Change Your Body for LIFE at Bill Phillips Camp! Good News: - TopicsExpress


Change Your Body for LIFE at Bill Phillips Camp! Good News: Back by popular demand, 2 ‘Encore’ Transformation Camps! After recently receiving a petition signed by over 200 alumni who wanted me to consider keeping our fitness Camps going, I was inspired to re-structure my work schedule enough to make time for a 3-day Camp in April and another in May. These are the only two events planned at this time and they will sell out soon. New Camp Dates: April 25, 26, 27 May 16, 17, 18 This new Camp takes what we have been doing to the next level! We are calling it LIFE CAMP because it is not just about having a healthy body… it is about building a healthy LIFE! We have all new work shops and tools to help participants succeed! We’ve received so many emails and calls from people asking us to bring back Transformation Camp. We aren’t bringing it back though… we’re bringing it forward. LIFE CAMP advances and evolves my 25 years of scientific research and practical experience in the field of health, fitness, weight loss, and personal transformation. The letters in the word ‘LIFE’ each represent points of emphasis in the new CAMP curriculum: Learning + Inspiration + Fitness + Energy! LIFE CAMP brings together people from all walks of life who not only want to improve their health and get their body in great shape but who also want to support and encourage others to achieve their personal transformation goals as well. Working together as a Team is one of the most powerful aspects of this whole process. I know from personal experience that over-coming unhealthy habits, making real and lasting changes in the way the body and mind work is not easy; in fact, it’s a path that’s going to bring up numerous challenges and sometimes we will get frustrated and even think of quitting. Please, please don’t give up, don’t give in, don’t quit! Setbacks are a part of the process of success when it comes to transforming your body and life. This special LIFE CAMP is an opportunity to get back on track and re-energized. It’s a place to talk through what you’re struggling with and overcome it with the positive support of experts in this process. Bill Phillips LIFE CAMP, like our previous Transformation retreats, is held over a 3-day period here at our Center in Golden, Colorado. Our events appeal to good-spirited people from all walks of life and from all parts of the world who have one thing in common… and that is, they have humbly and courageously made the decision to change their life for the better. What’s new and improved with LIFE CAMP? It’s focused on a new ‘curriculum’ — improving our health and happiness is still the bottom line, but during this event I introduce improved techniques and tools to help you get the results you want in the short term while also improving sustainability and long-term success. Also new at LIFE CAMP is a fascinating workshop and discussion led by medical doctors who’ve transformed their own health with my exercise, nutrition, and mindset program. These physicians will make crystal clear what we each need to do to improve our health and lower our risk of heart disease, depression, diabetes, even some forms of cancer. The empowering knowledge you gain from this one workshop itself could change (or maybe even save) your life! At LIFE CAMP, I will workout with you and show you the exact exercise program that will help you burn off unhealthy bodyfat while strengthening your muscles. This workout only takes 25 minutes a day and it has been scientifically proven to not only burn fat faster than ordinary exercise, it also lowers your risk of cancer and improves your heart health so much it is the recommended workout at the Mayo Clinic’s cardiac care department. I want to make you an exercise expert while you’re here so you can be your own personal trainer. At LIFE CAMP I’ll also teach you precisely what you need to eat to lose the excess weight once and for all. We must nourish ourselves back to good health–we do not ‘diet’ or starve the body to get results. Diets don’t work; I will teach you a much better way and show you exactly how to put my plan to work in your own life. Living longer and living stronger — optimizing the quantity and quality of your life — is what this Camp is all about. Much of what you will learn at LIFE CAMP is what I have learned over the past 2 years of teaching 37 Transformation Camps here at my Center in Colorado. I’ve studied people who’ve had breakthrough results as well as those who’ve struggled, and I have identified, very specifically, what works and what doesn’t. This applies to getting breakthrough 12-week results, and also to sustaining and even building upon those improvements. At LIFE CAMP you’ll learn how to focus your mindset in a way that empowers your confidence and improves your results. I work with you to set challenging yet achievable goals and I give you a plan of action that will help you succeed. My teachings are straight-forward, scientifically-sound and presented in an easy going, friendly and fun style. I will give you the information and motivation you need to put that knowledge in action so you enjoy the fastest results possible! Your investment in the 3-day LIFE Camp, where you will work with me personally, is $1,495. This includes the workshops, workouts, nutrition planning, and all your healthy meals during the 3-day event, as well as 12 full weeks of ongoing support to help you stay on track and achieve breakthrough results. I’ll also take you out to a healthy dinner at one of my favorite restaurants on Friday and Saturday evening. We will have fun and also work hard all weekend. We have a special group rate at a newly remodeled and very nice Sheraton Hotel (just $99 per night). Transportation from the hotel to our center each day is provided for free. Please don’t put off making the decision to get healthy. I promise if you allow me to help, you will get results! My intention is to help make this the best investment in yourself that you’ve ever made. Let me know you can be here in Colorado for LIFE CAMP on April 25, 26, 27 or May 16, 17, 18. No other Camps are scheduled at this time. Please get back to me at your earliest convenience to confirm that you want to sign up before we’re sold out again. Please include your phone number in your email to me so we can contact you and answer any questions and help book your reservation. Also, tell me a little bit about the results you’d like to achieve — what changes would you like to make? Send your email to: BillPhillipsFitness@aol Making the decision to attend Camp could change your entire life. I’m looking forward to seeing you in person, getting to know you, and I am very excited about helping you transform your body for life! Sincerely, Bill Phillips P.S. Proceeds from each of these two upcoming Bill Phillips LIFE CAMPS support the Make-A-Wish Foundation. I had the privilege of granting my first wish in 1994 and now, 595 wishes later, doing my part to help the Make-A-Wish Foundation is something I am committed to and believe in with all my heart. Thank you in advance for supporting our mission and goal for this year which is to grant a 600th child’s wish!
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 21:45:30 +0000

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