Chapter 1... Fear Many names and many name changes have - TopicsExpress


Chapter 1... Fear Many names and many name changes have sustained The Power of The Beast. Pharaohs, Emperors, Popes, Czars, Queens and Kings... demanded the people worship their existence, kiss their rings and remain loyal to the crown or whatever symbol the symbol of Gods higher power on earth demanded. And over time, the influence of The Beast spread from one kingdom and subject to another through prevailing beliefs and through the idea that any resistance to The Beast would cause unbearable pain, suffering and death. So on and on goes the horrific story of The Beast. The Beasts favorite story, the one he uses over and over to gain the peoples permission to reign supreme is the fairytale about the Shepard who takes care of his flock and protects them from the wolf at the gate. You see any story that keeps fear in the front of a persons mind is the one that keeps the people from seeing how the ugly story really ends. It doesnt matter how fond the Shepard is of the sheep, when he finally grows tired of leading them around all day... Well, thats when the slaughter house fills with fresh meat. But being a God King is a dangerous title to hold when you are the only person who holds it. Julius Caesar knows what I mean. So over time the relative power of The King spread to relatives and supporters of The King... but the bloodline and patronage grew thin, and so did the patience of the people who finally revolted at the thought of endlessly paying taxes, tolls and fees to sustain The Power of The Beast. It took a while, but over time a group of people refused to see themselves as sheep or subjects to tax and they took the fight to The Crown for the right to call themselves We The People of The United States of America... and then the Revolutionary Ideas spread to France. Well The Beast is no fool, seeing that people in France were literally losing their heads because of their titles and names... The Beast saw it was time for another name change. At the heart of The Good Fight is The Idea of Equality. Thats the idea that free people willingly gave their lives to defend. So The Beast eager to see that trend continue, spawned a new name that he called Comrade. In the early days, when you heard the name Comrade... you could tell a person was a friend of The Peoples Revolution and an idea called Communism. To some the idea of State Sponsored Equality all sounded very good. The ultimate brotherhood of a sort, where all activities were a part of the greater good. But it didnt take very long for the world to see how truly ugly The Idea of Communism really is... because to become a member of The Communist Party and The Ruling Elite, you had to be special in the eyes of The Red State and The Beast. And to be special in their eyes, you need to be the keeper of lots and lots of peasants and of course... SHEEP! The stage was set for a Cold War, a new age that demanded nation states choose sides between Communism and Capitalism. And the future of man became very much in doubt, for there was never any guarantee the loser would be a gracious loser. So school children learned to duck and cover as the covert wars grew hotter and hotter. The Beast finally blinked and the threat to Democracy and Freedom receded for a time. Communism as it turned out was only a temporary rouse... seems The Beast cant live with the threat of global nuclear holocaust either. Still... The Beast is always The Beast, he never goes away, he just changes shapes and names. He adapts to the times and to the inherent weakness in mankind and while The Good People of America were preoccupied with the threat of Communist Evil... The Beasts end-game was taking shape in the place that The Beast prized the most, a place that The People called... The Land of The Free. Because its Game Over if The Beast ever controls The People who who fight in the name of Liberty. Forever... The Kings and Queens of the world have been telling their subjects to leave all our troubles to them. That they will protect us. But all that changed when a group of patriots said: This is America... We dont believe in the power of Kings and Queens. Why does this matter? Because in some way, shape or form thats what this whole fight is about in North Korea, Russia, Iran, Egypt, China, Afghanistan... and it pains me to say, in America too. The people who fancy themselves as modern day Kings and Queens are trying to hold on to their precious power at the expense of The People they have sworn to protect.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 20:18:31 +0000

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