaging - i dont micromanage people by telling them what to do, i set targets, support them to achieve it and monitor their compliance, people do not want to be micromanage; 4. encouragement - i have always but a big vision before them, a lot of my people are talented but they lack self esteem so i acted as their chief cheerleader, encouraging them that they could be the best in the field and they delivered, as people will always strive to achieve what you set before them to believe. This is a tip, we learn a lot from successful people, in fact in our family we are starting a tradition to invite successful people for dinner at our house and ask them the secrets of their success and let my children pepper them with questions.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 01:14:03 +0000

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