Chapter 16 “Is he cute?” Cierra asked. “Does blonde hair, - TopicsExpress


Chapter 16 “Is he cute?” Cierra asked. “Does blonde hair, blue eyes, and british accent spell out cute?” Angel answered for me. “I’ve seen him once.” She added. Everyone seemed to be interested in my personal life ever since I started seeing Sage. All of my friends had been asking questions. At first they were upset that I was dating Matt’s brother, but they warmed up to it with given time. the entire watch schedule had changed. I mostly spent my time with Sage. You’d think after a few days we’d get tired of each other, but we never did. He picked me up from school, took me home, stayed with me until I fell asleep, and picked me up and took me to school. I don’t know what he did after I fall asleep. I never asked. You’d think of all people my parents would be upset about how much time I spent with Sage, but they seemed completely relaxed about it. After school I sat on the curb, waiting for Sage to pull up. It wasn’t long before he did. As soon as he stepped out of the car. The butterflies I rarely felt showed up. I smiled as he walked up to me nonchalantly. He came up, and sat next to me on the curb. “Hey.” He said, kissing my cheek. I leaned over, and rested my head on his shoulder. “Long day?” he asked. “Everyone is still asking questions. I’m kind of getting tired of answering them.” I answered with a sigh. “Then don’t. You don’t absolutely have to answer them.” He said. “They’re my friends, Sage. I know that’s kind of a foreign concept for you, but they do exist.” I replied jokingly. “I don’t need friends. I’ve got you.” He whispered in my ear. I smile shyly, and kiss him sweetly. “Whoa! Angel was right!” I heard Cierra’s enthusiastic voice sound behind me. I chuckled to myself, remembering our earlier conversation. “I told you.” I chuckled. “I worship you.” She smiled jokingly. Sage clears his throat. “This is my friend Cierra.” I introduced to Sage. “What are you doing here, anyway?” I asked, directing my attention back to Cierra. “I wanted to see his royal hotness for myself before I fed into other people’s opinions.” She answered with a shrug. “Alissa should be out in a minute. She wanted to see too.” She added. I looked to sage. He was smiling arrogantly. “You’re only feeding his ego. Don’t provoke him. His ego increases in size by the minute. Soon it will devour the entire human race.” I cautioned jokingly. “Oh, you think my ego is big. You just wait.” he chuckled. “See, now you’ve done it.” I said throwing my arms up in the air dramatically. Cierra laughs at our enthusiasm. “Whoa!” Alissa exclaimed, walking up to us. “I know right.” Cierra encouraged. “You really weren’t kidding. How do you even find time to speak?” Alissa smiled. “Well, I think I should be getting her home. It was nice meeting you two. Raised my self esteem a few levels.” Sage spoke kindly. It was the first time I hadn’t heard him use sarcasm in his tone. “Let the zombie apocalypse begin.” I mumbled to myself jokingly. Sage chuckled to himself, and gently pulled me to my feet. “See you later, guys.” I said, waving to Alissa and Cierra. They waved stiffly, and began to walk off of campus. When we got home my mother immediately greeted us. “How was your day?” My mother asked thoughtfully. “Fine.” I answered. She looked to Sage urgently. “And yours?” She asked. Sage looked down to me. “Same old, same old.” He answered. “Can I talk to you alone, Sage.” My mother asked, her voice shaking slightly. Sage nodded, and looked back to me. “I’ll meet in your room, okay?” He said. I nodded understandingly, and headed into my room. I couldn’t help but wonder what it was that my mother was so stressed about. I thought about how she had acted after I had walked through the door after the last ‘Katerina Rescue Mission’. Even then she had never been this awkward. Before long sage walked calmly through my bedroom door. He sat down by me on the bed. “Your mom had another vision.” He said calmly. “And?” I urged. “Carter and Brennon are watching your sister now.” He replied. “What? Why?” I asked, my voice starting to shake with panic. Your mom predicted another capture. Katerina, they’re going to try going after your sister. Try to draw you back in.” He explained. My head was spinning. I was perfectly fine when they were planning to capture me, but my family. My sister. That scared the hell out of me. Sage could obviously see my concern. “Brennon and Carter are there now. Keeping her safe.” He assured. I still didn’t feel that comfortable with the situation. Don’t get me wrong, Brennon and Carter are sure to protect my sister, worst case scenario, but that didn’t comfort me too much. “Would it make you feel any better if I was there?” He asked quietly. I nodded slightly. He leaned in and kissed me shortly then pull his cell phone out of his pocket. He puts the phone to his ear, and stared at me uncomfortably. “Yeah, hey, I kind of need to switch places with Carter.” He spoke resignedly. “What are you doing?” I asked fairly loudly. He held up his hand to shushing me. “Yeah, alright. I’ll see you when I get there.” He said. He pressed a button on his phone, and placed it back in his pocket. “What did you just do?” I demanded. “You said you would feel more comfortable if I was there. It’s not like I’ll get any sleep here knowing you can’t either.” He explained. I pull him into a tight hug. Despite my grip, he held me tighter. “I’ll be back soon.” Sage reassured. I smiled convincingly, and waved him off. I continued to watch as he drove away. “He’ll be alright, Kat. If I know my brother he’ll be back to you before you can even miss him.” Carter tried to comfort me. “Too late.” I mumbled. I wasn’t too happy with the idea of him being out there. I mean, initially he is apart of the race in which the hunters wished to exterminate. I didn’t know what I would have done with myself if something had happened to him
Posted on: Thu, 27 Jun 2013 08:13:16 +0000

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