Chances are... Plenty of times in your life... Youve said or did - TopicsExpress


Chances are... Plenty of times in your life... Youve said or did something you regret. Youve caused offense. Youve likely hurt someones feelings, or broken someones heart. Youve judged. Youve made assumptions. Youve thought you were superior, or inferior. Point is. We all need to be patient and respect that process in everyone else. Were all learning from different experiences at different rates. Instead of taking offense so easily, recognize their journey and self reflect in every scenario. But dont assume people are all around bad if they havent figured everything out yet. Spread acceptance and better treatment always exemplifying positivity. Focus on your own behavior instead of always looking somewhere else to blame. Not by saying negativite things about others. Regardless of their behavior towards you, be forgiving and distance yourself if necessary. Its better to highlight the good behaviors in others rather than constantly point out those you think could be doing better. If they truly are a narcissist, theyll like that attention anyways. I always say... in less your informing me of criminal activity and it might affect me. .. dont bring me negativity or gossip. I like hearing about awesome things, awesome people... and making others feel awesome. Cause that makes me feel awesome. Cause youre awesome. ;)
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 18:32:35 +0000

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