Chandrashekhar Sathe shared Discourses of Shri Brahma Chaitanya - TopicsExpress


Chandrashekhar Sathe shared Discourses of Shri Brahma Chaitanya Gondavalekar Maharajs status update. 2 hrs · Discourses of Shri Brahma Chaitanya Gondavalekar Maharaj Sri Maharaj’s Pravachan-Oct.10 October 10, 2014 A True Devotee Always Remains Contented To be contented in the circumstances in which Rama keeps him, a desire continually to chant nama, and indifference to other matters of life, these are the unmistakable marks of a true devotee. The eyes and ears generally bring in most of the knowledge and information about the world around; these organs should therefore be trained and engaged in nama. Rama should be borne in mind, and you should always be conscious that the prapancha you are doing belongs to Rama. Give up selfishness; this you can do if you maintain nama-smarana. Acting in a play one may wholeheartedly act the assigned part, whether that of a king or of a serf, without ever forgetting what he is in real life. The world holds both, good and bad; of these, select the ones whose association will strengthen love for Rama. Do not associate with those who are slaves to hatred, jealousy, egoism. Bear with equanimity both respect and disrespect, concentrating the mind on Rama’s feet. A good disciple is he who gives up all ego. Care day and night to create, enhance love with Rama. Keep the body engaged in executing its worldly duties, fulfilling its obligations, but rivet the mind on the teaching of the saints. An excellent personal quality is to keep the eyes ever open to watch for one’s own defects and shortcomings, for only he will seek to improve himself who is, aware of his drawbacks. First awaken the mind, make it eager to purify itself. Quit ego, free yourself of all sensory desires; cleanse the mind of the idea of ‘having’ or ‘not having’ any particular thing or situation. Never side with or associate with people loving sensory pleasures, for it may eventually wean you away from Rama. A man is moulded by the company he keeps; so adhere to the circle of the righteous. Feel dejected for nothing but for eagerness to meet God. What is earnestness but yearning for one thing alone? The sadhaka should look upon his sadhana with the same single-pointed attention and love that a dutiful wife bears to her husband. Nothing is more degrading to a sadhaka than falling a prey to temptation. Treat prapancha as a service enjoined by Rama. The nama imparted by the sadguru should be considered the holiest of the holy. Be a true devotee by being contented in the situation allotted by Rama.
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 03:59:15 +0000

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