Petitioning President Geun-Hye Park: Take Dog & Cat - TopicsExpress

   Petitioning President Geun-Hye Park: Take Dog & Cat Meat off the Menu! Say No To Dog Meat.Net 67,259 Supporters The consumption of dog and cat meat in South Korea, where it is known as Gaegogi has a long history in that country, as well as that of other East Asian cultures. In recent years, it has been controversial both in South Korea and around the world, due to animal rights and sanitary concerns. Dog meat is also consumed in North Korea, but the extent or form of this activity is currently unclear. Dogs and cats are loaded into small rusty cages sometimes 25 at a time from which they await the executioner. Dogs and cats are consumed in Korea for their supposedly medicinal properties that has no proven evidence at all to back these claims up. Cat juice better referred to as goyangi is also another hideous and appalling method of slaughtering felines. Goyangi - Cat; is mashed into a liquid. Then drunk as a tonic in the hope it will cure some human ailment or make one much stronger. Other dishes that are consumed in the market and outside are Bosintang; Gaejangguk - Stew containing boiled dog meat and vegetables, Gaegogi Jeongol, - An elaborate dog stew made in a large Jeongol pan. Gae Suyuk,- Boiled dog meat, Gaegogi Muchim, - Steamed dog meat, Korean leeks and vegetables mixed with spices, Gaesoju- Mixed drink containing dog meat and other Chinese medicine ingredients such as ginger, chestnut, and jujube to invigorate ones health. Say No To Dog Meat are campaigning via many ways from which we aim to raise before 2015 at least one million signatures in an attempt to close this market down and/or remove dog and cat meat of the menu for good, and increasing animal welfare laws. Say No To Dog Meat’s 7 Point plan that will be addressed to the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and President of South Korea is listed below. 7 point plan to aid animal welfare / introduction off new legislation; 1. Removal off dog and cat meat/ tonic from restaurant menus within South Korea. 2. Moran meat market; to remove all dogs and cats and allow welfare officers in to aid ill and dying animals, alleviate any suffering and re-home remaining animals. Whilst this would be a colossal operation dog and cat fosters/adopters and/or/ re-homing centres to be increased in size to allow for any excess over flow off dog and cats that are taken from the market. 3. Standards of welfare and animal abuse laws (any existing laws) altered and made stronger for both animal and human health thus reducing viral and infectious disease. 4. Dog meat farms to be closed down, animal welfare officers to be brought in to alleviate suffering, increase welfare, locate and re-home any remaining canine and feline. 5. Dog meat traffickers to be punished to the highest possible tariff, with repeat offenders imprisoned and/or fined heavily. 6. Whilst it is still seen by some that dog and cat meat consumption is culture, we as millennium citizens can now rightfully state that South Korea can adequately provide alternative and healthier forms of dietary needs for its people and foreigners. We call on the Culture and Tourism Minister - Yoo Jin-ryong as well as President Park Geun-hye to now engage animal and conservation organisations to adopt a programme thus creating awareness and education that will push people to healthier alternatives and provide more vegetarianism, safer and environmentally friendly foods. 7. Say No To Dog Meat.Net is fighting to end the barbaric dog and meat trade, however as an animal welfare organisation it is our responsibility to now push for higher “all animal” welfare laws, standards and provisions. We call upon the now and future presidents of South Korea to adopt more stringent and tougher animal welfare laws thus reducing neglect, abuse, hording, and inhumane slaughter. We ask you the citizens off Mother Nature to support this petition to the highest extent. You’re support will not only provide a better and humane standard of welfare to canine and felines but also strengthen existing laws for other animals within the agricultural trade and slaughter houses too. Whilst we see that meat consumption is never going to end, we must at least push for more tougher animal welfare laws in the farming sector and within the slaughter house in the hope that one day our constant badgering will set all animals free. South Korea and Korea as a whole will be a tough battle for us and you. By ignoring other areas we are failing in our duty and mission statement to aid welfare. Say No To Dog Meat.Net officers have been actively monitoring the dog and cat meat trade for the past decade. We have started this petiton and now officially registrating our Non Governmental Organisation due to the horrifc and barbaric nature in which dogs and cats are treated within South and North Korea. We can no longer allow this to go on. The consumption of dog and cat is not culture, and has never proved to be of any medicinal cure for any ailment. Please view our site on fact and myth here By signing this petition you are helping us to provide a better standard off welfare for both our companion animals, and agricultural animals too. You signature counts in the hope that sooner rather than later we can put this myth off (cruel culture) to bed. By helping us, you are helping the voiceless. Please sign and share and lets stop this now. You can also help by clicking the video link after signing here and signing the Humane Society off the United States petition. When you have signed, yourre signature does count. We have placed all contacts to the Korean President and Culture Minister from which will view our letter and seven point plan everytime someone signs. We will also be adding more people to this petition to gain a higher chance off making change happen Every little helps. Letter to: President Geun-Hye Park: Read more Take Dog & Cat Meat off the Menu Dear President Geun-Hye Park: Please allow our seven point plan to be adopted into South Koreas animal welfare law. 7 point plan to aid animal welfare / introduction off new legislation; 1. Removal off dog and cat meat/ tonic from restaurant menus within South Korea. 2. Moran meat market; to remove all dogs and cats and allow welfare officers in to aid ill and dying animals, alleviate any suffering and re-home remaining animals. Whilst this would be a colossal operation dog and cat fosters/adopters and/or/ re-homing centres to be increased in size to allow for any excess over flow off dog and cats that are taken from the market. 3. Standards of welfare and animal abuse laws (any existing laws) altered and made stronger for both animal and human health thus reducing viral and infectious disease. 4. Dog meat farms to be closed down, animal welfare officers to be brought in to alleviate suffering, increase welfare, locate and re-home any remaining canine and feline. 5. Dog meat traffickers to be punished to the highest possible tariff, with repeat offenders imprisoned and/or fined heavily. 6. Whilst it is still seen by some that dog and cat meat consumption is culture, we as millennium citizens can now rightfully state that South Korea can adequately provide alternative and healthier forms of dietary needs for its people and foreigners. We call on the Culture and Tourism Minister - Yoo Jin-ryong as well as President Park Geun-hye to now engage animal and conservation organisations to adopt a programme thus creating awareness and education that will push people to healthier alternatives and provide more vegetarianism, safer and environmentally friendly foods. 7. Say No To Dog Meat.Net is fighting to end the barbaric dog and meat trade, however as an animal welfare organisation it is our responsibility to now push for higher “all animal” welfare laws, standards and provisions. We call upon the now and future presidents of South Korea to adopt more stringent and tougher animal welfare laws thus reducing neglect, abuse, hording, and inhumane slaughter. Sincerely - Say No To Dog Meat.Net Share this petition Desktop Site PrivacyTerms©2014,, Inc.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 15:50:25 +0000

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