Chapter 1: The Great War The year is 4329 AD, the Great War had - TopicsExpress


Chapter 1: The Great War The year is 4329 AD, the Great War had been raging for almost 200 years, and now at last scientists believe that they have devised a way to force this war to end. “My name is Cruaver Yates. I am just one of the twenty volunteers that are going into this experiment. Our genetics will be changed, mutilated, and re-made. I do not know if I will be who I am after the experiment and war. I hope that you, my family, this and understand my sacrifice for you.” Cruaver finishes writing his finial letter to his beloved wife and son. The lunar facility is one of the few laboratories that still exist, since the surface of the earth is constantly bombarded during the war. No one really knows what the war is about anymore only that each side feels the need to win. In a long corridor with twenty human-sized pods, the subjects are led in. Scientists at the controls attempt to re-assure them that they will try to preserve the individuality of their test subjects. Cruaver and the others enter the pods knowing they will not likely understand who they are ever again. The pods begin to light up as one by one excruciating pain is experienced by all of them as their genetic structures are mutilated and recompiled. Those in pod number 18 and pod number 6 both die of the intense pain. Only the strongest will survive. Several hours later as Cruaver opens his eyes he sees almost instantly that he is in a small room, he survived. “Rise and shine ladies,” the drill sergeant said as he walked down the hallway outside the cells. Cruaver stands up and ready. “You will all be given a numerical designation and that will determine your rank, if you step out of line you will fight and settle it like the animals you are, and the winner will claim the rank that he defeated if it is higher then his” the drill sergeant concludes his speech as Cruaver and the others look at each other, they were all covered in scales with a set of bat like wings. A crystal-like substance that was clear but glowed slightly covered their eyes. Their heads were twice as long and triangular. The tails they had differed from one to the other: one had a smooth tail, another had a spiked tail, and so on. “What are we now, sir?” Cruaver asked much to the surprise of the drill sergeant. “You are animals of war and you will not speak unless spoken too,” so said the drill sergeant clearly thrown off balance from one of the “animals” remembering how to talk. This meant that they still had free will. Cruaver stands at attention as do the others ready for the training they presume to be coming for them. Many hours later Cruaver has achieved number one status as the training concludes. He seems to have the most of his personality intact making his fighting style unique and personalized. He knew why he fought. As the war animals were released on the surface the enemy had already amassed all their forces for one last battle. It was thirteen against one million. Cruaver, Taiss, Imund, Risv, Samos, Honsec, Foemar, Asad, Nirmor, Pyth, Ukela, Alevor, and Eldyer each had their own unique skill as well as generic skills they shared. They had the strength of a hundred men, speed of a tiger beetle, and the fierceness of a cornered tiger. The enemy fire shells from their tanks to try to pick them off but Alevor rushes forward in the air hitting the shells destroying them high up and taking no damage from the explosion. Nirmor and Asad lift their wings and rush forward over the ground and run past a tank as it falls into shreds from their claws. Foemar breaths a vast fire against the foot solders burning them alive inside their armor. The army panics attempting to flee but it is a slaughter. Cruaver and his loyal soldiers defeated the army before them leaving no survivors, the base was all that was left of enemy resistance. Cruaver stepped forward alone leaving the protection of his team to show his power. As the base targets Cruaver with an experimental plasma launcher, he looks up right into the eyes of the one aiming just as the trigger is pulled and the aimer blinks. In a flash of lightning, maybe even faster then that, the plasma launcher was ripped into pieces as Cruaver tore a hole into the wall with the launcher inside. With a mighty roar Cruaver rips out the entrails of the enemy, mercilessly killing them one by one undamaged by their screams of terror or by their futile attempts to escape from or hurt him. There was but one survivor who was at the very core of the base preparing to detonate the energy core so that at least they would die having taken one out with them. Cruaver appears behind him and roars as balls of zero point energy form a spinning disk around his mouth accumulating into a single black orb. The last man stares up in awe and terror as the orb is swallowed and spat out in a breathtaking beam right at his face. The entire base explodes ripping the inside and outside pieces as easily as wet paper. High in the observation deck of the moonbase the scientists and military stare dumbfounded as the war ends in an instant.
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 17:28:23 +0000

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