Chapter 18 MY FIRST DAY AS UGONNAS GIRLFRIEND JUST STARTED. ***************************************** TIME : 2:00PM LOCATION : THE HEART, IKENEGBU, OWERRI. When we arrived at THE HEART fast food, I was wowed, just outside the fast food was beautiful, just like the name, the building had a heart shape, with flowers everywhere. welcome to the heart, we hope you enjoy your stay here the doorman said and i smiled. We stepped in and I was speechless, ive never seen a place this beautiful, it was just beautiful. The tables were heart-shaped with red chairs around them. As usual, hed already placed reservations for us. I had this unusual urge for a cake, i kept staring at a beautiful blue cake with rosy designs on it. I guess he caught me starring and signalled to a waitress to come. When she came, we placed our orders but I still had my eyes on the cake. She left to get our food when i noticed that someone was buying my cake. someone is taking my cake i didnt know when i blurted that out, he just smiled and I felt silly. The waitress came back with our orders, low and behold when I opened mine, i saw my blue cake!! *************************** I squealed in delight as I dug into the cake like a baby, he just laughed. We had fun together, after eating, i told him i wanted to go to his house but he didnt want me to, when i insisted, he gave in. we headed to his house, just behind rockview hotel. We drove into this all white house and I knew the true definition of influential... It was huge!! We packed in the garage and I fed my eyes... Cars were everywhere, I just had to close my mouth tight so my jaw wont drop open. We stepped into the house and God was it awesome. For the first time in my life, I asked myself if I was his class. The parlour was painted white too, with black suede cushions, the curtains had a flowery combination of blue and white. There was this beautiful painting of a montain view and I knew it was expensive. There was also a family picture (three boys and a girl with their parents) i recognized Ugonna and Nnamdi there. The older woman in the picture was very beautiful, thats your mum, right? Shes beautiful. i said touching the picture. yeah she is, thank you. he said and gave me a sad smile. He led me to his room, it was cute too, he had this poster of Eminem on the wall. I opened his wardrobe, and i was stunned, clothes upon clothes and shoes upon shoes. do you wear all these?? I asked in amazement. because youd wear these clothes in a year without repeating any. yeah i do he replied laughing. I was backing him and still going through the clothes when I felt his hand on my waist, and I smiled. al, youve made me the happiest man by accepting my proposal, i wont hurt you... he said. I turned around and kissed him, he tasted so good, i felt so good in his arms till his phone interrupted, he brought it out from his pocket and i saw celia calling. He didnt pick, he made to kiss me again, but I turned around again to face the clothes. Some minutes later as we were licking ice cream and playing playstation three and he was whipping my asss badly, i heard the gate man open the gate. I asked him who he was expecting, he said no one, we went back to the game as he spoon fed me. I went close to kiss him when his door barged open.. I turned to the door and saw a tall cutie in a bum short and crop top. celia, what are you doing here? he asked in part-suprise and part- irritation. whos she?? So thats the reason why you refused to pick my calls?? the celia girl asked. Shes my gi- he was answering before I cut him off. Im alma, and honey, a she and not a that would have been appropriate, dont you think? i asked with a smile. so Ugonna, just some months and youve gotten yourself a girlfriend already? We loved each other, how could you forget? she asked. Okay okay, i just cant sit here and listen to crap, i said to myself. ok, am going to spare myself your mushy mushy love lost details, im going home, see you later Ugonna. Bye celia. i said and walked out. let me drop you off atleast ugonna said, i just said no as i walked out. No no, that was too easy, i said, as i walked back in, I wanted to show the Celia girl that Ugonnas mine. I walked back to his room, looked at the both of them and went straight to Ugonna, kissed him long and hard, i love you honey. i said. i love you too, but I insist on dropping you off. he said. I grinned and walked off to the garage. NOW THAT FELT GOOD. Watch Out For Part 19*******
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 19:48:04 +0000

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