Change of Heart Pt 2 Finale Do we not know by now that - TopicsExpress


Change of Heart Pt 2 Finale Do we not know by now that whatever we lend our ear to that is what we will hear and become. Jesus said he who have ears to hear let him hear what the spirit is saying Matt 11:15. Do we not realize that whatever our ears hear that is what goes into the mind and from the mind into the heart from the heart into the soul. Hearing has a process just like seeing has a process. I cannot perceive the color of a tree if I cannot see it. Therefore once I see it my mind tells me what color it is and then I believe it in my heart is that not stages and a process of seeing? If I hear something negative does not my mind envision the ugliness of it and then I believe it in my heart and then it penetrates my soul where all my emotions are and I become the very thing I have heard. You may say thats nonsense how can I become what I hear? If you are around other people and they gossip about someone and you hear it the next time you see that person that has been gossip about that gossip is the first thing that pops up in your mind concerning them. It does not have to be true or false but it stuck in your mind because you heard it. We allow our ears to hear things they should not and we wonder why our minds cannot change. Let us stop and pay attention to what we are listening to and then and only then will our heart change for the better. Let us start surrounding ourselves with people who live and speak the blessings of God and not His judgement and their fear. Do you know emotions have a voice? Fear has a voice that is why so many people believe in the rapture and are waiting to escape. Who is speaking dominion, and overcoming power? Who is telling you that you can be in the midst of all evil unleashed on this earth whatever God has called you to be you can be in the midst of all evil and yet overcome it and fulfill your purpose and destiny with evil present. You do not have to escape evil to have power in Christ. The rapture speaks of escaping not conquering and having dominion in the earth like God has commanded us to do. If you and I do not have power over all power of the enemy then why call on the name of a God who has no power and has not already overcome? Who is preaching and teaching Jesus has overcoming power and might through the Holy Ghost in us? Average preaching and teaching is about us having power and dominion in heaven well I am here to tell you, you are being lied to but thats another topic that can be proven in scripture and not by theory or speculation but revelation. You mean our greater works are only going to be done in heaven John 14:12. You mean our power to tread on serpents and scorpions is only going to be done in heaven Luke 10:19. The scriptures tell us that not on jot or title shall pass from the word until all is fulfilled Matt 5:18. We believe in a word called rapture which is no where in the bible but we do not believe John 14:12, Luke 10:19 or Matt 5:18. We believe man more than the Holy Spirit and the Scriptures and something is wrong and the something that is wrong is, listening to religion and man made doctrines and allow our ears to hear lies, and deception which is blinding our minds and hardening our hearts to the truth which is Christ and the Word.. Who told you and convinced you that you do not have any power to tread on serpents and scorpions in this day and in this earth? Why must you leave earth to have victory over the enemy and power over the enemy? Who has bewitched you that you should believe a lie and be damned? Unbelief damns us so if you want to believe in a sin issue then believe that unbelief sentences you to hell... So if evil and gossip and fear can enter into our thoughts why cant the word? If my mind is going to be bombarded with talk and situations and circumstances why not make it from the word instead of people with no Word, Revelation Salvation or Holy Ghost? Why are we listening to the world and Religion? Why listen to news about doom and gloom? Why enter a conversation with no hope? What is it about fear, doom and gloom that attracts us? But when good is around we cant hear it, see it, or receive it, and have no interest in it? True salvation brings a change of thought and a change of heart. We must choose who we lend our ear to and with our own free will the accountability of that is on us and not Jesus. We cannot enter into the Kingdom of God without belief and Jesus and we sure are not going to heaven in unbelief of His Word. People listen to me when the books are open you and you alone are going to be held accountable for not knowing the truth of His Word especially and you have 66 books at your disposal and the Holy Spirit to rely on but yet you chose to believe man. FAITH IS ABOUT CHOICE FOR CHOICE IS ALL ABOUT YOUR FREEWILL.......YOU HAVE A CHOICE TO BELIEVE GOD OR BELIEVE MAN YOU CHOOSING WHO TO BELIEVE WILL SEAL YOUR FATE!!!!!!!! NOT BELIEVING IN GOD WILL SEND YOU TO HELL QUICKER THAN ANY SIN YOU CAN COMMIT......... REMEMBER THIS THERE ARE NO DEVILS IN HEAVEN OR SIN SO WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO BE RULING OVER? IT SURE IS NOT CHRIST SO THEN WHAT? Copyright © 2015 Jackie Roberson
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 18:44:00 +0000

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