Chapter 1:- I lost job in June 2013 and came back to Pakistan. - TopicsExpress


Chapter 1:- I lost job in June 2013 and came back to Pakistan. I had limited amount of money. A wise advice came from a dear person of mine to invest in stocks. So in July 2013 I opened my account. I went to KASB website where i just pulled out the fundamentals of PPL PSO but failed to understand and the only thing i was familiar with was book value/EPS and Dividend/bonus. So I invested in PPL PSO and NML. I joined investorguide360 chat group in order to know what people says about stocks as I wanted to learn how to analyse the companies. Had no idea what TIPS meant. On Investorguide360 I met Syed Ali while he was still working in dubai. People loved him there on that forum so I asked him for some help and he was kind enough to give me his opinion. In the mean while I searched for forums on FB and came up with a few names like zia khatri. I joined his group for a few days trying to know what he will suggest. But guess what it was all about money. The knowledge was zero and TIPS were on paid subscription. Now that was not my cup of tea so I moved onto another forum by name of waseem shakeel and noor maier. Again it was the same story. In the mean while it was ramadhan so I started reading some book but mainly videos on youtube related to investment. I felt really good and instantly feel in love with fundamentals. I try to apply all the knowledge and the only people who appreciated rather backed me up with fundas were Syed Ali and my new Friend Salman Rajani from investorguide again coz he was known to Syed ali bhai. Then saw stock guru older forum which I joined on 14th Aug 2013. It was the time where market was in correction mood after EID. Guess chaos everywhere lao maal lay maal with no idea who to follow what to ask. So the market took a big dip and my PSO fell from 350 to 290 and then even to 250 when PSO announced 2Rs dividend in their annual qtr. Like any new investor I had bad time so I asked Arsalan Ahmed bhai who was from the start being bearish on PSO to swap with ARPL (ex-CPL). This is how met another great frd from investorguide360. Mean while things changed and I told them about FB forums that we may learn more from these forums and gain knowledge so all of them joined in those forums. The investorguide chat was dying coz everyday guests nicks were coming and there used to leg pulling like where your ABC share it is lower lock today and this and that. Call it a really low street language that was being used. Chapter 2:- So now my era of learning started from FB but frankly speaking again no one was interested in learning or teaching anything. The modus operandi was to always create confusion in the mind of members what truely is happening. 100 calls per day including both buying and selling. Friends request getting exchanged in hope to get the right person and tips in advance ahead of the whole entire world. I thought about organizing all this so approached the admins to plz not to add those people who are giving tips on money or those advertising on FB for marketing anything. So I was made an admin to do that cleaning job. I was free at home and rather to look for job I went into a world of isolation from my whole family 16hrs per day being online on FB forums trying to clean and remove all the advertisments and those fake id thinking I was doing a noble job by helping things organized. I started the daily updating the news feed of daily happenings on one thread so everyone can read and know what is happening or tried to share the links, videos and books for people to read coz most of FB ID were like young students from various backgrounds from financials to non-financials. There were a few more people who used to call daily and we used to discuss like 1-2 hrs on phone what is happening but guess what non of them were the sincere friends. Again the new drama happened a few of those paid gurus left the forum and made their own forums and started attracting the clients in the name of tips 5000 per month. And here goes the crowd joining even more and more forums. That showed one more human psyche that GREED can make a human do anything and so it was obvious. I was kind of confused in the middle of all this whether to follow those guru who give u paid tips or to start searching those people where i can find knowledge. In november and dec I met online two people Hasan Abbas bhai and Ovais Riaz bhai who were really amazing till this day helping me every time when I ask them for. Chapter 3:- I added a few famous names to the group again thinking that they might help us all in learning since they were kind of big names in financial world of Pakistan or so does they appeared to be. In Feb I was in big profits in ARPL when I sold it and replace everything with JSCL on the advice a senior guy based purely on speculation that JSCL may touch 24 to 40 with big dividend expected but I think based on my greed to earn overnight and following a big name without doing any research on that script made me loose all the profit i made from ARPL from 235 to 370. I was telling about a few big names I added to the forum. One of that guy was kind of evil smart. One of my worst mistake to introduce him to FB world while he was being a crook. I shared some info on share like CLOV and he said dont buy it and guess what the share went cap on cap after that from 70 to 120. That sounded fishy to me. Then came his idea of creating a brokerage house which luckily didnt materialized. And finally he got exposed with his dark past and what he did to the real owner of investorguide360. Now came the test of morality and whether to stand by a crook or the victim. Right or wrong I had to choose to stand by the victim. Allah exposed yet again so many other