Chapter: 12, Sub-Chapter: 9 The Teaching About Effort || - TopicsExpress


Chapter: 12, Sub-Chapter: 9 The Teaching About Effort || ShriRam || 1. The listener said Suppose that there is someone who is weak, who has no proper mode of conduct, who is financially unstable, lazy, gluttonous, deeply in debt, foolish about everything, whose life is completely in disorder, and who has nothing. 2. He has nothing to eat and no good meals, nothing to wear or drape around his body, no bed, no cover, not even a small hut to live in, he is so unfortunate. 3. He does not have any near or distant relatives, no well-wishers, no friends or acquaintances anywhere. He is like a stranger without any support. 4. What should he do? What hope should he hold onto in life? Should he survive or die, and in which way? 5. Someone asked this question, and the speaker will give the reply. Now, the listeners are requested to remain alert while listening. 6. Any work, whether small or large cannot be accomplished without actually doing the work. If there is someone who is unfortunate and wishes to become fortunate, remain alert and listen to what is being said. 7. If there is no alertness within, and no efforts are made, how can there be any talk of happiness and contentment? 8. Therefore, give up laziness. Make earnest efforts with perseverance and break the presence of depression from the mind forcefully. 9. Get up early in the morning and worship God. Remember and reflect regularly upon whatever has been learned by heart. 10. Go over what you have learned already to make it fresh, and learn by heart some more in addition. Keep firm with regular discipline, and do not engage in meaningless babble. 11. Go to a distant place for morning bath and toilet. Come back clean and bring something back with you. Don’t return empty handed. (This is saying not to be lazy, and to make oneself useful in the village life.) 12. The washed clothes should be wrung out and hung up for drying, and some worship of God should be done according to what is customary or appropriate. 13. Then, have some fruit to eat and afterwards tend to your business or occupation, taking care when dealing with those who are close to you, as well as with strangers. 14. Write nicely and read clearly and smoothly. The inner meaning of the words should be understood with proper analysis and consideration. 15. When asking questions, they should be exact and appropriate to the situation. When giving answers, the explanation should be thorough. To speak about something without experience is a mistake. 16. Remain alert, and behave morally, accomplishing works that please many people. 17. Try to satisfy those who come calling to meet with you. The explanations about God should be given, and you should act in a manner which is appropriate according to the situation. 18. When speaking, the style and expressions should be clear in meaning, and interpretations and themes should be used for clarification. Prose and poetry examples that are used should be clear and relevant. 19. Make use of music, the playing of instruments, dancing with joy, and hand movements to make statements and to entertain the crowd. Use short stories and various poetic styles during the narrations. 20. Keep in mind the satisfaction of many people and speak about that which is agreeable to the majority. Contradictions and points of contention should not be brought into the narration. 21. Don’t speak in such a way that is boring to the people. Speak in a manner which will touch their hearts. In that way, people will naturally speak about you with praise. 22. Experiment with the combination of Devotion (Bhakti), Knowledge (Jnana) and Detachment (Vairagya) in your spiritual practice. With proper reflection you can cure the sickness of worldliness. 23. Ones behavior in life should be in accordance with ones speech. In this way, one naturally acquires the qualities of leadership. 24. Having yogic knowledge without any sense of propriety is a sign of the disease of selfish desires. People in the company of such a person will surely suffer from misfortune. 25. Do not do anything that will cause other people trouble. A great leader contemplates on the all-powerful Lord Rama in the heart. 26. People like the one who has a detached attitude. Give explanations and narrations about God and spread the word of Rama throughout the universe and beyond. 27. When there is a great leader present whose presence is accompanied by music and singing, how can the gathering fall short of glory? People will cluster around him like the stars in the galaxies in the sky. 28. Where there is a lack of higher intellect, everything is disorganized. Without intellect how can there be any wisdom? 29. Making use of higher intellect, understand the Reality. Become more vast than the universe by way of your understanding. How can anyone bring in faulty pettiness there? 30. Here the doubt is removed, the intellect begins making efforts, and some good hope increases within the mind. Thus in Shri Dasbodh, a dialogue between the Guru and disciple, Sub-Chapter 9 of Chapter 12, named The Teaching About Effort is concluded. !! Jai Jai Raghuveer Samartha !!
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 17:25:38 +0000

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