Chapter 15: ENJOYING IN LIFE When something good happens to us we - TopicsExpress


Chapter 15: ENJOYING IN LIFE When something good happens to us we just need to enjoy! Enjoy! Don`t think about anything just enjoy in that moment. It won`t lass forever. Don`t think about tomorrow, about yesterday, don`t think at all! Just be happy and enjoy! Yesim was so happy! She spend whole afternoon with Cansel. She forgot how interesting he is. She never laugh so much! Today they will see again. He will sow you some books about pregnancy. She have a lot of things to ask him. She would ask sultan but she is busy with firm, Necips illness and everything. Ikbal is calling her whole morning but she don`t want o answer her. That terrible woman will probably bother her with thing about baby. Necip woke up. He smiled because he remembered that she finally said yes! Yes! Hi still wants to jump from happiness! He looked and she was lying and smiling. She was looking at the ring on her hand. She is acting like a small child when gets toy he wanted for so long. Necip hugged her. He started to smell her hair and he kissed her shoulder. She started to smile and she turned around to him. Zumrut: “Good morning.” Necip kissed her: “Good morning.” Zumrut was touching his face: “Why are you so happy today?” Necip: “Someone will become my wife today…” Zumrut: “Really?! I am also getting married got 10 days…” Necip set on in bed: “What?! 10 days?! What are you going to do for 10 days?!” Zumrut circled with her eyes: “Stop it Necip…” Necip lay down again and he had angry face. Zumrut was looking at him. He is sometimes really funny… What he thought?! That we will get married right away?! Man don`t understand anything… Zumrut kissed him: “Don`t be like that… I need to prepare everything…” Necip was looking at her so sad: “I don`t want to wait any longer.” Zumrut kissed him again: “But I am here. I am yours anyway…” Necip was touching her hair: “But it`s not the same…” Zumrut smiled. He is acting like a boy now. Necip: “Fine! You will get 5 days!” Zumrut kissed him. Necip: “I said 5.” Zumrut kissed him again. Necip: “Five…” She started to kiss him more. Necip was in heaven… He couldn`t help it… Necip: “Fine… 7… but not a day longer!” Zumrut smiled and she wanted to get up. Necip: “Where you think you are going?!” Zumrut looked at him so confused. He pulled her in bed again. Zumrut started to laugh. They just wanted to enjoy. Only that. Nothing else… Zumrut whispered: “if you start to act like this every morning I will need whole month…” they kissed. Necip whispered: “I am sure you will manage everything on time… This will help you…” they kissed again and this time Necip won`t let her from his hands… Ikbal got hew friend… Guess who… Yes, Miss. Karagul… Over night they became like one person. (And they looked like they are.) Ikbal was so happy because Kader won`t get married with Yesim. She was looking at Badiye and imaging how perfect she would be for Kader. And that perfection only she could see. Only woman like Ikbal couldn`t see what fake person was Badiye… Ikbal decided to meet her with Kader. She will call her to come at their home. Lunch will be perfect! She will call Yesim too so she can she what she lost… Oh, she will call Necip too. She will remember him on all meals she was preparing to him and which he loved so much… That will be perfect for him to see what he will lose if he stays with that devil… She will call him! Necip was reading newspaper while Zumrut was preparing in front of the mirror. He was looking at her an enjoying. When he just think that he will enjoy in that view for the rest of his life, some strange excitement poses him! He still can`t believe! He can`t explain how he feels… Zumrut turned around: “I`ll be back in couple hours. No work for you today. Ok?” Necip: “What?! You will leave me here alone?” Zumrut smiled at him: “Stop it… Read something, watch TV I don`t know… You will see you won`t even notice that I am not here.” Necip bowed his head: “That`s what you think…” Zumrut was looking at him and smiling. He was so sweet like that. Zumrut set in his lap and put her hand around his neck: “just today… Ok? Then you will go to work and sometimes with