people which I presumed to be my friends but nope they were by no mean never my friends. I have nothing else left to gain knowledge from testing the ordinary people like me to analysts to FB many gurus but in the end came up empty handed coz I was just chasing all those shadows which will be of no use to anyone. I did find one person in this Rubina Hayat while all this fight was going on and was great addition to info and understanding of textile business. In the last few days came the most pleasant change in my life when I saw Muhammad Samiuddin on guru forum and the things clicked with him in no time as he was only talking sense and no none-sense in this comments or knowIedge. Sami bhai was interesting and so does my best friends thought about him as well. But none of us were aware that we just scratched the surface with his knowledge about stock but it it was always pleasant to talk to him. I did share with him my thought on share like PSO AVN and a few more and he was generous enought to encourage me. I was felt happy. Anyway I finally found a job in KSA and discussed with my frds and had to leave all of those forum and unfriended almost all of the people whoever was added on friend list. Guess what that guy has still a lot of fan following and all those name you may see on different forums. Bird of same feather flock together. Chapter 3:- Now all my investments were eroded and in March I had only basic amount left for FFC and rest all money was used in last 9 months in home. Luckily I found a job again KSA solely because prayers of my parents. I came back to KSA. said good bye to all the forums and like I said I de-friended everyone related to KSE. I had nothing left but experience of the politics of FB and how the manipulations works by many gurus/punters/paid analysts. The concept of education was zero. Everyone has their own show off to show the world or FB forum people. In may all of my friends were kicked out from a famous forum when the idea of making a new forum clicked. But it took another few days but eventually the PEER forum was created. None of us had any idea how things will work but we all decided on keeping in the quality and not the quantity so the people who were added initially who were person friend and known to us and that included sami bhai as well. And admins were made in the very first day. Till the creation of the forum like a said none out us knew what magic Muhammad Samiuddin will bring to forum. He started sharing his veiws without creating and excitement. For a newcomer like me didnt take notice initially but things were changing for the good and nature was taking it course. I saw many people started to show interest in peer forum and realized that coz of education sake and mainly coz of Muhammad Samiuddin guidance that many people started making very good money in bad time like Aug even till this very day. So in true sense a star was born and recognized by everyone on FB and I think within Pakistan. So now education was for free. Chapter 4:- I saw a few more forums were created on FB in last 2 months or so again to attract clients and then again paid tips. No one knows who are those people. But this time the Victim was chosen wisely by many of them. It was Muhammad Samiuddin bhai. A guy whose tips from May have been spot on and everything he touches turns to gold would be an ideal person to knock out since he is ruining the business and money for many paid gurus. So the problem started when things were shared on the paid tips which were free for all initially. This does hurt when someone does all the hard work and he is being happy that everyone is making money and now someone kills his happiness of spreading knowledge for free. Muhammad Samiuddin bhai doesnt know these crooks and how they play, act and behave. I have seen their dramas over the last 17 months. I know them all. None of them are sincere in anyway possible. All of them are opportunistic of highest order from really low to really high educational background. All of them act the same way. Chapter 5 Conclusion:- I have started giving shit about people and their behaviour since long time back. Anyone can call me rude or arrogant but I have seen their worst faces from being very polite to being very manipulative and reverse psychology tactics. It really doesnt bothers me anymore who are getting benefited or who is not. All of them are the same Chartay Surj Ke Pujari Today It is Muhammad Samiuddin and when he is gone all of them will try to look for some new even better. This is what the reality is. Human are the worst animals when GREED is there and this has happened yet again. That is why I dont give a **** to people and their fake comments of bla bla bla. But this is how they all behave. No one is perfect even not me but I know what Loyalty means. If I found only 7 people in last 16 months after all this crap means there are 10,000 people and the best people I came up with were only 7 that is a mere 0.07%. And I am sure this what will be true for person like sami bhai as well who just saw the first bullshit of FB just within 6 months. So in short Precious Fomy I hope you get my answer that this is how people deserve to be when they become animal in first place. To Hell with all the opportunistic and so called innocents with losses. Muhammad Samiuddin may not be knowing you well but I give a rat ass about you all ----- Feeling Really Angry and Really frustrated at all the bullshit And Last but not the least whatever I earned the most in since August 2014 was coz of only one person Muhammad Samiuddin.. so I big thanks to you and Allah Bless you for everything you did for everyone including me :D
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 13:54:51 +0000

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