Chapter: 13, Sub-Chapter: 4 The Dissolution || ShriRam - TopicsExpress


Chapter: 13, Sub-Chapter: 4 The Dissolution || ShriRam || 1. The earth and the five elements will come to an end at the final dissolution of the epoch (kalpa). This is the description that is elaborately explained in ancient scriptures. 2. There will be a lack of rain for a hundred years and creation will be burned up. The mountains and the surface of the land will be broken and cracked. 3. The sun will blaze twelve times brighter, and from its rays, flames will emerge that will scorch the earth for a hundred years. 4. The earth will become red hot. The flames will burn the divine serpent Shesha, and in his torment from being scorched he will vomit poison everywhere. 5. From that poison great flames will emanate which will burn the netherworlds and turn them to ashes. 6. Then the five elements will become greatly agitated and destructive winds of annihilation will spread the destructive fire, engulfing everything in all directions. 7. Then, the eleven destructive forces are whipped up into a furious frenzy and the fire from the twelve times increase of brightness of the sun will scorch everything entirely to destruction. 8. The wind and lightening will lash down and the hardness of the earth will crumble and get spread out in all directions. 9. Where will the great mountain Meru be, and who will care for whom? The sun, moon, and the stars all turn into dust. 10. The earth turns into powder and is consumed in the blazing fire, and the universe gets engulfed in an instant like it was in a huge furnace. 11. After the incineration, ashes are spread everywhere, and then in a great deluge, the earth becomes dissolved in water. 12. In the same way that baked lime dissolves in water, the earth will have no stability to hold itself together and the powdered ash will become dissolved in the water. 13. The forms of the serpent, tortoise and bear all disappear, and with them the support of the earth vanishes. Losing its hardness it becomes one with the water. 14. Then, huge clouds of destruction come together making a horrendous uproar of sound and violent thunder. Lightening strikes continuously with tremendous noise. 15. Hailstones, huge like mountains, fall down, and the wind is so powerful that even those mountains are blown away. The pitch-black darkness is so thick that there is no simile that can be used. 16. The ocean and the rivers merge into one and appear as if pouring down from the sky. The combining of all the waters is so great that the deluge of water covers everywhere. 17. Huge fish, tortoises and serpents as big as mountains fall everywhere and with a huge roar, all of the water gets mixed together. 18. The seven seas disappear into the surrounding oceans, and the oceans open up their boundaries overflowing with water everywhere. Then, the great blaze of fire becomes extremely turbulent and flares up in all directions. 19. The entire universe becomes like a great burning sphere of fire that burns up all of the water. It is truly a wondrous thing to see such a thing happen to the water. 20. With that, the water becomes completely evaporated, and the fire becomes unimaginably disastrous. Then, the fire gets extinguished by the great tempest of destructive wind. 21. Like a lamp that is extinguished with the movement of air, in the same way, the destructive fire is extinguished by the wind. Then the wind becomes so vast, it is beyond all imagination. 22. The wind is enormous, but it gets swallowed up and is dissipated into limitless empty space. The vast expanse of the five elements has come to an end. 23. The vast manifest creation and the Primal Illusion forget themselves thus dissolving the Great Causal Body. There is no place for even a tiny speck of anything to remain. 24. The visible universe disappears by this great dissolution. All that is inert as well as all that moves, disappears. What remains is only the indestructible Absolute Reality, Parabrahman. Thus in Shri Dasbodh, a dialogue between the Guru and disciple, Sub-Chapter 4 of Chapter 13, named The Dissolution is concluded. !! Jai Jai Raghuveer Samartha !!
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 13:27:59 +0000

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