me to organize everything about wedding. Ok?” Necip hugged her and put his head on her chest. Zumrut hugged him and smiled. His phone ringed. Zumrut got up to bring it for him and she saw – Ikbal… Necip: “Yes, Ikbal?” Ikbal: “Necip… I was preparing some lunch. I wanted to call you to come. I will call Yesim too.” Necip: “I`ll see with Zumrut and I will cal you. Bye.” Ikbal: “Necip…” she wanted to die! She don`t want that woman in her house! But…no… Let her come… She will see everything that Ikbal wants… Poor her, she not even dreams that sultan have much, much bigger surprise for her… Zumrut: “What is it?” Necip: “Ikbal is preparing some lunch. She will call Yesim to come and she calls us too.” Zumrut was thinking how she is calling her on her terrain… Sultan just smiled. Fine Ikbal… I accept your game… But you don`t know that I already have big advantage… Zumrut kissed Necip: “Don`t worry I`ll be soon at home and we can go there.” Necip smiled and he kissed her. She is so perfect! I love her! I love her! Zumrut went to the door of the room when Necip shouted: “I love you!” Zumrut looked at him and she started to laugh: “I love you too, crazy man.” She went out smiling. Zumrut went to start organizing everything about the wedding. She decided to be a small wedding at home. She will prepare everything in the garden. She now have to go and talk to Yesim and Kerem she still didn`t tell them. She will call Yesim to see how she is. Yesim: “Sultan?” Zumrut: “Hi my love. How are you princess?” Yesim was smiling: “I am great mom! Guess with whom I am now?” Zumrut: “With whom?” Yesim: “Remember Cansel? He is my doctor now!” Zumrut: “Cansel?! He is doctor?” Yesim smiled: “Yes mom. And he gave me some books. He said that baby and I are just fine. Oh, Ikbal called me for some lunch…” Zumrut: “I know sweetie… She called us too. Forget on that now. I need your help. Whit the wedding.” Yesim: “What wedding?” Zumrut smiled: “My wedding…” Yesim started to cream: “O, my god, mom! That is great! Congratulation! Cansel my mom is getting married! O, mom, I am so happy for you… really… Just say and I will help with everything. Did you tell Kerem?” Zumrut: “Thank you princess. No, I still didn`t…” Yesim: “Great! I will tell him!” Zumrut: “Yesim…” Yesim: “Don`t worry mom… I`ll be good girl…” they both started to laugh. Ikbal was so excited! She was sure that she will win this time! That woman has no chance against her cooking. And her poor daughter… When she sees that Kader is with some other woman… oh, I will enjoy in it… enjoy… Necip was sitting alone at home. While he was sitting like that he decided that he will never again be like that! Never! He will be with her every second! They won`t lose any second being separated. He remembered that he was supposed to take her to some place that night when she was kidnapped. Yes, that is perfect! He will organize everything today… Zumrut came home and she was little angry… Necip saw that and he don`t know what happened. He came to her and her put his hands around her and kissed her. But she was cold. Necip: “What is it my moonlight?” he kissed her again. Zumrut: “Don`t you me – my moonlight… You don`t care about me anymore. I knew it! From the moment I said yes you don`t care anymore…” Necip: “What? What are you saying?!” Zumrut: “You said you will take care about flowers when they are picked up. You were lying…” Necip smiled and he started to kiss her again. Zumrut whispered: “Stop it I am angry…” Necip: “Just a little…”, he kissed her again, “I didn`t wanted to call her to disturb you. You said you will arrange wedding and you have little time for that.” He kissed her again. He was touching her face with his. He missed her so much. His moonlight. Necip whispered: “Don`t you know who I missed you whole day?! I was thinking just on you…” Zumrut put her arm around his neck: “I don`t believe you…” Necip smiled and they kissed. Necip: “I have surprise for you tonight.” Zumrut: “Another frog?” Necip laugh: “No… Big fish!” they both laugh. Ikbal prepared everything. She was waiting everyone to come. First came Badiye. Ikbal was so excited. But where is Kader? Ikbal heard the bell. Necip and Zumrut. Ikbal had her fake smile