Chapter 1 : The Shutdown November 7th, 2014 -Dakota I was - TopicsExpress


Chapter 1 : The Shutdown November 7th, 2014 -Dakota I was in history class when we heard the news over the intercom. The government had fallen, and I was about 10 miles from my house. Perfect. My Mom was at work, and my dad was who knows where. All I knew is that I should probably start thinking up a quick plan so I could find a place to go for a little while. I decided I would walk as far as I could in the frigid cold weather. I didn’t know how far I would make it, but I did know I would be hungry by the time I got there. I checked my wallet. I found $26 and a quarter. Then I looked up, and our teacher dismissed us to go home. When I got outside, I just started walking. From what I understand, Terry had left about 15 minutes earlier. I debated on trying to catch up to him, but I didn’t know which way he went. I decided to start heading towards a small town sandwich shop, which is about a mile up the road from the grocery store. On the way there, I noticed there was a bit less traffic than usual. People are saving gas I suppose, since paper money is going to be pretty much useless soon. I went into the sandwich shop and I felt a blast of warmth from the heater inside. I bought a sandwich off of the dollar menu, at this point it was about 10:54. I ate my sandwich, and left to go walking again, and I kept walking until I got to the parking lot of the grocery store. That’s when I got a text from Terry. It said to meet him at the safe house. I think to myself, “Well… Crap. What safe house?” I had no idea what he was talking about, but I rolled with it. I didn’t know where he was so I asked him for a ride. Then he called me. He told me to meet him at a nearby gas station, and also to bring food. After I hung up, I went into the grocery store and bought as many groceries as I could for $25 dollars, the money I had left after buying the sandwich, and started walking towards the gas station. I walked under a train bridge that had graffiti scrawled on it. It said “Class of 1982”. I thought of the pranks my dad pulled off when he was in high school. Soon, I had made it to the gas station. I walked in the door, and I heard the bell ring. Terry was sitting at a table eating a slice of pizza. I walked over to him and reached over his shoulder to get a slice of pizza from him. “Sup bro” he says with a smirk. “Nothing much, just meeting you where you told me to.” I responded. I sat a single bag of groceries on the table in front of him. It consisted of a few cans of soup, some chili, and some other non-perishable cans of food. “This was all I could get” I tell him. He took another bite of pizza and said “No can opener?” “I couldn’t afford one. I have an idea to open them though. I will show you when we get hungry.” I said. He responds, “Well we are wasting time that we can be walking.” He said. I respond with a lame joke, “Time that we CAN be walking! Ha Ha!” Terry looked at me and scowled, then punched me in the arm while I was still laughing. “You can carry the bag of cans and I can carry the pizza.” He said getting up and grabbing the box of pizza. “Sounds good” I said.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 06:51:39 +0000

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