Changed Circumstances Do Not Affect God’s Love 8 Our life in - TopicsExpress


Changed Circumstances Do Not Affect God’s Love 8 Our life in this system of things is subject to many changes. King Solomon observed that “time and unforeseen occurrence befall [us] all.” (Ecclesiastes 9:11) Overnight, our life may change completely. One day we are healthy, the next day we may be seriously ill. One day our secular job seems stable, the next day we are unemployed. Without warning, death can strike a loved one. Christians in a certain land may enjoy peaceful conditions for some time, and then, suddenly, violent persecution erupts. Perhaps we are falsely accused, and because of this, we suffer some injustice. Yes, life is not stable or completely certain.—James 4:13-15. 9 When saddening things happen to us, we could begin to feel abandoned, even imagining that God’s love for us has waned. Since we are all subject to such happenings, we do well to consider carefully the very consoling words of the apostle Paul recorded in Romans chapter 8. Those words were addressed to spirit-anointed Christians. Yet, in principle they also apply to those of the other sheep, who have been declared righteous as God’s friends, as was Abraham in pre-Christian times.—Romans 4:20-22; James 2:21-23. 10 Read Romans 8:31-34. Paul asks: “If God is for us, who will be against us?” True, Satan and his wicked world are against us. Enemies may falsely accuse us, even in the courts of the land. Some Christian parents have been accused of hating their children because of not allowing them to accept medical procedures that violate God’s law or not letting them engage in pagan celebrations. (Acts 15:28, 29; 2 Corinthians 6:14-16) Other faithful Christians have been falsely charged with being seditious because they would not kill fellow humans in warfare or engage in politics. (John 17:16) Some opposers have spread slanderous lies in the media, even falsely accusing Jehovah’s Witnesses of being a dangerous cult. 11 But do not forget that in the apostles’ day, it was said: “As regards this sect it is known to us that everywhere it is spoken against.” (Acts 28:22) Do false accusations really matter? It is God who declares true Christians righteous, based upon their faith in the sacrifice of Christ. Why would Jehovah stop loving his worshipers after he has given them the most precious gift he could—his own beloved Son? (1 John 4:10) Now that Christ has been raised from the dead and has been placed at the right hand of God, he actively pleads for Christians. Who can rightfully refute Christ’s defense of his followers or successfully challenge God’s favorable judgment of his faithful ones? No one!—Isaiah 50:8, 9; Hebrews 4:15, 16. 12 Read Romans 8:35-37. Aside from us, is there anyone or anything that can separate us from the love of Jehovah and his Son, Christ Jesus? Satan may use his earthly agents to cause Christians much trouble. Over the past century, many of our Christian brothers and sisters have been objects of violent persecution in many lands. In some places today, our brothers daily face economic distress. Some experience the pain of hunger or lack sufficient clothing. What is the Devil’s objective in causing these hard conditions? At least in part, his purpose is to discourage true worship of Jehovah. Satan wants to make us believe that God’s love has grown cold. However, is that the case? 13 Like Paul, who quoted Psalm 44:22, we have studied God’s written Word. We understand that it is for the sake of God’s name that these things happen to us, his “sheep.” The sanctification of God’s name and the vindication of his universal sovereignty are involved. It is because of such major issues that God has permitted trials, not because he no longer loves us. No matter what the distressing circumstance may be, we are assured that God’s love for his people, including each one of us, has not changed. Any seeming defeat we may suffer will turn out to be a victory if we keep our integrity. We are strengthened and sustained by the assurance of God’s unbreakable love. 14 Read Romans 8:38, 39. What convinced Paul that nothing could separate Christians from God’s love? No doubt Paul’s personal experiences while in the ministry reinforced his conviction that hardships could not affect God’s love for us. (2 Corinthians 11:23-27; Philippians 4:13) Also, Paul had knowledge of Jehovah’s eternal purpose and past dealings with His people. Can death itself conquer God’s love for those who have served him loyally? Not at all! Such faithful ones who die will live on in God’s perfect memory, and he will resurrect them in due time.—Luke 20:37, 38; 1 Corinthians 15:22-26. 15 Whatever misfortune life today may bring us—whether a debilitating accident, a terminal disease, or an economic calamity—nothing can destroy God’s love for his people. Powerful angels, such as the disobedient angel who became Satan, cannot influence Jehovah to stop loving his devoted servants. (Job 2:3) Governments may ban, imprison, and mistreat God’s servants and may label them “persona non grata.” (1 Corinthians 4:13) Such unjustified hatred by the nations may pressure humans to turn against us, but it does not sway the Sovereign of the universe to abandon us. 16 As Christians, we need not fear that any of what Paul called “things now here”—the events, conditions, and situations in this present system of things—nor “things to come” in the future can break God’s attachment to his people. Though earthly and heavenly powers wage war against us, God’s loyal love is there to sustain us. Neither “height nor depth” hinders God’s love, as stressed by Paul. Yes, nothing that might tend to pull us down, nor anything tending to exercise a superior influence on us, can separate us from God’s love; nor can any other creation disrupt the Creator’s relationship with his faithful servants. God’s love never fails; it is everlasting.—1 Corinthians 13:8.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Aug 2013 01:52:21 +0000

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