Chapter 10 > > > > As they traveled, Merlin - TopicsExpress


Chapter 10 > > > > As they traveled, Merlin began the youths formal education. The fun part about this education is it would seam just normal every day activities Merlin decided. The learning may often be fun, but it would all relate somehow to the youth becoming an astute and able leader and dignified figure in the kingdom. > > > > The elder taught this through stories of history, songs, humor and lore as they rode on horseback. They would as in the old bard tradition also compose songs together and the youth began to learn the principles of singing, and singing while playing an instrument. When they camped for the night it was math, science, metaphysics, and other more classroom studies, including laughter which he was learning fast was often truly the best medicine. > > > > One of the early stories the lad heard from his adopted grandfather and magus guide was the story of the elders youth. Mardraid learned of how he came to be inspired and listened to about the importance of establishing Camelot and the sacred development of the rule of law in the land. > > > > Merlin explained that when he was very young he was orphaned and taken to Avalon where he was taught in the druid schools all of their sacred arts, sciences, and alchemy of civilization building. Alchemy of civilization building was new at the time in the druid school, as back then Britain was still under the crumbling Roman Empire and the Romans had been the ones putting the ingredients into the Alchemical bread, as Merlin liked to call the building of civilizations, to warm life into rising before their social extremes would cause corruptions and disease that would make them then fall. But no longer... > > > > Moderation was key to the fun in our new land, Merlin emphasized, A moderation balanced between the joys of living and a healthy sense of responsibility. The joys of conscionable living so to speak... Chasing women into the night some day lad but no later than you can get some sleep and be attentive for your daily work the next day... One day youll understand, the elder chuckled to the wondering child... > > > > Though the Roman rule was about to fall back then, the druid school had received three traveling mystics who came to share information. One from the area of Archimedes in Sicily . The second grew up and was taught in the Greek City-State of Athens where from a mystical heritage and secret school of study they called the Pythagoreans he learned the many academic studies of good civilization building. The third was a mystic from the north of Egypt who met the other two in the world renown philosophical schools of Heliopolis . They were all trained in various forms of math, natural science, music, the healing effects of dance, harmony with nature, literature, forms of free thinking, health and exercise, and many other studies which historically comprised most of the curriculums in schools of mystery and civilization building. > > > > Before the three traveling mystics, the druid schools were mostly focused on closeness with the Earth and stars and forces related to them. With the addition of the information from the traveling three, they became experts in sacred mathematics, an alchemical approach and sensitivity to the elements, a naturally objective scientific approach to studying life, and stories of the high civilizations of golden age development that had appeared at times in various parts of the Mediterranean . > > > > Merlin explained, In golden age civilizations of optimums, every citizen had guaranteed rights, the Earth was respected, and the artistry and culture of the land flourished with anyone interested in being involved encouraged to do so. There was no lack of resources for the people in a golden age and the land was respected and loved for her effort. > > > > The traveling mystics saw themselves as secret living world spirit-guides for the crumbling Roman empire , which they said was crumbling due to ambition and corruption. Ambition often saw people avoiding their inspired talents to scratch and claw each other metaphorically to get to titled positions and positions of importance. This often saw people achieve important positions which they were not qualified to hold. The Angels liked to experientially train people in what they loved and were talented in to the point where they were over-qualified for but loved the work. Then they moved them to positions they could easily and joyfully help civilization in through inspiration and enthusiasm instead of ambition and folly. > > > > The overwhelming presence of ambition in the crumbling Rome would often sink the economy and then the social order into corrupt behaviors and conflict. People in corrupt positions of status, often lost their ability to govern the people through rule of law because they didnt live by the basic laws of civilization themselves and were usually looking over their shoulder to not get caught and then often made many corrupt deals to keep them from being held justly accountable. > > > > The easy way to govern was to make the laws easy to live by for all. An easy life for those in authority and those of regular life was optimum as long as the needs of civilization were met with responsibility. Healthy laws that are easy to live by Cosmic natures 12 ethics is where the immutable forces uniquely guide, bless, and help build the social