Chapter 12 - Porker to Princess Wednesday 7th January - TopicsExpress


Chapter 12 - Porker to Princess Wednesday 7th January 2015 Food on my mind As its a New Year, and everyone is conscious about wanting to look better or lose a few lbs...I hear this conversation nearly everywhere I go and discussions about diets/foods to eat/foods to avoid. For what its worth I just want to throw my opinion in the bag - a little food for thought so to speak. Those of you that have been following me for a while will see my daily photo food blog - I eat a lot! And I have lost 9kgs, over 25 inches and most importantly 7%BODY FAT in 2 months eating those I think my first point is, you dont have to eat soup and lettuce leafs to lose weight!? My 2nd point - my ingredients - you guys dont always see what goes into my meals, but here is a short list from my shopping 1-Full Fat Milk (organic if I can get) 2- Proper Actual Butter (organic) 3-Full Fat Cheese (organic) 4-Full Fat Greek Yoghurt 5-Organic Honey 6-Fresh or Frozen Fruit and Veg (organic if available) 7-Quality Meat and Chicken from the butcher As you can see a lot of stuff with the fat still in it. This was something I learnt a few years ago, after a talk I attended at a Fitness Convention, and I have eaten full day ever since (what a look I first got from the skimmed milk crew in work) Im sure there are many other scientific reasons behind this choice, however the one that is the most important - LESS MODIFICATIONS MADE TO THE FOOD...less artificial chemicals going into my body, less preservatives, less artificial sugars and sweeteners...and more natural ingredients.... It has done me know harm, and is worth thinking about. Next time in a supermarket have a look at the ingredients between yoghurts and see the difference between added ingredients and natural ingredients. Im sure you will be shocked like I was finding out there is sometimes over 5% of (fake) sugar in a 0% fat yoghurt? Fat is not the evil and it is not bad! It is when we mix fat will all other man made products it becomes an issue. Our ancestors would not preserve anything, they had to eat natural foods, why are we not doing the same? I am not trying to slate any plan that you might follow, we are all different and what works for one might not work for another. However I will say this - I have made a lifestyle change, and this is my life now. Granted when I hit my target weight there will be subtle changes, but not much. The way I now eat is a completely manageable amount of food, some argue to much. It fuels my body and Im not deprived. I see and hear people continually having a battle at slimming clubs or other places, and I have been there. I firmly believe it is because of all the convenience man made, low fat foods I consumed, providing my body with un-natural chemicals. As always happy to hear thoughts and opinions and discuss further, and I am hear should you wish to find out any more info. Love Amanda X
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 06:15:43 +0000

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