Chapter 12!! :D ~Rose ϟ ~*~*~*~*~*~ Roses POV: I - TopicsExpress


Chapter 12!! :D ~Rose ϟ ~*~*~*~*~*~ Roses POV: I had to be the luckiest girl alive. I had one of the greatest guys in the world, Scorpius Malfoy. I still wasnt quite sure how I had managed to get him, off all people. He chose me. ME. The awkward and often too-loud red head. I mean, I was a female quidditch player for Merlins sake! We werent exactly the most lady like of girls. Sure, we had our moments, usually followed by something most mothers would frown upon. I probably failed to mention, Im a seeker for Ravenclaw. Id been playing quidditch A LOT from the time I was little, I mean my uncle is Harry Potter. He said I had the build for a seeker and Id pretty much been training since I was born. I was a shoe in. Of course, it helped that Scorp was captain this year, but I made seeker second year. Back to why I was lucky... Scorpius was one of, if not THE most attractive guy at our school. He, like me, received top marks in all of his classes, and, like I said, was the Ravenclaw quidditch captain. Though he usually didnt admit it, he was a bookworm like myself and we spent hours discussing literature. He was chivalrous, respectful, brave, and, like me, sneaky. What can I say? He belongs in each house yet managed to get into mine and because of that, were best friends. Well... I suppose were more than best friends now. I had just added a heart to our names on our special tree, when Scorpius wrapped me in a hug. I didnt want to move. I was warm and happy. I was lucky. ~*~*~*~*~*~* Scorpiuss POV: Mm.. wanna climb up? I asked Rose. She glanced up at the tree and back to me giving me an odd look. Its covered in snow. She said, matter-of-factly. Like thats ever stopped us before? I challenged. She smiled and placed her hand on the lowest branch, beginning the climb. Within ten minutes, we were at the top of the tree in our spot. We had hollowed out a spot in the trunk to store things, and had pulled out the sleeping bag and blanket we had, while Rose pulled out the jar with the flamer her mother had made for us. Her mother knew that we had our own spot to go to, but never asked where or what it was. She didnt pry. She left us to do what we wanted. I shouldve known then that she knew something was up. We were cuddled in the sleeping bag, talking between the two of us. Why me Scorp? She asked me, looking me directly in the eyes. I could tell she was genuinely confused and had no idea why. Bloody Rose. I sighed. This wasnt the time. I wanted to tell her after I told her family what was going on. I wanted her to hear what I said to them before I whisked her off back here to tell her all the reasons I loved her. I had it all in my mind. Being the optimist I was, I had bought a ring. No, not an engagement ring, a promise ring. I wanted her to be able to wear it and know that I was hers and hers alone. I wanted it to be a promise that I would always love her, and that one day, when we were ready, we could marry. The only problem is, I had left it inside, not anticipating this happening now. Ill tell you later Rose. She pouted but I shook my head and laughed. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Roses POV: He wouldnt tell me why he loved me. I didnt know what he had planned or why he refused to tell me. I felt like it was such a simple question, yet I knew it wasnt. I would have to wait. Time flew by and before I knew it, Scorp was shaking me awake. Rose? Love? We should head back. I think its about dinner time. Scorpius said to me. I shook my head trying to clear my thoughts. One more minute.. I said though I think it came out something along the lines of onemrmnt. Scorpius laughed as we climbed out of the sleeping back and put it away. He began making his way down the tree and I followed closely behind. A loud crack sounded from below us and I nearly let go of the tree. I gasped and heard Scorpius swear before hearing a loud thud, followed by a scream. I looked down to see my cousin, Victoire standing below the tree hands covering her mouth and eyes large, when my heart dropped. Scorpius lay on the ground next to her feet, blood staining the snow red like a halo around his head.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 08:08:39 +0000

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