fiber and fabric of any civilization. From there they live by the laws and enjoy a life within their legal means. A clean conscience invigorates the body, was a common philosophy for those in the study of good health Merlin explained with a bit of truthful humor. > > > > The teachers from the Mediterranean mentioned that people in the public eye and eventually all citizens would better serve the realm if they acted as social-lights and adapted their character to the cultivation of civil virtues like festivity, friendliness, and fun in moderation as well as service. The youth laughed when he heard the first three virtues but Merlin explained that those three considerations were what kept people at their brightest and looking forward to even the most menial tasks throughout the day. Those four virtues and others would bring a natural shaping of the realm by inspired living motivated by enjoying life responsibly. People tend to think in terms of what they value. If they value the joys of life they will govern moderately here according to their importance for everyone... With our fun we must simply make sure we can get to work the next day and do our part effectively. We arent condoning doing anything against civil rights of others and nature, and doing our service to the community should be a badge of honor for all to cultivate. The rest is celebrating life and its joys lad like family and friendship and building our talents and insights and so on and so on... > > > > There were 12 main virtues they emphasized as well as the first four character building principles and the sweet natural science of cause and effect for a 13th principle to always consider. These virtues and principles when lived brought a savory vibrancy to a persons character. Even their very body seemed to illuminate like a celestial light with a natural grace and fortitude that was beautiful on a woman and handsome within a man. It made them attractive and of interest regardless of their physical looks and appearance. The 12 immutable virtues were order, balance, harmony, unconditional love (of nature), appreciation, growth, compassion (for every living thing), truth, mercy, justice, illumination, and Oneness to which some added the four character principles of sincerity, philanthropy, heroism, and faithful living. There was much adverse consequence to those civilizations that didnt practice such principles of nature and character. Karmic, developmental, and corrosive difficulties were usually rampant as they hadnt been considering the future with a consistent study of the 12th force which is also a principle of the sweet science of cause and effect. > > > > The natural force and principle of Cause and effect was amazing. The force was the force of both Good luck karma cultivation and Bad luck karma cultivation which had many intensities with the lessons whereas the good luck had many blessings with future lessons coming. Our learning never stops lad, so enjoy the waters of lifes living academia of experience, Merlin mentioned to Mardraid in their discussion. Creations natural principle of the 12 forces called karma or as it was studied as cause and effect was the source of the phrase sow the wind and reap the whirlwind. It also was the source of What comes around goes around and What you do comes back to you. > > > > A very insightful man, named Jesus or Jeshua, once said to Do unto others as you would have them do unto you as a guideline for good luck karma cultivation as a lifestyle. The principle of cause and effect helps us see the future as trends developing based on our actions. If I eat chocolate it makes me happy. If I notice this for a long time it is likely that if I could use something to improve my day, then to measure the future outcome I can estimate that based on the trend of effects of eating chocolate in the past. Chocolate based on past trends may help improve my day - but only in moderation, not too much and not too little which is usually a range of optimum. The outcomes are rarely set in stone but can be predictable with high levels of probability if a person really knows themself or is experienced in a situation. > > > > Merlin had a vision one day from the Archangels while resting by a tree in the sun. He saw the land thriving and people happy and productive and living like they did in Avalon and the 5th dimension. He then saw the hostility and bloodshed if lawlessness set in as the Romans left. He had been trained in the many traditions and freedoms of past Golden Age Civilizations throughout the Mediterranean and the known world. Very quickly he could see that he needed to follow this powerful swell of inspiration. > > > > The sacred calling was for him to collect the people together around a royal lineage and bring them into the place of literacy and understanding where they valued rule by law and not bully strength. He had started with Uther, and now things were progressing very well under his son Arthur. The laws were to be increasingly civil. The purpose of the laws was to make life easier, not hard. > > > > The peoples yoke was encouraged to be light by the fair and just expectations of the laws which governed the land. The monarchy would give birth to democracy and the true sovereignty of every citizen would be awakened and protected in the future realm. There would be terrible times ahead and much of the brilliance of the land would not resurface for