Channeled Message from Archangel Jeremiel. Your inner wounds - TopicsExpress


Channeled Message from Archangel Jeremiel. Your inner wounds are healing and many of you are experiencing some kind of setback(growth lesson),frustration,separation,delays...but fear not beloved child,this will all be over soon . It may seem very intense and painful to some, inside but in the long run,u will realize how important this healing process was and how u have set yourself free,from the past,the people who no longer serve your highest good. In order to see changes in your time-space reality u must remember and deeply understand that you have come from love and you must be love in someway since you must be like what you came from.Jesus put it this way:He who does not love,does not know God,for God is love. Nonbeing is love and since you came from nonbeing you must be love. So why then you move away from your original nature.Every act of judgement,anger,shame,fear,anxiety,violence,indulging in gossip,hurting another,caring only with an ulterior motive and giving only cause you are expecting,feeding the ego..all of this is a movement towards not loving and not knowing God. How will happiness find u with all these resistance factors? You are energy,vibration,your body is just a vehicle for this life time and as u go home,leaving this body here,u unite with Mother God and Father God. But remember while u are here,the depth of this vibrational universe. What u say to the other person with a smile is futile if behind his/her back u gossip and judge that person.U may think that the other person will never know and u think diplomacy can do wonders but the person already knows;he/she can sense the vibe.N thats why we say-TRUST YOUR VIBE.Intuition is a gift u all have and u must use it now than ever.Your opinion counts,when u hear something,u know whether the person is genuine or not but if u go around asking 12 people,u will get 12 different answers and this will only shatter your belief in yourself.Everyone else other than you,will be feeling super important that u went to seek their approval.Dont you trust your own self anymore? The point is,this is your life and u have the power to love and be loved in return.And the shift from a consciousness based on fear to unconditional love has already taken place.The longer you take to realize this,the longer you stand in your own way towards expansion,good health,well being and abundance.Stay in love.U are love,u r light,u are energy,u are vibration.What thoughts are you going to feed your mind with today? Choose wisely. I AM JEREMIEL and i am always always here for u if u need me. Sending everyone reading this a shower of Angel Blessings. I love u all and i wish u happy days ahead.
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 12:43:20 +0000

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