and Zumrut just looked at her ironic. She was smiling inside herself. What a great surprise she has for her… Everyone are waiting Yesim and Kader to come. Zumrut was sitting and looking at that girl. Zumrut feels something bad about her. She is so… Sultan can`t explain her feelings but… That girl is so fake… so fake… On the other side Badiye felt Sultans look on her and she felt so uncomfortable. Like sultan is reading her. Bell again. Yesim! But she wasn`t alone… She was with… Cansel! Ikbal was so confused… Who is he? How she dare to bring some unknown man at family lunch? (She was thinking that even she brought some hungry dog from the street…) Yesim came and she was so happy to see Zumrut and Necip. She met them with Cansel. Cansel felt little uncomfortable but Yesim insisted him to come. Ikbal didn`t heard when Yesim and Cansel congratulated to Zumrut and Necip. She was calling Kader to come. If he don`t come everything will be lost! But he wasn`t answering! Zumrut was talking with Cansel. She wanted to know everything about Yesims pregnancy. Yesim was looked at that girl and she didn`t liked her. Now Yesim understands why Ikbal insisted her to come. It is great that she brought Cansel. Badiye was just sitting there like banded dog. She was looking around the house. And she liked it. But she have to be careful and hide her looks. But she couldn`t hide it from two persons – Sultan and Yesim… Ikbal got in and she called them to sit for lunch. They were sitting and Ikbal was planning to sit next to Necip but Sultan apologized and she set next to him. Ikbal wanted to scream. But never mind… That devil will see how Necip enjoys in her meals! Yesim saw what happened and she realized what is for this meal… Yesim: “Where is father of my child?” Yesim saw that that girl didn`t pay attention… so, she was right… Ikbal had fake smile: “He is probably working…” Yesim: “Yes, probably. In some bar with some unknown girls…” Everyone felt uncomfortable after those Yesims words. Sultan put her hand on Yesims. She have to think on her and baby. Necip: “He is not at firm. When I am not there, he is who knows where…” Zumrut looked at him and she gave him the sign to change the subject. Necip: “Kerem won`t come Yesim?” Yesim: “Oh, he apologized. He has some obligations at collage…” Necip got up. Zumrut saw that he is upset. Probably because of that stupid Kader! If something happens to Necip again, she will deal with that boy! Ikbal: “Necip? Where are you going? Here come the meals. I prepared everything you love.” Ikbal looked at Zumrut. Zumrut just had her ironic smile. Zumrut got up to go out with Necip: “I`ll be right back Ikbal. No my love, don`t get up. I`ll be right back.” Zumrut was looking at him so worry and he just smiled at her and went out. Yesim: “Is the wedding prepared mom?” Ikbal looked at them confused: “But Kader told me that there is no wedding?!” Zumrut and Yesim looked each other and smiled. Yesim was looking and saying with her eyes – now sultan. Final hit! Zumrut had victories smile… Cansel and Badiye felt like they are on some battle field. They felt like if they just moved just a little bit, they will be shoot. Zumrut: “No, she is not talking about that wedding.” Ikbal: “I don`t understand…” Zumrut: “She is talking about Necips wedding.” Zumrut took one swallow of water from her glass. She was enjoying in Ikbals face over her glass. And now, really final hit. Zumrut: “He wanted us to get married today. But I couldn`t. I need some time to prepare everything… He always so inpatient .” Ikbal didn`t hear anything… like whole world crushed on her head. Her face was like frozen. Necip came back. He saw that some unpleasant silence is in the room. He looked at Zumrut, she smiled at him. He was happy because of that. So she is fine. What is going on then?! Cansel and Badiye were sitting there and they didn`t know how to act. He set and he saw Ikbals face… Oh, no… They told her… Zumrut took Necips hand: “Are you ok?” Necip smiled at her: “Don`t worry my moonlight.” Necip was sorry for Ikbal. But it is his fault! He should tell her about the wedding before they came here. Well, what he can do now… Necip: “Oh, here come the meals.” Zumrut: “But