Changing the Storm--Ch. 2 Chapter 2--Ella No, Corinne, I - TopicsExpress


Changing the Storm--Ch. 2 Chapter 2--Ella No, Corinne, I dont. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Corinne stood there, mouth hanging open. I was never so glad to hear Lynxs and Walkers footsteps coming down the hall towards my room. Lynx knocked on the door. Hey, girls, are you two ever coming out of there? Walker and I were thinking of going to get some ice cream. Im dying to show you two something. I opened my bedroom door immediately, not giving Corinne time to say anything, practically dashing out of my bedroom. What do you want to show us? What my parents gave me for my birthday? Youll have to come outside though. I cant bring it in. Lynx and Walker punched fists together and smiled mischievously. But your birthday isnt until Monday. I know, but they wanted me to have it going back to school next week. We all followed Lynx outside to wait. Hang on and Ill be right back with it. Okay, well be right here. Walker waited with us. Standing beside Corinne, he pulled her to him and kissed her on the forehead. He liked her, that much was evident, or he at least cared about her deeply. He didnt like to see her upset. He stared at me for a moment, wondering what I said that made her suddenly quiet. He tapped me on the shoulder. Hey, what did you two talk about while you locked yourselves in your room? Biting my lip, I shook my head--I didnt want to answer. Walker looked to Corinne for an answer then, she gave him the same answer I did. Somehow, though, he knew what it was about. He kissed her on her cheek. One day youll know all of the answers you need. We stood watching the road for Lynx. About enough time for him to get back home, we suddenly heard the rumbling of an engine starting up, and then within seconds, he came around the corner in a brand new Dodge Challenger, metallic navy, white stripe down each side, and absolutely beautiful. Yes, I am a girl who loves cars. He pulled into my driveway and came to a stop, but not cutting the engine. Running over to his car, I couldnt wait to see inside it. He rolled down the window. So, Ell, what do you think? I couldnt help myself. Lynx, it is absolutely amazing. I thought your parents refused to buy you a car? Thats what I thought too, until they explained I had to show responsibility for a year, as well as good judgement when using Moms car. Thinking to myself, Yeah right, you are so full of it. He knew what I thought. I hated the way he could get into my mind. Promise, thats what they said. So, Monday, we are all riding to school in style. Lynx, Aunt Kelli is not going to let me ride with you. She has a strict rule when it comes to my friends and their driving. You know that. Mom, already talked to her, and it was fine with her. About half a second later, Aunt Kelli showed up right next to me in the window of Lynxs new car. What a ride, Lynx. May I? Sure, hop in. Okay, maybe thats where I got my love of cars from. Aunt Kelli ran her hands over the interior dash, along the white leather seats and the stitching on the doors, and the ceiling of the car. Awesome ride, Lynx. Thanks Aunt Kelli. Aunt Kelli, when she moved down here, insisted all of my friends call her that, so they did. She opened the door back up and stepped out. Well, there you go Ella, have fun. I looked at her strangely. Werent all of you going for ice cream? I thought thats what I heard? Lynxs shoulders went stiff as he immediately locked eyes with her, as if she said something wrong. Aunt Kelli tensed up too. I continued my strange look. How did she even know we were going to get ice cream? She just came home. Lynx, thats what your mom told me. Was I wrong? She called me on my cell, on my way home. His shoulders relaxed. Oh. Yeah. Right. Sorry. Yes, Maam, sorry. Thats where were going. Aunt Kellis shoulders relaxed too. Alright, what is going on? Nothing, Ell, distracting me with his next request, Go get Walker and Corinne so we can go. Walking a short way across the yard, I almost turned back. He answered the question, but I never spoke it aloud. Something way strange was happening, and I had no idea what. