Change is difficult. However, one person pinned the only - TopicsExpress


Change is difficult. However, one person pinned the only thing constant is change. When we fight or resist it we bring harm to ourselves and other, if the change is good. If the change is bad then it is to be resisted. How do we know if it is good or bad. Scripture gives us this as a guideline: Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. - Philippians 4:8 So if the change is: - based on Gods truth and Godly principles or full of truth - noble - honest - right - fair, just or win-win or best for all stakeholders involved - pure - clean or wholesome or holy - lovely - pleasing not pleasure theres a difference - admirable - based on virtuous or moral goodness - and excellent or praiseworthy - good news This is the definition or frame work of good change. When we encounter change we should take this template and overlay on top of the change to see if it aligns with this guideline. If so its good if not, it is not good its bad. The bad is to be resisted. The good embrace. In the context keep in mind President Bill Clinton s quote change is good. What assists me to remain flexible so I can embrace the good change. On the physical side one practice is Bikrum Yoga. But it is not the only dimensions but it is an important one that assists me to build on the rest. Done! On to the others. Enjoy The Queen of Souls version of Sam Cookers classic about change.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 18:24:10 +0000

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