Chapter 186 Ehhh ngakwata ngapohose ngafa misi ekuseni, Titi - TopicsExpress


Chapter 186 Ehhh ngakwata ngapohose ngafa misi ekuseni, Titi woke me uo nga 6. Kutsi nje bekwente njan nam angati. Titi- Am friend, am sorry shem, can i copy ur project Me- Kunatse nine kwadzakwa yena? Titi- no my friend, i want to submit it, ngisemufa yati with my work. Me- Awume pls am trying to rest. Ngadonsa ingubo ngabuyela ngalala. Phela bekadlala ngam Titi. Cha vele it was not my morning. Kwashaya Mk, Yoooh did he really have to call ngidzinwe kangaka. Yati nje umuntfu ungeke ukhone nekumtjela kutsi udzinwe yini, phela nje ngabe ngisukela i war. Ngabamba shem ngatincenga sakhuluma, thank God naye he was rushing to a meeting so nje he kept it short. Ngaphindze ngabuyela ngalala. Ngase ngivuka sengivuswa yiAlarm. eish bekufana nje, i was still sleepy and tired. I went to take a cold shower, ngakhandza Titi busy trying do do the project. Me- U doing the project Titi- yeh it its so complicated, pls give me yours Me- I wont do that Titi- Y? Coz i went out with Kgosi Me- Not Kgosi, u knew we have a project, u have been away from class liviki lonkhe but u choose to have fun iinstead. Titi- Come on, u know i had to talk to them Me- Nope my friend, u own ur own Ngahamba ngangena ebath room and had i cold shower. Bengiva yi hangover.Ngeva iphone yami ikhala so ngaphuma ngematubane to get it, I was Sipho. Me- Eta Sipho- Oh u up Me- unfortunately Sipho- hahaha i thought u still sleeping, so i should wake u up before u get late for class. Me- Nah am up, thank u tho Sipho- Sharp. see u in class Me- see ya Ngabuyela ebath room and got ready for school, le weather beyingabonakali if kutoshisa of not so ke mine ngagcoka ngaba wam just to b on the safe side. Ngaphuma Titi was still busy, hahahaha huuu futsi labanye bantfu Me- Am living, asambe Titi- eish its time? give me 2 minutes. uhmm u look good, why u dressed up. Ok i was not dressed up, just pair of white jeans, Khakhi boots with a matching leather jacket n scarf. The bikker babe way. Me- u seeing thing Titi- am serious, whats the story with u n Sipho, u came back late last night Me- Oh wawa had some party n it was so great, so besiye khona na Sipho Titi- but u said u dont wana drink kitsi Me- Yeah that was before ngicedze kubhala. Saphuma and went to school, Masifika we were few minutes early so Titi got time to continue with her work. My head was spinning shem, we went to class and hehehehe i was not the only one with a hang over, wonkhe nje umuntfu who was at wawas place, they all good funny. Sipho was not in class yet. Ngavusela some other girls nje satsi kucoca about the party kancane then ngahlala phansi ngalala on the table. it was really bad shem. Ngeva nje Sipho sekangivusa. Sipho- Hahahaha u still drunk Me- No eish mara i have a hang over Sipho- eish me too, try this. Bekanatsa i coke so he gave it to me. I took it ngaatsa, He walked away wayohlala phansi. The lecturer came in, cha shem I was so lost, kute bengikuva and it was not just me, sonkhe, labanye ke bebalele straight. Wakwata loLecturer wasinika unsebenti longakanani shem, ngatsi besekalaya. I had one last more class to attended, and saba nenhlahla that lecturer wafike nje watsatsa his assigments and the project. Cha bengifuna nje kolala, the ke later ngitobese ngibona lomsebenti walomake. Titi yena bekasatosala at school try catch up. Ngaphuma eclasini and went to the car park. Ngahlangana nalomgani wababe. Him- How are u Khumalo Me- Am good thank u, how are u sir Him- Am good, How are the classes, have u settled in well Me- Very well sir, everything is fine. Him- Thank Good, u have to work hard here Me- True, its to much work. I have been wondering, when is the next intake for first year student Him- Uhm it depends on the course, y do u ask Me- I have a frend from back home, she wants to enroll Him- Uhm I see, What does she want to do Me- Am not sure, i would have to ask Him- Yeah ask your friend, maybe he/she can be lucky and start soon, if he has the tuition money ready. Me- I will ask her then caome to your office tomorrow, am sure she has the money. Him- come to my office tomorrow then, but do tell this friend of yours that if i have to bend a few rules for her then A man must eat, u know what the say, money talkS*GIGGLING* Wangena in his car nami ngangena and went straight t sleep. Ngahlangana naT when i got to the flats. T- U back early Me- Yeah am tired T- u came back late, where were u Me- Just out with friends. T- ohh i see, Can i see u later, we can have dinner Me- AY yeah whatever Bengingakhanuki nje kukhuluma a whole lot of nothing, so ngavema and walked away, ngafike nje ngatijika embedzeni ngalala. Angimati nekutsi wafika nini Titi.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 10:03:25 +0000

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