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The guys took the front seats, Corinne and I took the back. We were both rather quiet, especially after our conversation in my room earlier. Usually the guys were fighting to get a word in edgewise. Lynx was the first to notice. Ella, whats up with you? Sorry, but normally I would be wishing you would be quiet. Now, this is just eerie. What about you, Corinne? Everything okay? She finally spoke, a relief in itself. Yeah, just a lot on my mind. I never answered Lynx. Rather, I sat in back trying to figure out what was actually going on. Why did it seem as if there was some secret between Aunt Kelli and Lynx? About then, a horrible thought, well more like a disgusting thought, went through my head. Oh my gosh, what if something is going on between my aunt and my best friend? I started freaking out a little with the images going through my mind. Putting my face in my hands and shaking my head back and forth. I tried to rid it of the images floating there. I had to know. So, I ventured to ask. Lynx, does the word cougar mean anything to you? Oh, ha, ha, Ell. Making fun of my name, way unlike you. Why are you being that way? No, no, no, Im not making fun of your name. I have a serious thought situation going on and I need to know. Fine, a cougar is like a mountain lion. Why are you asking me that? Wringing my hands, I so didnt want to ask what was on my mind next, but had to know. Uhm, you know it means something different, too, right? Hed done it again, hed read my mind. Oh, UHCK, come on Ella, surely you know me better than that. Why in the world would I want to have something going on with your aunt? Everyone in the car basically gave me the same reaction, varying from Gross, to How disgusting, to Corinne looking at me dead on, What in the world had you thinking that? Lynx would never do that. I assumed her dejected state had somewhat lifted, at least she was speaking to me again. They were right, I knew that. I just was looking for some kind of answer that explained their reactions earlier. I know, Lynx, Im sorry. You two were just acting so weird earlier. I wondered why. Look, Ella, your aunt is really pretty and all, but that has never even crossed my mind. By the way, how old is she? Ten years older than me. Wouldnt it have been easier to say twenty-seven? Probably, but to me she is still the one who used to take care of me during the summers, when my mom and dad were working. We were so close then, and we still are. Im glad . . . Mom put that . . . in her will. I sniffled a couple of times trying to hold everything back. I didnt want to cry. I began to feel my eyes well. Not wanting them to spill over I leaned my head back against the seat, swallowed hard, and closed them. That seemed to make them go back into my eyes. Well, at least I thought it did, until Corinne reached up with a finger and swiped one off the side of my head. She then took my hand, squeezing it, in understanding and forgiveness. She wasnt going to let it go at that, but just for right now. Lynx looked back at me in the rear view mirror, seeing the tears dripping every so often. Aw, Ella, perk up. Dont be upset. At least you had family that took care of you. Yeah, I know, it just gets to me sometimes, and I cant help it. Im sorry, Ell, I wish that never happened to you or Corinne, but I will help any way I can to right things, you know that, dont you? He parked his Challenger in a space, and pulled the seat forward so I could get out and pulled me out hugging me. His breath, tickled slightly in my ear, and had a pepperminty smell, as he held onto me, not willing to let go. He whispered, You do understand what Im saying, right? He held my face gently between his rather large hands. He looked at a stray curl, moving the strand of hair away from dangling there, as he wrapped the curl around his finger. There was something on his mind as he looked away over my shoulder. His eyes scrunched in consternation. I could see a wondering of thoughts there, as he tried to make a decision. He seemed to make a choice. I saw it in his eyes, as he looked straight into mine. His eyes glinted once again, the same way they had earlier. But it was somehow familiar to me. From a dream, who were they? It was as if his eyes locked to mine. I felt this strange tugging in my mind, almost like trying to open a stuck door. It was him, dont ask me how I knew that, because I couldnt tell you. He was trying to get me to remember something--the dream, maybe--if that is what it was. I finally had to look away, but suddenly felt a huge need for him rise within, almost painfully so. My heart felt like it was being squeezed, my breath caught. I took his shirt in my fists, burying my head in his chest. He held me tighter. I heard what he was thinking, first time that had ever happened. It scared me. Youll remember me, Ella, I know you will. I backed away. But what had I forgotten?
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 07:30:38 +0000

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