Chaos or order * i watch the sun rise a dawn of miracle or - TopicsExpress


Chaos or order * i watch the sun rise a dawn of miracle or disaster i will appreciate the miracle and manage the disaster but i will not falter or hesitate i will speak my truths quietly but firmly i will be who i am without apology or pretensions i will not seek favour with oppressors nor sell my soul for silver i will rise from the dust and just be me i will smile at the sun and listen to the wind as she speaks to me in the voice of the ancestors i will not stand in the shadows but walk towards the light i will learn from the learned and banish my ignorance i will sing my songs of freedom of Goniwe Biko Sobukwe and Franch i will tell my children and yours of our dreams for them for us for our people i shall speak of the chains upon our ankles and wrists of those who struggled for us with us and are part of us forever i shall speak of our betrayal of the poverty the disillusionment the hopelessness and anger i shall speak of how our dreams were torn to shreds and our futures shattered i shall speak of our mother; Africa of her beauty her bounty and the things she wished for us i shall speak of Sankara of Nkrumah and Lumumba of the Mau Mau Mkonto and Apla i shall speak of those who passed this way on their journey to forever guiding us inspiring us sacrificing for us i will write songs and stories of the the Khoi the San and paint them on the walls and on our hearts i will sing the songs of warriors of the drums of justice i will embrace those who love Africa and shun those who dont i will ask to account those who abused her and her children i will set right what is wrong and heal what is wounded i will reach out in kindness and compassion those weaker than me those less fortunate than me those with wounds that no one sees or those who weep silently in the night i will sit in the circle of elders and heed their advice or play amongst the children and be of them i will walk my path with no regret having done what i wanted and lived my dreams i watch the sun rise another day of order or chaos it doesnt matter i am me a child of the Cosmos a friend of the Universe i am you and you me _____________________________________ rassool jibraeel snyman (c)2014 The Poetic Assassin
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 04:26:44 +0000

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