Necip you can`t it that! Doctors said that you mustn`t…” Necip: “I forgot… sorry my moonlight…” they both smiled. Yesim: “uh…” Zumrut: “What is it?” Cansel: “Are you ok Yesim?” Yesim: “I feel sick from these smells… I need to go out. I am sorry Ikbal.” She went out and Cansel went with her. Zumrut was sitting there and expecting from Necip to say or do something. Necip felt so uncomfortable because of Ikbal. Necip: “Are you ok Ikbal?” Ikbal didn`t moved at all from the moment Zumrut told her for the wedding. Zumrut was looking at her and smiling. Now try to do something against Necip and me… Zumrut: “well, we can eat salad. Don`t be so sad… Right Necip?” Necip: “Yes. We will eat that.” They were all eating in silence. Necip wanted to leave from there as soon as possible. But Zumrut wanted to enjoy in hers one more victory… Badiye… Well, she was there and she wasn`t. she was looking what is going on around her and she didn`t understand anything. Sultan looked at her. People who are there and you don`t notice have to be afraid of… they are the most dangerous. And sultan new that. She hated that kind of people. People who just shut up and look around of them. They looked so stupid, but their foolishness was their most powerful weapon. She will keep her eyes on this little one… oh, yes she will… Necip touched her hand and he stop her thoughts. Necip: “Shall we?” Zumrut smiled: “Ok… Thank you for meal Ikbal. We will see soon. Before the wedding I hope. But I will be so busy… never mind. You call me and we will arrange something. Bye.” Zumrut was acting like a butterfly. In some other occasion Necip will smile at her, but now… Ikbal… he was so sorry for her… He don`t want to think about that now! He just want to enjoy in happiness with his moonlight. Just that. He wanted to enjoy in hers YES. While they were driving in the car she was lying on his shoulder, holding his hand and talking something about the wedding. He didn`t hear anything. He was just enjoying in her. In her voice, her smell, in warmth of her body. They came. Zumrut: “Boat?! So you are really taking me for fishing…” Necip started to laugh: “Stop it… Come. I prepared you something.” Zumrut: “I hope better meal than Ikbal…” Necip: “Don`t sultan… Don`t tease her like that…” Zumrut looked at him and she kissed him: “You are right. I don`t want to think about anything now.” Necip put his hands around her: “Anything?!” Zumrut smiled: “Well… Maybe about one crazy man. One crazy in loved man…” they both smiled and they kissed. Necip took her hand: “Come.” Everything was so perfect on the boat. There was table with food, flowers, candles… And Zumrut started to laugh. Zumrut: “Music! We finally have music!” Necip smiled: “Just one violin… It will be enough…” Zumrut: “I don`t like this…” Necip: “What?!” Zumrut: “No, I mean violin… If he is here you will never kiss me…” she made her sad face of little girl. Necip smiled: ”But we want music. To dance with it.” Zumrut: “No. We don`t need that… Fine, let him play while we eat and then he will leave. Ok?” Necip: “As you wish sultan…” While they were eating Necip was looking at her. Sea breeze was sending her smell to him. Her face… Candles made it so beautiful. He could see every perfect line on her face and he just wanted to kiss her. She was right. This man just annoys me. Necip: “Thank you sir. You can go now.” Zumrut smiled: “Oh, someone wants to kiss me…” Necip got up and he reached out his hand: “Madam… Would you like to dance?” Zumrut: “Well, I didn`t finish with my meal… “ She smiled and she took his hand. He was holding her in his hands and he didn`t want anything else in this world. He had her eyes, her lips, her hair, her hands… He had her! She was looking at him and she loved that his look. She could see how he enjoys in her. She loved that the most. The way he enjoys in her. They were just looking like that to each other and they kissed. They were kissing for a long time… they were kissing and dancing. There was nothing around them… Just sound of water, sound of sea breeze, sound of their in loved hearts…
Posted on: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 01:18:38 +0000

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