Chapter 17 The Forest that was Demolished All around them - TopicsExpress


Chapter 17 The Forest that was Demolished All around them were trees pulled up from the roots and were torn apart by something strong. The trees were piled on top of each other blocking some pathways to go down but one of the entrances wasn’t blocked so they took the entrance to the left. Ragz bit his finger nails thinking what this creature could be. “Jasmine do you have an idea of what creature this could be?” Ragz asked, while sounding puzzled. “No sorry Ragz but I can’t wait to find out,” said Jasmine in excitement. “That’s alright Jasmine. I wonder where my brother got to. I need to stop him making things for the Dark Demon. If I stop him then maybe we will stand a chance defeating this Demon.” “Who is this Dark Demon?” Jasmine asked Before Ragz could speak Grizzly stepped into the conversation, “Well we all want to know that question but the Demon always hides its face behind the dark mask with ruby red eyes glowing through. I wonder if it’s human or a mythical creature behind all that gear.” Sandy stepped into the conversation as well. “Whatever it is, Bogz is making the Dark Demon even stronger. We must find him and fast!” The team followed the path through the dead forest, sticking together watching out for any enemies lurking around. Soon the team saw some foot prints in the soggy mud, there were animal and human foot prints. Jasmine spoke up with confidence. “Were not alone in the forest; keep your eyes peeled gang for some sudden movement. They gently stepped through the forest keeping their eyes peeled for a slight movement. As they strolled down the path, a rustling noise came from the bushes; they all froze on the spot waiting for something to leap out like a tiger or lion waiting for the right moment to surprise the heroes. Then two long pointy grey ears pricked up out of the bush. “Watch out everyone a pack of were wolves are around us,” Grizzly suggested, while his paws were wobbling like jelly reaching for his battle axes.” “Don’t be silly,” chuckled Jasmine “were wolves only come out when it’s a full moon.” A twitchy nose and two plain buck teeth poked through the bush. “It’s even worse, the creature might be a sabres tooth tiger!” screeched Sandy. Soon the creature came out of the bush, the whole team just burst out laughing by what they saw. The creature became a small grey rabbit with long ears, a twitchy nose with two bucked teeth sticking out of the rabbit’s mouth and big feet and paws to help it get around. The rabbit just looked at them strange. The rabbit then licked it’s self all over and sets off by hopping away into the distance. A gust of wind blew through the forest. Grizzly managed to sniff some of the breeze and caught a smell of perfume. Grizzly shuffled his nose across the floor searching for the person along the way. “I think I’ve found something, follow me and keep quiet.” They all crouched down following Grizzly one by one. Soon they came to the destination, There sitting on the floor slouched up next to a tree that had a split down the middle was a young boy. Jasmine thought it was Arthur so she rushed towards the young boy putting out her arms. The young boy lifted his head up. He had big bulgy blue eyes, small rounded nose, bright red lips and spiky blond hair. He wore a white long sleeved t-shirt, a dark green jacket, blue trousers and white trainers with black stripes. The boy then flew forward making a clattering noise, while heading for Jasmine. Jasmine looked shocked thinking how a boy could fly. Then the boy clenched his left fist hitting Jasmine in the stomach winding her in the process. All her friends rushed out, “You okay Jasmine?” they all asked. The young boy was acting weird, wobbling like he had no bones in his body. Then Sandy spotted something about the young boy. “That boy, it’s not real. We’re looking at a puppet. So somewhere theres a puppet master.” Jasmine looked at the puppet closely, it looked very scary with its bulgy eyes staring at her. Then the puppet opened its mouth shooting lots of thin needles at the Pandora Team. They weren’t just any ordinary needles, they had a drop of deadly poison weeping on the ends. Jasmine saw them coming and casted a shield to protect her team members. The shield was a blue ball that covered them all around. The puppet flew at them trying to force his fists through the shield, with every hit the shield began to lose power. Jasmine could feel the magic wearing off slowly. “Ragz, Grizzly and you Sandy get ready to back me up because the shield is wearing off.” Ragz pulled out his dagger, Grizzly reached across his back for his battle axes and Sandy was ready with her bow. The puppet swung his fist hitting the shield one last time. The shield smashed into smithereens. Sandy released her bow sending an arrow at the puppets head, Grizzly swung his battle axes and Ragz went for the strings to disconnect the puppet from the puppet master. The puppet master was too cleaver because somehow the puppet’s head vanished inside its body dodging the arrow then it gripped on to the bears paws, while kicking Ragz away. The puppet was strong it flipped Grizzly towards the ground forcing Grizzly’s arm back. Grizzly gave out a mighty roar. Ragz jumped at the puppet but the puppet shot out his head, knocking Ragz into Sandy. Grizzly managed to release himself by grabbing the puppets neck and punching the puppet in the stomach. The puppet landed on the floor in a heap but then sprang back up ready for action. Grizzly was amazed how quick it could recover. The puppet then tried again, entering the battle once again. Jasmine casted another spell, her wand blew out fire like a flamethrower burning the puppet up. The puppet master pulled the strings back making the puppet evacuate from the battle. The puppet flung itself on to the dirty floor trying to put out the flames. The puppet was disappointed with Jasmine and began to talk. “You will pay for that, you do not mess with me.” The puppets mouth clattered together looking like it was freezing cold. Suddenly a black and white bird flew down and flapped its wings, blowing the Pandora Team over. It was another puppet. The young boy began to laugh, “Meet my friend Sparrow and by the way my names Braxton.” Jasmine picked herself up from the floor, brushing the dirt off her red robe. “Come on out puppet master, you coward!” shouted Jasmine. A sweet little voice came behind the tree that had a crack down the middle. It was the puppet master. The puppet master was a young girl about ten years old. She had a bright red ponytail stretching down her back, shy green eyes and a young facial feature. “Who are you and why are you here?” the puppet master asked. Jasmine stepped forward gripping her wand in case the little girl attacked once again. “My names Jasmine and we have come from Pandora Castle making our way to Trolls Bridge. Now who are you?” “My names Rose and I am a puppeteer, I’ve been searching around Pandora for some good opponents and have finally found them. I give you a challenge, if you can defeat one of my puppets or show that your worthy, then I will show you Trolls Bridge.” “You’re joking we’ve already showed that we are worthy,” Jasmine replied. “Braxton and sparrow wants to play, let them have one more round,” Rose begged. “Why don’t we show them how strong we are Sparrow?” Braxton suggested. “Alright Braxton, Ill stand by your side to show these idiots that they should never mess with Rose the puppet master.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 20:32:49 +0000

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