Chaplain finds calling, strength Story by Sgt. Eric - TopicsExpress


Chaplain finds calling, strength Story by Sgt. Eric Glassey KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, Afghanistan - Capt. Samuel Rico, chaplain, grew up surrounded by military family members, with both grandfathers and a great uncle serving in WWII, and his father ministering as a chaplain in the Army Reserves. Rico, a Minneapolis, native, and loyal Vikings fan, graduated from Covenant Theological Seminary in St. Louis and commissioned as a first lieutenant in May 2007. He is the chaplain for Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion, 4th Infantry Division, which is currently serving as Regional Command (South) headquarters. “He’s got a challenging job,” said Lt. Col. Bill Harrison, division chaplain, RC(S) and 4th Inf. Div. “He works with HHBN, they are the company headquarters for all of the division. He gets to interact on a daily basis, doing a lot of counseling and ministering with the soldiers who leave the wire, go on convoys and do those kinds of missions. He gets to live the dream of being a battalion chaplain.” Rico is religious leader of the battalion’s ministry team, and is paired with chaplain assistant, Sgt. Michelle McCullah. “A big part of our job is focusing on soldier’s morale and welfare,” McCullah said. Chaplain Rico’s faith motivates him in taking care of soldiers, she added. Rico summarizes his personal motivation in answering his call as a Christian minister. “My motivation is, ultimately, be a messenger of the hope that is in Christ where we have eternal life and the prospect of preparing people who someday will have God as their reward in the afterlife,” Rico said. Rico discussed the strength he receives to answer his calling and fulfill his role as a minister and chaplain. “I’ll say what makes me strong is realizing that God in Christ gives me strength through the power of the Holy Spirit,” Rico said. “As a chaplain, spiritually speaking, the Bible teaches that we are created, and like a child is reliant on his parent, we rely on God that same way. We have days where we realize we’re not as strong as we thought we are.” “In the Army, we are faced with weak moments every day,” Rico continues. “Whether it is (a slide presentation) or carrying a rucksack, those are the moments where the Bible tells us to boost in our weakness and trust in God’s strength. (God’s) power is perfected in weakness. It doesn’t mean you have to be a doormat. You can be firm, confident, but recognizing all the while, if I’m lifting weights, it’s God who is sustaining me.” Read more:
Posted on: Sun, 08 Sep 2013 13:10:25 +0000

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