Chapter– 32 ; PARAYAN OF THIS CHAPTER BRINGS THE GRACE OF SADGURU SREEPADA SREEVALLABHA CHARITAMRUTAM Description of Nava Naadhas After touching the Lotus Feet of Sreepada Vallabha I asked, “Lord! I hear that there are great siddha yogis named as Nava Naadhas and that they are quasi–incarnations of Lord Datta. I pray to Sree Charan to accept my prayer and tell me about them. I grasped that on hearing the name of Nava Naadhas an ambrosial shower from the eyes of Sreevallabha was streaming out into the external creation. I saw in His looks the consciousness of love shown by a mother cow on its young calf. He was gratified and spoke like this: “My dear ones! Matschyendra, Gorakshaka, Jaalandhara, Gahani, Adbhanga, Chouranga, Bhartaree, Charpata and Naaganaadha are Nava Naadhas. Mere remembrance of them gives auspicious results. The grace of Lord Datta would certainly be on those who recollect the names of Nava Naadhas.Some years before the commencement of kali yuga Sree Krishna surrounded by great devotees like Uddhava, and all Yadavas thought about Nava Narayanas who are now called Nava Naadhas. Emperor Rushabha had one hundred sons. Among them nine ones who were having the Narayana amsa(fractional faculties of Narayana) were called Nava Narayanas. Their names are (1) Kavi (2) Hari (3) Antarikshudu (4) Prabuddhudu (5) Pippalayanudu (6) Aavirhotrudu (7) Drumeeludu (8) Chamasudu and (9) Karabhajanudu. All of them were siddha purushas who were in a state of avadhootas. As per My command, and to comply with the promise made in the Krishna incarnation, and to conduct the mission of establishment of dharma, they were born on this earth as Nava Naadhas. Kavi was born as Matschyendraanath. Hari was born as a disciple of Matschyendranath under the name of Gorakshaka. Antariksha was born as Jaalandhara and Prabuddha as his disciple under the name of Kaanifa. Pippalayana was born as Charbhata. Aavirhotra was born as Nageswanaadha. Drumeela under the name Bhartarinaadha, Chamasa under the name of Revana Naadha were born. Karabhajan was born under the name of Gahaninaadha. In the beginning of creation the semen of Brahma leaked due to some reason. Vyaasa maharshi wrote in Bhavishya Puraana that many sages would be born in many places from that semen. There was one Uparichara Vasuvu. He was enamoured of Urvasi. His sperm leaked and fell into the Yamuna river. A fish drank it. From that fish Matschyendranath was born. Shiva burnt cupid into ashes with the fire from His forehead. In that ash the soul of cupid was lying in a subtle form. When one king named Bruhadradha was performing a yagna , Jaalandharanath emerged from the fire altar of that sacrifice. From the semen of Brahma that fell into the Reva or Narmada River Revana Siddha was born. Some sperm of Brahma fell on the hood of a snake. The snake ate it thinking it to be a food item. So it became pregnant. Janameyjaya was performing ‘sarpa yaga’. A sage by name Asthika rescued this great serpent from destruction. He hid that serpent nymph Padmini, daughter of Takshaka in the hole of a big audumbara tree. Aavirhotra had to be born from that embryo embedded in the womb. The daughter of Takshaka kept that embryo in the hollow of that audumbara tree and left for her native place. From that Aavirhotra was born under the title Vata Siddha Naaganaadha. When Matschyendra was wandering in the country he gave some holy ash charged with mantra to an issueless lady. She was having no faith and she threw that ash into the heaps of rubbish and sweepings. As that holy ash was having great power Gorakshanadh emerged from that. During the marriage of Parvati, Brahma who officiated as the priest for the ceremony became distracted on seeing the beauty of Parvati. On account of that His semen leaked. He was ashamed and He rubbed that semen with the heel of His leg concealing it from all. That rubbed semen became 60 thousand parts and from that 60 thousand sages called Vaalakhilyas were born. Some part of it that was still left turned into waste and it fell into the river Bhagiradhi. That gradually moved into the grassy shrub in the river bank and was caught there. The soul of Pippalayana entered into it and a Nava Naadha by name Charpatanath was born. A sage by name Kaulika while going from his hut for collecting alms kept the begging bowl outside the hut. At that exact time the sperm of sun dropped into it. The Maharshi who noticed it preserved it there. Bharthari means begging bowl. So Bhartharinath was called like that because he was born from the begging bowl. In the Himalaya Mountain in a dense forest a big elephant was sleeping. On seeing Saraswati, Brahma was smitten with infatuation and as a result His sperm leaked. Providentially that semen fell into the ear of that elephant. One person called Prabuddha took life from that and as he was born out of the ear of the elephant he became famous under the name Karna Kaanifa as one among the Nava Naadhas. Goraksha prepared a clay human image chanting the sanjeevini mantra. From that image due to the efficacy of sanjeevini mantra Karabhajana came to life and was born with the name of Gahaninaadha. These Nava Krishnas (Nava Narayanas) preserved their gross bodies in the Mandhara Mountain and incarnated on the earth with their potencies as Nava Naadhas and participated in the programme of establishment of dharma. Then I questioned, “Victory, Victory unto the Guru Saarvabhowma. You said that Nava Naadha incarnations were the quasi incarnations of Nava Krishnas. Oh Lord! Is there any difference between Nava Krishnas and Nava Naadhas.” Sri Sreepada was all smiles and directed towards us His gracious looks mixed with divine love. He proclaimed, “Dear ones! I am the great samkalpa for all this creation! The Samkalpas of all the Gods and Goddesses are only fractions of My great resolve. These fractional intentions will have independence to a limited extent. A cultivator ties a cow to a tree. He ties it with a long rope. That cow can graze only up to the distance allowed by the rope. It means that the cow has a predetermined limited space in which it can graze. It can graze subjected to those limitations. It implies that it was granted a restricted liberty. It can graze freely in the zone of freedom granted to it. If it has to cross those limits for grazing it must necessarily have the permission of the farmer. When the fodder at that particular place exhausted the farmer would tie it to another tree or lengthens the rope if it is retained at the same tree. In the same fashion the quasi incarnations will be granted independence subject to certain canons of dharma and karma. Therefore, the resolve emanates from the prime nature. The responsibility of implementing it would be entrusted to the part incarnations. When any problems crop up these fractioned incarnations submit those difficulties to the prime phenomenon. They bring the grace from the moola tattwa and cause welfare to the living beings. As the fractional incarnations of the main nature do not have bad qualities like lust, hate, arrogance etc., they are capable of performing all the activities that the moola prakruti is capable of. Therefore, as far as living beings are concerned, there is no difference even if an incarnation comes as a poorna avatar or a amsa avatar. Victory Victory unto Sri Sreepada Sreevallabha!
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 18:23:55 +0000

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