Chapter 110 Megatron was very angry at the Autobots, for - TopicsExpress


Chapter 110 Megatron was very angry at the Autobots, for saving their pets, and now he wanted revenge. He had specifically targeted Melaney, as he was well aware of who her guardian was. But this time Megatron was going to go even further than he had gone before. This time their victim wasnt going to go to Shockwave. Shockwave was coming to her. Megatron had ordered all the latest tools and equipment for Shockwaves use, and he also ordered Soundwave to monitor and record the entire procedure. Starscream carried the unconscious Melaney, to Knockouts sickbay, while they waited for Shockwaves arrival. Megatron was pleased at Starscreams work. To make doubly sure that they were not going to get any interruptions from the Autobots, they flew in the planets moons orbit. But even there, they werent one hundred percent secure from Autobot interference, as their were a few known Autobots working, or constantly traveling though the Earths orbit. Once the space bridge was opened within the Nemesis, Shockwave walked through it. Once he had arrived safely on board Megatrons warship, Megatron escorted Shockwave to his new state of the art laboratory, for him to use. Shockwave was extremely impressed in the equipment that Megatron had given him. When Shockwave was ready, Knockout was ordered to bring Melaney to Shockwaves new laboratory, and he was also ordered to assist Shockwave with anything he needed help with. Knockout walked into Shockwaves lab, while very carefully carrying in his hands the unconscious little girl. Knockout was fascinated and nervous at the same time, he never saw this particular procedure conducted by Shockwave before. In the past all he did was to create their life support containers ready for their transport to anywhere in the universe. Where would you like, your new test subject? asked Knockout happily. Over here, Knockout. replied Shockwave, while he pointed to a fairly small table, in the middle of the room, that was surrounded by many other tables filled to the brim with tools and gadget. And the laboratory was also filled with all types of machinery, connecting to the ceiling, or the walls, and countless amount of other devices that could be pushed to where ever Shockwave desired. Knockout carried the small human child to the table, and laying her right in the middle. But when he tried to remove his hand from her, the tiny child rolled over, and started to hug Knockouts four finger. She was still asleep, and little Melaney was a sleep talker, and she said, as she felt Knockout was trying to remove his finger from her grasp, Jazz dont go. How sweet, now if you dont mind can you loosen your grip around my finger, I would greatly appreciate it. said Knockout, as he was trying to carefully free his finger. Shockwave came over to the table, and placed a very tiny mask over the childs mouth and nose. And very slowly, she began to let go of Knockouts finger. Thanks Shockwave. said a very relieved Knockout, he then turn towards the door and saw Soundwave standing on the right side of the door way. Why are you here Soundwave? asked Knockout. Soundwave replied in a recording of Megatrons voice, Soundwave I order you to record ever detail of that pathetic Autobot pets procedure. So that afterwards we can really rub salt into the Autobots wounds. So you are telling me, that you are going to remain there, the entire time we alter this human? asked Knockout. Soundwave nodded. Ohh that is just great we have an audience. he complained. Your shyness Knockout, is highly illogical. Lets us begin. said Shockwave. Shockwave ordered Knockout to gather certain items that he required, while he started the incision to Melaney right arm. While he was pretty much amputating Melaneys right arm, Knockout came back over with the items he required, then he ordered Knockout to evaluate the robotics which he had made earlier, to see weather they were fully operational, and to prepare them to be placed into Melaney. Knockout was more than happy to do so.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 00:57:37 +0000

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