Chapter 1: The Adventure The sounds of horses pounding on the - TopicsExpress


Chapter 1: The Adventure The sounds of horses pounding on the dirt road as well as the low chattering of the small group of merchants were loud to the raven-hair Exorcists ears. He was flinching in pain that the sounds of the horses and the merchants were creating, causing him to get irritated by it. e wish he could stop the pain,but it would be there for a while until he can get some rest. Stupid Headache, He thought to himself. Ever since he woke up in which he found himself with a deer licking his face, he had found himself stiff for laying down for who knows long. Before too long, he had wander the forest until the sounds had caused his headache to go even worse than before. He thought maybe that Baka usagi had caused him to get too drunk and black out on their mission. But then again, Kanda did remember that he was heading off to his room when he had suddenly black out. Once he was closer to the dirt road, he could see the merchants disappearing into the vilalge up ahead. A few were on horses. A village? That was strange for Kanda. He quickly headed over to the village, carefully not to walk too fast or he would collasped all over again. Kanda scrowled as he had to squinted against the bright sun that reflected against the fountain in the middle. It was an old village from what Kanda could see. In this, he thought it fit perfectly in the medieval time period. Something that was strange. The people also dressed differently from the era he came from. This didnt seem to make sense at all. Kanda scrowled to himself as he realize that he had to socialize with other people. He let out a long sigh and headed towards a girl in a green dress with huge blue eyes and blonde hair that fell around her shoulders. As he was getting closer to her to spak up, he was sorting out what to say. Exuse me, Kanda said as he was closer. He was annoyed that he couldnt be too politely since his tone was cold and sharp. The girl looked up at him, studying him from head to toe. Can I ask you- He was cut off as he watched the girl run off to the nearest building. Kanda was twitching all over as he was trying not to burst out in anger. He was trying to be polite for once, at least for once. And that was a big FAIL! Kanda flinched once more in pain when he realize he still had the headache. He moved towards someone else. They refused to listen to him and also ran off. Two more people were also doing the same thing. This he just simply gave up. Kanda let out a long sigh as he sat down, having his back against the fountain. He was hungry and thristy as well exhausted from walking around with a headache. I see the rainbow over here is really dull and looked tired to his bones. Kanda literally jumped in the air as the voice scared the crap out of him. His mugen was taken out and pointed to a figure whom had a hood covering their face. His eyes narrowed right away. Who the hell are you? Kanda asked, not paying any attention that he stopped being polite. He was back to his usually grumpy self. He held the sword at the figures throat, even though everyone was staring. It would be out of my mind to actually say my name, The figure replied. A smirk formed near their lips. Kanda could hear the playfullness in their tone but he could also hear the figure was a female. Not much older than he was. I dont care, Kanda said. If you being so grumpy and rude about it. Its Raven and you? Kanda. But I doubt its your name. Why is that? Kanda remained quiet as the answer was already there. It was either the girl was either too dumb to notice it or just simply playing around with him. And that was when it hit him. She was actually playing around with him. Che..... How did I get here?Kanda asked after a moment of silence. Why am I here? I am not sure why you here but I am sure you got transported back in time like the rest of your comrades, Raven replied. She was tapping her finger on her cheek, Dont get the wrong idea though, I dont know their names. All I know that I remember the same kind of symbol like the one on your chest. Her hand had moved to point to the silver rose on his chest. Kanda looked down at it before glancing back up. A sigh of relief escaped his lips as he had heard that his comrades were alright. So where is my comrades? He asked, arching an eyebrow at her. I only know where two of them is since I seen them more than often, Raven explained. She took out a map from her pocket. Now can you remove that katana from my throat so I can spread the map for you. Kanda hestiated a little before nodding. He lower his mugen, just in case there was a trouble on its way. Raven gave him a nod as she unfolded the map in front of him. She muttered something under her breath and the map soon floated in midair. Kanda blinked as he realize she did magic. Here in the Kingdom of Aurora or in other terms, Scotland, Raven said, pointing with her index finger to a spot near the north of the map, Thats where one is staying. Obivously it is the main castle that rules this land so in meaning they are the princess and prince. Mean while- She pointed to another place on the map. - Is where another is heading. We might reach there in a few days if we hurry. Who might they be? And says who that we both going? I am not sure but there is a price for this information and this, you have to take me on your quest to meet them. Kanda growled as he was ready to send her away. But he decided not to. She was much useful when telling information. It was time to at least have her company. Fine you can come as long as you dont get in my way or annoy the shit out of me. Plus take that hood off once we get out of the village, Kanda intrusted her. He gave her a hard glare before turning away. We leave in the morning. Roger that! Raven said as she seemed to be excited.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 01:00:57 +0000

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