Chaplain’s Corner 14-8 Jan 27 Pray-ers In Luke 18:1, we read - TopicsExpress


Chaplain’s Corner 14-8 Jan 27 Pray-ers In Luke 18:1, we read that Jesus told a parable, with the intent that men should pray always, and not faint. Philippians 4:6 says that in everything, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, our request should be made to the Lord. Over and over in the Bible, we are told to pray to the Lord. So why do so few men do that? WHY??? I have learned two very important things about prayer during my 60+ years on earth. First, prayer in its most simple form is just communicating with the Lord. I do not need to know any special words. I need not have a degree in theology to pray. I do not have to be more “holy”, or know more of the Bible, than anyone else, to pray. I only need to be willing to seek Him. Sometimes the best prayers may be the simple, honest ones. I believe that the Lord gave us two eyes, and two ears, but only one mouth, so that we would see and hear twice as much as we speak. (Yes, we all know people who speak more than anything else; that’s not the point.) So if we are going to communicate with God, why would we try to have a one way monologue? Isn’t communication normally two ways, back and forth? Better yet, don’t we learn more from a knowledgeable person by listening, than by giving our perspectives? So it should be with prayer – we need to listen to God as much, if not more, than we voice our issues. At one time or another, a prayer may consist of adoration, confession, thanksgiving, or supplications (the word ACTS is an easy way to remember that). Adoration is praising God for who He is. Confession tells God that we admit we have not met His standards, (He already knows that, but our admission reminds us of His holiness). Thanksgiving is telling Him we are grateful for what He has done, is doing, and will do. Supplication is asking God to do something for us, or another person. If we follow the ACTS sequence, then asking for something comes after we have rightfully acknowledged Him, restored our relationship with Him, and thanked Him first, before asking for anything else. Yes, prayer can be that simple. The Living Bible (a paraphrase) says in James 1, “If you want to know what God wants you to do, ask Him, and He will gladly tell you.” Another version says, “If any man seeks wisdom…”. Do you need wisdom? Do you want to know what God wants you to do? Then ask Him! He will gladly tell you. Ah! That’s the catch. I have heard too many people say, “Maybe He will tell me to go be a missionary in Africa. I don’t want to do that.”, or words to that effect. Scare you? More importantly, and probably more realistically, He might tell you to be more faithful to your family, more open to change, less critical of those around you, or… you name it. Ouch! Maybe I better not ask, because He will tell me something I may not like. So do you just not communicate then? Too many people do just that. You can do better! Chaplain Jim
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 12:53:20 +0000

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