Chapter 10 The Village of the Wildcats A huge flock of - TopicsExpress


Chapter 10 The Village of the Wildcats A huge flock of millions of black iridescently feathered crows, circled like a swirling tornado in front of Hooy. Faster and faster the birds spun, until they were drawn into the center of the ground painting of Wiyot. Then they disappeared into the underworld, as they soared into the spirals center. The last of the crows, little brothers of the raven, were engulfed by this porthole to the underworld. When the door ceased and vanished, a sacred chia sprouted in its place. From a tiny black and brown seed, the powerful plant transformed like a cloud before me. It matured instantly before my eyes. Then at the end of its life cycle, the chia dried out releasing its minuscule life giving seeds. These energy containing seeds fell into a harvesting basket, with a familiar slender figure collecting the chia with a seed beater. She turned with her face glowing the sunlight, Yellow Flower…., “WAKE UP!” cried Nar, “We are surrounded!” “What? Who?” Bumbling the words. Face to face with a party of warriors, I instantly froze. They were painted and tattooed, with red and black warrior designs, representing the Wildcat tribe. I could feel from their stares they meant business. They must have thought we were stealing from their ancient garden. Then from the forest she roared, “Hooy I am here.” Every single warrior turned dropping to their knees, while bowing deeply to the great Green-Bear. The large smelly beast elicited a great fear in all but Nar and I, and with a fish stuffed mouth growled out a wet snort. The god-like creature walked gingerly towards the fearsomely painted but respectful warriors. The bold beast pushing right passed them, with a struggling fresh trout. The bear drool and detached scales scattering on them. Thinking how did the Green Bear speak with a fish in its mouth? Then with a loud splat the shiny scales of the over-sized fish, fell to the ground in front of me. Green Bear looked up at me and winked with a grin of self-approval, ignoring the cowering warriors. The Green-Bear then stood on her hind legs and gave a roar so loud, it only could have only been rivaled by the great mountain lion. A look of shock and disbelief overtook everyone’s face, as the big beast plopped down chomping her fresh trout for breakfast Time seemed to pass so slowly, but the events really lasted a few seconds. Confused but brave Chief Of the Wildcats begged, “Please do not to curse us for our ignorance. We never expected you to be traveling with such a powerful green-bear. The bear may feast in all of our gardens, and as the green-bear is your companion, your group may as well.” ” Speaking in a strong tone, “Thank you, are the only words worthy of our indebted, mouths and stomachs.” Nar followed, “Thank you for the big-meat.” Humbly I recounted our garden stay, “Thank you Chief of the Wildcats, for this place of resting and for the small plot of vegetables, left weary traveler.” Chief Wildcat smiled with approval at this gesture and formally introduced his people, “We are the people of the valley of the sacred wildcat. I am Chief Wildcat, and we did not recognize our bear brothers with hair cut in mourning. We assumed that raiders were in our garden given to us by our ancestors. Now understanding your skillset. Are you Hoo-Nar the powerful ghost-shamans?” Nar spoke confidently in his strong way, “We are the sons of Chief Bear Claw of the island of the Hoo-Nar, sir.” I explained, “We are on a journey to Nilenga to run in the Wildcat and Coyote Race. During our travels we had encountered the ghost-shamans and the Green-Bear in a strorm. While sheltering in the ghost-shamans large cavern, this little Blue-Belly adopted us.” Then Nar with three quick stomps summoned the Little Blue Bellied Lizard out of his shoulder length cut hair. The spiny lizard showed off its beautiful black and blue belly with several quick push-ups, standing on his broad perch. The Wildcat warriors were elated and mystified by our animal group. Then I removed my shark-tooth neck-charm and gave it to Chief Wildcat. The Chief said, “Such a gift is unprecedented, in return for garden vegetables.” then shouting in approval, “All are invited to feast, participating in the interpretation of the ritual sand painting of the heavens. If your group rested for the day, we could all travel together to Nilenga tomorrow. The Wildcats have also entered in the Great Race.” Walking on the path with the warriors leading Nar turned to me and said, “I am very excited to visit their village, these warriors’ reputations as some of the best, was known across the land. This gives us a chance to learn from these legendary warriors.” I responded, “And big-meat?” Nar laughed, “I heard feast, didn’t you?” When the elaborately painted warriors, got close their village, the Wildcat children ran to greet them with wide eyes and awes. The Green-Bear strolled by them with a sudden grunt, pooping on the trail, to the children’s pure delight. The huge beast’s prideful stroll changed in an instant, as he tensed up turning around sniffing the air forcefully. Green-Bear growled and I heard, “Scar!!!!!” Behind us came a contingent of lone-warriors, a type of undisciplined tribe, living by its own life-ways. They are young men that usually have been banished from their home lands. I knew that they form a tribe of convenience and survival, not love. They are always on the lookout for their own gain in the world. Why Green-Bear got spooked I wasn’t sure. Boldly the leader of this despised tribe came within range of Green-Bear, when she charged the group. Green-Bear sent all scattering off the trail, except one. The young leader about my age had five scars across his face, and no apparent fear of the incredible green beast. Around his neck I saw a long string of bear claws and teeth. This is a major taboo in our cultures, but Scar’s tribe ran by their own rules. Green-Bear got to within striking distance as she it rose to her hind legs and roared a roar from deep within. Like an accuser would shout at the accused. Scar unsheathed his red jasper knife from his bundled hair knot. Green-Bear charge to a stalemate with Scar face to face not giving any ground. Green-Bear’s sharp claws pressing Scar’s neck, just not penetrating, with Scar’s blade near the Green-Bear’s beating heart. Either warrior had a kill shot but both stopped short of the deadly blow. They both could see the consequences would far outweigh the benefits. Equaled but not beaten Green-Bear jumped disappearing into the greasewood chaparral. All of the spectators looked amazed, never seeing such an encounter. I shrugged saying, “The great Green-Bear makes its own path!” After the wild incident, Scar pushed past Hooy, introducing himself as the “Killer of the Great Bear.” Everyone in the Wildcat village knew him as Scar. The people were all scared of his powers of transportation. His bravery and fierceness were well known, as well as his taboo of killing bears. He even killed cubs for amusement. Scar’s had no respect for Wiyot’s wishes or traditions. All he could see was achievement of power through power, respect or disrespect, it didn’t matter him. Scar proclaimed, “I killed that old mama bear’s cub last fall and someday will wear that bears power on my neck.” Nar being unusually quiet said, “We’ll see.” Scar demanded from the Wildcats, “Trade for this dried bear meat, we have collected on our hunts.” Even if the partially rancid meat was prepared and dried correctly, most humans would never eat bear. The Wildcats had a similar taboo, but purchased the meat from Scar anyway. Chief Wildcat then said to some warriors, “Bury the bear properly to please Wiyot, freeing the bear to join the stars.” Scar and his unwanted warriors then took their forced reciprocity of dried seeds and wood rat meat, with them as they left. Upon leaving Scar said, “We are heading on to Nilenga to win Coyote and Wildcat Race. Don’t bother sending runners. I will be the one to win the Great Race.” Hooy at this point knew that would not be the last time he would run into Scar, “the Killer of the Great Bear.” After the irrational trading occurred to keep the peace, the group sat down to feast, talking of days past and present. Hooy could see the preparations begin on the sacred sand painting. He was looking forward to a night of great singing, dancing, and learning. He had been through a similar ceremony on his island home and looked forward to learning the Wildcats way of the all-knowing stars.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 22:25:06 +0000

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