quite some time if he didnt put forth his effort and help nature restore the crumbling civil order. No need to become cave men again. He was no longer a very talented lackadaisical youth. He felt like he was a man and a priestly magus of great responsibility immediately as he heart felt accepted his lot. He was ready to do the work the Archangels had lain before him. > > > > The youthful Merlin had a new and inspired lifestyle. He now lived in prayerful daily-communion and guidance from the Archangels, and the spirits who worked with them in nature and in civilization building. This was the optimum path for finding ones vocation. He understood this and lived it well. It would be the culture of the future for all citizens. Living with an inspired enthusiasm saw people not only developing but usually very much enjoying the process and enjoyed turning their many interests into talents and abilities over time. > > > > He was told that civilization development would flow towards encouraging individual development until excellence was the cornerstone for careers and hobbies alike. Usually, after some level of obvious competence and often excellence in something, a person would then go into a career in that interest or hobby. Along the way there would be many synchronicities which appear to help guide an inspired soul as to whether they were ready to turn their interest into a profession. > > > > Abilities and talents originated as inspired ideas which grew usually to practiced habits and maybe a hobby. Hobbies often became s3cond nature and from there genuine true nature of a persons conscience and soul. When a trait such as compassion was a developed part of someones true nature all of their future incarnations have the understandings and inclinations for compassion that they have built up in their vault of understanding to continue to develop eternally. Thats why this insightful living base don experience, pondering, and articulating ideas to further ones understanding of them was so valuable. Somewhere between second nature or a permanent part of their formed nature and character, a person of insight takes with them these developments into future lifetimes as innate talents and abilities that they often don’t even know where they came from. > > > > Being aware of synchronicity and asking the Cosmic Sacred Natural Laws of the Universe to help us added another dimension to the whole learning process, Merlin went on to explain one fine night by the open campfire with rabbit and potatoes roasting for their dinner. > > > > Synchronicity was a part of a fine art, the teacher instructed through casual conversation and interesting story forms, That of co-creating. Things seam to fall into place at the right pace, time, and place. Truly it helps to do what one loves in a natural civilization building way. When loving what we do it makes the Universe itself, it seams, conspire on our behalf like a team surrounding us to levels we may not ever understand, but we are gratefully aware of the helpfulness nevertheless. > > > > This inspired path avoided unqualified people doing a job that they often hated or even disliked because they sought it for status. Not entry level employment and beginning/unskilled stages of national economic service but career minded people should be in a place of developing themselves on a path of joyful interests. Mardaid would know no other life than nation building. Merlin would playfully insure they kept it fun which would insure it as the youths lifelong pursuit. > > > > Merlin liked to look at a civilization based on this opportunity for an inspired life for every citizen, even those who wanted to rest and do little difficult work could dig ditches and tend gardens for a living and were valuable citizens. The pursuit of happiness being protected, as a golden age civilization would value this civic virtue as well. > > > > This encouraged all of their people to develop all of their inspired talents and interests. What a potent community of colleagues, he smiled. No matter what their profession, they could contribute regardless of how menial or extravagant the skill levels. Golden age just means in harmony with nature and a protected civil place for everyone. And with a lawful protection of natures rights as well... Merlin paused then continued, All citizens also have sovereign rights and not everyone is truly equal in talents, abilities, or responsibilities, but all are equally protected by the laws of civilization. > > > > An ordinary job could even be something someone did to support the funding of their talents, which they then used the monies to help the greater community as a hobby after work, Merlin explained. > > > > How utopian...! he exclaimed and patted the youth on the back with a chuckle. > > > > Merlin was practicing the bardic art of gently affirming truths to the lads conscious mind. He did not ever interfering with the youths subconscious as it was a metaphysical protected place by the immutable forces of nature. The repetition of stories, songs, and even humor and puns with slight variations in the wording would over the many years make them common sense for the lad to understand their meaning even if they were a little over his head at times now, they would one day be his clay to mold for others.....
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 20:32:19 +0000

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